[Add] NetKernel 1.0.96
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 6 / 8 / d / HockeySDK-Source / 5.1.2 / HockeySDK-Source.podspec.json
2   "name": "HockeySDK-Source",
3   "version": "5.1.2",
4   "summary": "Collect live crash reports, get feedback from your users, distribute your betas, and analyze your test coverage with HockeyApp.",
5   "description": "HockeyApp is a service to distribute beta apps, collect crash reports and\ncommunicate with your app's users.\n\nIt improves the testing process dramatically and can be used for both beta\nand App Store builds.",
6   "homepage": "http://hockeyapp.net/",
7   "documentation_url": "http://hockeyapp.net/help/sdk/ios/5.1.2/",
8   "license": "MIT",
9   "authors": {
10     "Microsoft": "support@hockeyapp.net"
11   },
12   "source": {
13     "git": "https://github.com/bitstadium/HockeySDK-iOS.git",
14     "tag": "5.1.2"
15   },
16   "platforms": {
17     "ios": "8.0"
18   },
19   "source_files": "Classes",
20   "requires_arc": true,
21   "frameworks": [
22     "CoreGraphics",
23     "CoreTelephony",
24     "CoreText",
25     "MobileCoreServices",
26     "Photos",
27     "QuartzCore",
28     "QuickLook",
29     "Security",
30     "SystemConfiguration",
31     "UIKit"
32   ],
33   "libraries": [
34     "c++",
35     "z"
36   ],
37   "vendored_frameworks": "Vendor/CrashReporter.framework",
38   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
39     "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS": "$(inherited) BITHOCKEY_VERSION=\"@\\\"5.1.2\\\"\" BITHOCKEY_C_VERSION=\"\\\"5.1.2\\\"\" BITHOCKEY_BUILD=\"@\\\"108\\\"\" BITHOCKEY_C_BUILD=\"\\\"108\\\"\""
40   },
41   "resource_bundles": {
42     "HockeySDKResources": [
43       "Resources/*.png",
44       "Resources/*.lproj"
45     ]
46   },
47   "preserve_paths": [
48     "Resources",
49     "Support"
50   ],
51   "private_header_files": "Classes/*Private.h",
52   "deprecated_in_favor_of": "AppCenter"