Merge branch 'master' into jwi-bcc64xsingletonwarning
[ACE_TAO.git] / ACE / examples / Threads / future1.cpp
2 //=============================================================================
3 /**
4 * @file future1.cpp
6 * This example tests the ACE Future.
8 * @author Andres Kruse <> and Douglas C. Schmidt <>
9 */
10 //=============================================================================
13 #include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"
14 #include "ace/OS_NS_unistd.h"
15 #include "ace/OS_main.h"
16 #include "ace/ACE.h"
17 #include "ace/Task.h"
18 #include "ace/Thread_Mutex.h"
19 #include "ace/Message_Queue.h"
20 #include "ace/Future.h"
21 #include "ace/Method_Request.h"
22 #include "ace/Activation_Queue.h"
23 #include "ace/Atomic_Op.h"
24 #include <memory>
26 #if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)
28 typedef ACE_Atomic_Op<ACE_Thread_Mutex, int> ATOMIC_INT;
30 // a counter for the tasks..
31 static ATOMIC_INT task_count (0);
33 // a counter for the futures..
34 static ATOMIC_INT future_count (0);
35 static ATOMIC_INT future_no (0);
37 // a counter for the capsules..
38 static ATOMIC_INT capsule_count (0);
39 static ATOMIC_INT capsule_no (0);
41 // a counter for the method objects...
42 static ATOMIC_INT methodobject_count (0);
43 static ATOMIC_INT methodobject_no (0);
45 /**
46 * @class Scheduler
48 * @brief Active Object Scheduler.
50 class Scheduler : public ACE_Task_Base
52 friend class Method_RequestWork;
53 public:
54 Scheduler (const char *, Scheduler * = 0);
55 virtual ~Scheduler ();
57 //FUZZ: disable check_for_lack_ACE_OS
58 ///FUZZ: enable check_for_lack_ACE_OS
59 virtual int open (void *args = 0);
60 virtual int close (u_long flags = 0);
62 virtual int svc ();
64 ACE_Future<u_long> work (u_long param, int count = 1);
65 ACE_Future<const char*> name ();
66 void end ();
68 u_long work_i (u_long, int);
69 const char *name_i ();
71 private:
72 char *name_;
73 ACE_Activation_Queue activation_queue_;
74 Scheduler *scheduler_;
77 /**
78 * @class Method_Request_work
80 * @brief Reification of the <work> method.
82 class Method_Request_work : public ACE_Method_Request
84 public:
85 Method_Request_work (Scheduler *, u_long, int, ACE_Future<u_long> &);
86 virtual ~Method_Request_work ();
87 virtual int call ();
89 private:
90 Scheduler *scheduler_;
91 u_long param_;
92 int count_;
93 ACE_Future<u_long> future_result_;
96 Method_Request_work::Method_Request_work (Scheduler* new_Scheduler,
97 u_long new_param,
98 int new_count,
99 ACE_Future<u_long> &new_result)
100 : scheduler_ (new_Scheduler),
101 param_ (new_param),
102 count_ (new_count),
103 future_result_ (new_result)
106 "(%t) Method_Request_work created\n"));
109 Method_Request_work::~Method_Request_work ()
111 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) Method_Request_work will be deleted.\n"));
116 Method_Request_work::call ()
118 return this->future_result_.set (this->scheduler_->work_i (this->param_, this->count_));
122 * @class Method_Request_name
124 * @brief Reification of the <name> method.
126 class Method_Request_name : public ACE_Method_Request
128 public:
129 Method_Request_name (Scheduler *, ACE_Future<const char*> &);
130 virtual ~Method_Request_name ();
131 virtual int call ();
133 private:
134 Scheduler *scheduler_;
135 ACE_Future<const char *> future_result_;
138 Method_Request_name::Method_Request_name (Scheduler *new_scheduler,
139 ACE_Future<const char *> &new_result)
140 : scheduler_ (new_scheduler),
141 future_result_ (new_result)
144 "(%t) Method_Request_name created\n"));
147 Method_Request_name::~Method_Request_name ()
150 "(%t) Method_Request_name will be deleted.\n"));
154 Method_Request_name::call ()
156 return future_result_.set (scheduler_->name_i ());
160 * @class Method_Request_end
162 * @brief Reification of the <end> method.
164 class Method_Request_end : public ACE_Method_Request
166 public:
167 Method_Request_end (Scheduler *new_scheduler): scheduler_ (new_scheduler) {}
168 virtual ~Method_Request_end () {}
169 virtual int call () { return -1; }
171 private:
172 /// Keep track of our scheduler.
173 Scheduler *scheduler_;
176 // Constructor.
177 Scheduler::Scheduler (const char *newname,
178 Scheduler *new_scheduler)
180 ACE_NEW (this->name_, char[ACE_OS::strlen (newname) + 1]);
181 ACE_OS::strcpy (this->name_, newname);
182 this->scheduler_ = new_scheduler;
183 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) Scheduler %s created\n", this->name_));
186 // Destructor
187 Scheduler::~Scheduler ()
189 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) Scheduler %s will be destroyed\n", this->name_));
190 delete [] this->name_;
193 // open
195 Scheduler::open (void *)
197 task_count++;
198 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) Scheduler %s open\n", this->name_));
199 return this->activate (THR_BOUND);
202 // close
204 Scheduler::close (u_long)
206 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) Scheduler %s close\n", this->name_));
207 task_count--;
208 return 0;
211 // service..
