2 "name": "SBLReactiveLocation",
4 "summary": "A reactive wrapper around the CLLocationManager",
5 "description": " A ReactiveCocoa based wrapper around the CLLocationManager of CoreLocation. The implementation tries to\n stay as close as possible to the original CLLocationManager implementation\n while exposing the updates that are traditionally handled by a\n CLLocationManagerDelegate as RACSignals.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/sbl/SBLReactiveLocation",
9 "Stephen Lumenta": "stephen.lumenta@gmail.com"
11 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/bruitism",
17 "git": "https://github.com/sbl/SBLReactiveLocation.git",
20 "source_files": "SBLReactiveLocation",