archrelease: copy trunk to community-any
[ArchLinux/community.git] / python-pytorch-rocm / trunk / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Torsten Keßler <tpkessler at archlinux dot org>
2 # Contributor: acxz <akashpatel2008 at yahoo dot com>
3 # Contributor: Sven-Hendrik Haase <>
4 # Contributor: Stephen Zhang <zsrkmyn at gmail dot com>
5 # Contributor: Federico Zappone <federico dot zappone at unimol dot it>
7 _pkgname="pytorch"
8 pkgbase="python-${_pkgname}-rocm"
9 pkgname=("${pkgbase}" "python-pytorch-opt-rocm")
10 pkgver=1.13.1
11 _pkgver=1.13.1
12 pkgrel=2
13 _pkgdesc="Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration"
14 pkgdesc="${_pkgdesc}"
15 arch=('x86_64')
16 url=""
17 license=('BSD')
18 depends=('google-glog' 'gflags' 'opencv' 'openmp' 'rccl' 'pybind11' 'python' 'python-yaml' 'libuv'
19          'python-numpy' 'protobuf' 'ffmpeg4.4' 'python-future' 'qt5-base' 'intel-oneapi-mkl'
20          'python-typing_extensions')
21 makedepends=('python' 'python-setuptools' 'python-yaml' 'python-numpy' 'cmake' 'rocm-hip-sdk' 'roctracer'
22              'miopen' 'git' 'hipmagma' 'ninja' 'pkgconfig' 'doxygen' 'gcc11' 'onednn'
23              'vulkan-headers' 'shaderc')
24 source=("${_pkgname}-${pkgver}::git+$_pkgver"
25         # generated using parse-submodules
26         "${pkgname}-cub::git+"
27         "${pkgname}-NNPACK::git+"
28         "${pkgname}-ios-cmake::git+"
29         "${pkgname}-pthreadpool::git+"
30         "${pkgname}-FXdiv::git+"
31         "${pkgname}-gloo::git+"
32         "${pkgname}-benchmark::git+"
33         "${pkgname}-pybind11::git+"
34         "${pkgname}-googletest::git+"
35         "${pkgname}-enum34::git+"
36         "${pkgname}-six::git+"
37         "${pkgname}-cpuinfo::git+"
38         "${pkgname}-protobuf::git+"
39         "${pkgname}-foxi::git+"
40         "${pkgname}-sleef::git+"
41         "${pkgname}-ideep::git+"
42         "${pkgname}-nccl::git+"
43         "${pkgname}-zstd::git+"
44         "${pkgname}-gemmlowp::git+"
45         "${pkgname}-QNNPACK::git+"
46         "${pkgname}-onnx-tensorrt::git+"
47         "${pkgname}-onnx::git+"
48         "${pkgname}-cudnn-frontend::git+"
49         "${pkgname}-ARM_NEON_2_x86_SSE::git+"
50         "${pkgname}-ittapi::git+"
51         "${pkgname}-fbjni::git+"
52         "${pkgname}-json::git+"
53         "${pkgname}-fbgemm::git+"
54         "${pkgname}-fmt::git+"
55         "${pkgname}-kineto::git+"
56         "${pkgname}-tbb::git+"
57         "${pkgname}-tensorpipe::git+"
58         "${pkgname}-psimd::git+"
59         "${pkgname}-XNNPACK::git+"
60         "${pkgname}-FP16::git+"
61         "${pkgname}-flatbuffers::git+"
62         "${pkgname}-eigen::git+"
63         "${pkgname}-PeachPy::git+"
64         "${pkgname}-pocketfft::git+"
65         fix_include_system.patch
66         use-system-libuv.patch
67         fix-building-for-torchvision.patch
68         87773.patch
69         ffmpeg4.4.patch
70         gloo-linux-6.patch)
71 sha256sums=('SKIP'
72             'SKIP'
73             'SKIP'
74             'SKIP'
75             'SKIP'
76             'SKIP'
77             'SKIP'
78             'SKIP'
79             'SKIP'
80             'SKIP'
81             'SKIP'
82             'SKIP'
83             'SKIP'
84             'SKIP'
85             'SKIP'
86             'SKIP'
87             'SKIP'
88             'SKIP'
89             'SKIP'
90             'SKIP'
91             'SKIP'
92             'SKIP'
93             'SKIP'
94             'SKIP'
95             'SKIP'
96             'SKIP'
97             'SKIP'
98             'SKIP'
99             'SKIP'
100             'SKIP'
101             'SKIP'
102             'SKIP'
103             'SKIP'
104             'SKIP'
105             'SKIP'
106             'SKIP'
107             'SKIP'
108             'SKIP'
109             'SKIP'
110             'SKIP'
111             '557761502bbd994d9795bef46779e4b8c60ba0b45e7d60841f477d3b7f28a00a'
112             'cd9ac4aaa9f946ac5eafc57cf66c5c16b3ea7ac8af32c2558fad0705411bb669'
113             '600bd6a4bbcec9f99ab815d82cee1c2875530b2b75f4010da5ba72ce9bf31aff'
114             'bbc61ba2392bd4c6766cca820d4c5ca51ef9abd188e53884b95abcbe4d89a20e'
115             '75001b59e76831b0c93a547f851cb980e00b0d8cc7b66fb507eaeac217dc6ff9'
116             '91061f2ec36b5aa2002053654e1517d04bc2defa1ce3985ac554944a6497ce52')
117 options=('!lto')
119 get_pyver () {
120   python -c 'import sys; print(str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1]))'
123 prepare() {
124   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}"
126   # generated using parse-submodules
127   git submodule init
129   git config submodule."third_party/pybind11".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-pybind11
130   git config submodule."third_party/cub".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-cub
131   git config submodule."third_party/eigen".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-eigen
132   git config submodule."third_party/googletest".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-googletest
133   #
134   #git config submodule."third_party/benchmark".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-benchmark
135   git config submodule."third_party/protobuf".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-protobuf
136   git config submodule."third_party/ios-cmake".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-ios-cmake
137   git config submodule."third_party/NNPACK".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-NNPACK
138   git config submodule."third_party/gloo".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-gloo
139   git config submodule."third_party/NNPACK_deps/pthreadpool".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-pthreadpool
140   git config submodule."third_party/NNPACK_deps/FXdiv".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-FXdiv
141   git config submodule."third_party/NNPACK_deps/FP16".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-FP16
142   git config submodule."third_party/NNPACK_deps/psimd".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-psimd
143   git config submodule."third_party/zstd".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-zstd
144   git config submodule."third_party/cpuinfo".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-cpuinfo
145   git config submodule."third_party/python-enum".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-enum34
146   git config submodule."third_party/python-peachpy".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-PeachPy
147   git config submodule."third_party/python-six".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-six
148   git config submodule."third_party/onnx".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-onnx
149   git config submodule."third_party/onnx-tensorrt".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-onnx-tensorrt
150   git config submodule."third_party/sleef".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-sleef
151   git config submodule."third_party/ideep".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-ideep
152   git config submodule."third_party/gemmlowp/gemmlowp".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-gemmlowp
153   git config submodule."third_party/QNNPACK".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-QNNPACK
154   git config submodule."third_party/neon2sse".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-ARM_NEON_2_x86_SSE
155   git config submodule."third_party/fbgemm".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-fbgemm
156   git config submodule."third_party/foxi".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-foxi
157   git config submodule."third_party/tbb".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-tbb
158   git config submodule."android/libs/fbjni".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-fbjni
159   git config submodule."third_party/XNNPACK".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-XNNPACK
160   git config submodule."third_party/fmt".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-fmt
161   git config submodule."third_party/tensorpipe".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-tensorpipe
162   git config submodule."third_party/kineto".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-kineto
163   git config submodule."third_party/pocketfft".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-pocketfft
164   git config submodule."third_party/ittapi".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-ittapi
165   git config submodule."third_party/flatbuffers".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-flatbuffers
166   git config submodule."third_party/nlohmann".url "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"-json
168   git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update --init --recursive
169   sed "1i#include <mutex>" -i third_party/kineto/libkineto/src/RoctracerActivityApi.h
171   #
172   patch -N torch/utils/ "${srcdir}"/fix_include_system.patch
174   # Use system libuv
175   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/use-system-libuv.patch
177   # fix
178   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/fix-building-for-torchvision.patch"
180   # Fix building against glog 0.6
181   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/87773.patch"
183   # build against ffmpeg4.4
184   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/ffmpeg4.4.patch"
186   cd "third_party/gloo"
187   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/gloo-linux-6.patch"
189   cd "${srcdir}"
191   cp -r "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-rocm"
192   cp -r "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" "${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-opt-rocm"
194   export VERBOSE=1
195   export PYTORCH_BUILD_VERSION="${pkgver}"
198   # Check tools/setup_helpers/, and CMakeLists.txt for a list of flags that can be set via env vars.