213 Scheduler::svc ()
215 for (;;)
217 // Dequeue the next method object (we use an unique pointer in
218 // case an exception is thrown in the <call>).
219 std::unique_ptr<ACE_Method_Request> mo (this->activation_queue_.dequeue ());
221 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) calling method object\n"));
222 // Call it.
223 if (mo->call () == -1)
224 break;
225 // Destructor automatically deletes it.
228 /* NOTREACHED */
229 return 0;
232 void
233 Scheduler::end ()
235 this->activation_queue_.enqueue (new Method_Request_end (this));
239 // Here's where the Work takes place.
240 u_long
241 Scheduler::work_i (u_long param,
242 int count)
244 ACE_UNUSED_ARG (count);
246 return ACE::is_prime (param, 2, param / 2);
249 const char *
250 Scheduler::name_i ()
252 char *the_name;
254 ACE_NEW_RETURN (the_name, char[ACE_OS::strlen (this->name_) + 1], 0);
255 ACE_OS::strcpy (the_name, this->name_);
257 return the_name;
260 ACE_Future<const char *>
261 Scheduler::name ()
263 if (this->scheduler_)
264 // Delegate to the Scheduler.
265 return this->scheduler_->name ();
266 else
268 ACE_Future<const char*> new_future;
270 // @@ What happens if new fails here?
271 this->activation_queue_.enqueue
272 (new Method_Request_name (this, new_future));
274 return new_future;
278 ACE_Future<u_long>
279 Scheduler::work (u_long newparam,
280 int newcount)
282 if (this->scheduler_) {
283 return this->scheduler_->work (newparam, newcount);
285 else {
286 ACE_Future<u_long> new_future;
288 this->activation_queue_.enqueue
289 (new Method_Request_work (this, newparam, newcount, new_future));
290 return new_future;
294 // @@ These values should be set by the command line options!
296 // Total number of loops.
297 static size_t n_loops = 100;
300 ACE_TMAIN (int, ACE_TCHAR *[])
302 Scheduler *andres, *peter, *helmut, *matias;
304 // Create active objects..
305 // @@ Should "open" be subsumed within the constructor of
306 // Scheduler()?
307 ACE_NEW_RETURN (andres, Scheduler ("andres"), -1);
308 andres->open ();
309 ACE_NEW_RETURN (peter, Scheduler ("peter"), -1);
310 peter->open ();
311 ACE_NEW_RETURN (helmut, Scheduler ("helmut"), -1);
312 helmut->open ();
314 // Matias passes all asynchronous method calls on to Andres...
315 ACE_NEW_RETURN (matias, Scheduler ("matias", andres), -1);
316 matias->open ();
318 for (size_t i = 0; i < n_loops; i++)
321 ACE_Future<u_long> fresulta, fresultb, fresultc, fresultd, fresulte;
322 ACE_Future<const char *> fname;
324 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) going to do a non-blocking call\n"));
326 fresulta = andres->work (9013);
327 fresultb = peter->work (9013);
328 fresultc = helmut->work (9013);
329 fresultd = matias->work (9013);
330 fname = andres->name ();
332 // see if the result is available...
333 if (fresulta.ready ())
334 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) wow.. work is ready.....\n"));
336 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) non-blocking call done... now blocking...\n"));
338 // Save the result of fresulta.
340 fresulte = fresulta;
342 if (i % 3 == 0)
344 // Every 3rd time... disconnect the futures...
345 // but "fresulte" should still contain the result...
346 fresulta.cancel (10);
347 fresultb.cancel (20);
348 fresultc.cancel (30);
349 fresultd.cancel (40);
352 u_long resulta = 0, resultb = 0, resultc = 0, resultd = 0, resulte = 0;
354 fresulta.get (resulta);
355 fresultb.get (resultb);
356 fresultc.get (resultc);
357 fresultd.get (resultd);
358 fresulte.get (resulte);
360 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) result a %u\n", (u_int) resulte));
361 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) result b %u\n", (u_int) resulta));
362 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) result c %u\n", (u_int) resultb));
363 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) result d %u\n", (u_int) resultc));
364 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) result e %u\n", (u_int) resultd));
366 const char *name = 0;
368 fname.get (name);
370 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) name %s\n", name));
371 delete [] (char *) name;
375 "(%t) task_count %d future_count %d capsule_count %d methodobject_count %d\n",
376 task_count.value (),
377 future_count.value (),
378 capsule_count.value (),
379 methodobject_count.value ()));
382 // Close things down.
383 andres->end ();
384 peter->end ();
385 helmut->end ();
386 matias->end ();
388 ACE_OS::sleep (2);
391 "(%t) task_count %d future_count %d capsule_count %d methodobject_count %d\n",
392 task_count.value (),
393 future_count.value (),
394 capsule_count.value (),
395 methodobject_count.value ()));
397 ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"(%t) th' that's all folks!\n"));
399 ACE_OS::sleep (5);
400 return 0;
403 #else
405 ACE_TMAIN (int, ACE_TCHAR *[])
407 ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "threads not supported on this platform\n"));
408 return 0;
410 #endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */