2 "name": "LivenessSDKOnline",
4 "summary": "Brought to you by FaceX.io, Liveness SDK online can now be used to integrate gesture-based liveness Detection into your iOS applications.",
5 "description": "In LivenessSDKOnline, users will be directed by the screen to perform facial gestures and actions which will be analysed to verify and identify of live visitors.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/friendlynandy/LivenessSDKOnline",
9 "text": " Copyright 2020\n"
12 "Nandy Reddy": "nreddy135@gmail.com"
18 "vendored_frameworks": "LivenessSDKOnline.xcframework"
21 "http": "https://facex.io/SDK/LivenessSDKOnline.xcframework.zip"