3 "These examples were developed by and are included in this
4 distribution with the permission of Object Computing, Inc. (OCI)
5 for the purpose of illustrating the usage of certain features of
6 The ACE ORB (TAO) as described in OCI's TAO Developer's Guide.
7 They are provided as is with no warranty, expressed or implied.
8 Though the examples are believed to illustrate correct usage of
9 TAO, OCI does not actively maintain them in this distribution and
10 does not guarantee their accuracy or their suitability for any
11 particular use. OCI does provide additional distributions of TAO
12 and provides commercial support for TAO. Visit
13 http://www.theaceorb.com or contact sales@ociweb.com for more
14 information on OCI's business model with respect to TAO."
15 "These examples were developed by and are included in this
16 distribution with the permission of Object Computing, Inc. (OCI)
17 for the purpose of illustrating the usage of certain features of
18 The ACE ORB (TAO) as described in OCI's TAO Developer's Guide.
19 They are provided as is with no warranty, expressed or implied.
20 Though the examples are believed to illustrate correct usage of
21 TAO, OCI does not actively maintain them in this distribution and
22 does not guarantee their accuracy or their suitability for any
23 particular use. OCI does provide additional distributions of TAO
24 and provides commercial support for TAO. Visit
25 http://www.theaceorb.com or contact sales@ociweb.com for more
26 information on OCI's business model with respect to TAO."