199   export ATEN_NO_TEST=ON # do not build ATen tests
200   export USE_MKLDNN=ON
202   export BUILD_CAFFE2=ON
203   export BUILD_CAFFE2_OPS=ON
204   # export BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF
205   export USE_FFMPEG=ON
206   export USE_GFLAGS=ON
207   export USE_GLOG=ON
208   export BUILD_BINARY=ON
209   export USE_OBSERVERS=ON
210   export USE_OPENCV=ON
211   # export USE_SYSTEM_LIBS=ON  # experimental, not all libs present in repos
212   export USE_CUPTI_SO=ON  # make sure is used as shared lib
213   export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-11
214   export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-11
215   export CUDAHOSTCXX=/usr/bin/g++-11
219 build() {
220   export PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH="gfx803;gfx900;gfx906;gfx908;gfx90a;gfx1030"
222   echo "Building with rocm and without non-x86-64 optimizations"
223   export USE_CUDA=0
224   export USE_CUDNN=0
225   export USE_ROCM=1
226   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-rocm"
227   echo "add_definitions(-march=x86-64)" >> cmake/MiscCheck.cmake
229   # Apply changes needed for ROCm
230   python tools/amd_build/
232   # this horrible hack is necessary because the current release
233   # ships inconsistent CMake which tries to build objects before
234   # thier dependencies, build twice when dependencies are available
235   python build || python build
237   echo "Building with rocm and with non-x86-64 optimizations"
238   export USE_CUDA=0
239   export USE_CUDNN=0
240   export USE_ROCM=1
241   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-opt-rocm"
242   echo "add_definitions(-march=haswell)" >> cmake/MiscCheck.cmake
244   # Apply changes needed for ROCm
245   python tools/amd_build/
247   # same horrible hack as above
248   python build || python build
251 _package() {
252   # Prevent from re-running CMake and rebuilding
253   sed -e 's/RUN_BUILD_DEPS = True/RUN_BUILD_DEPS = False/g' -i
255   python install --root="${pkgdir}"/ --optimize=1 --skip-build
257   install -Dm644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
259   pytorchpath="usr/lib/python$(get_pyver)/site-packages/torch"
260   install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib"
262   # put CMake files in correct place
263   mv "${pkgdir}/${pytorchpath}/share/cmake" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/cmake"
265   # put C++ API in correct place
266   mv "${pkgdir}/${pytorchpath}/include" "${pkgdir}/usr/include"
267   find "${pkgdir}/${pytorchpath}"/lib/ -type f,l \( -iname '*.so' -or -iname '*.so*' \) -print0 | while read -rd $'\0' _lib; do
268     mv "${_lib}" "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/
269   done
271   # clean up duplicates
272   # TODO: move towards direct shared library dependecy of:
273   #   c10, caffe2, libcpuinfo, gloo, GTest, Intel MKL,
274   #   ONNX, protobuf, libthreadpool, QNNPACK
275   rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/include/pybind11"
277   # python module is hardcoded to look there at runtime
278   ln -s /usr/include "${pkgdir}/${pytorchpath}/include"
279   find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib -maxdepth 1 -type f,l \( -iname '*.so' -or -iname '*.so*' \) -print0 | while read -rd $'\0' _lib; do
280     ln -s ${_lib#"$pkgdir"} "${pkgdir}/${pytorchpath}/lib/"
281   done
284 package_python-pytorch-rocm() {
285   pkgdesc="${_pkgdesc} (with ROCm)"
286   depends+=(rocm-hip-sdk roctracer miopen hipmagma)
287   conflicts=(python-pytorch)
288   provides=(python-pytorch)
290   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-rocm"
291   _package
294 package_python-pytorch-opt-rocm() {
295   pkgdesc="${_pkgdesc} (with ROCm and AVX2 CPU optimizations)"
296   depends+=(rocm-hip-sdk roctracer miopen hipmagma)
297   conflicts=(python-pytorch)
298   provides=(python-pytorch python-pytorch-rocm)
300   cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}-opt-rocm"
301   _package