2 "name": "ReorderableGridView",
4 "summary": "reorderable grid view solution implemented with swift. its UIScrollView subclass, its not a collection view layout",
5 "description": " ReorderableGridView-Swift\n =======================\n\n reorderable grid view solution implemented with swift. <br>\n its UIScrollView subclass, its not a collection view layout.<br>\n automatically sets horizontal item spacing by item widths. so items must be fixed-width.<br>\n also sets automatically its content size. <br>\n if you call `gridView?.invalidateLayout()` after orientation changed, it will lays out the grid by new orientation.\n\n\n Demo\n ----\n\n ![alt tag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cemolcay/ReordableGridView-Swift/master/demo.gif)\n\n Usage\n -----\n\n copy & paste the `ReorderableGridView.swift` into your project. <br>\n\n gridView = ReorderableGridView(frame: self.view.frame, itemWidth: 180, verticalPadding: 20)\n self.view.addSubview(gridView!)\n\n Grid view ready !\n\n now you can add it `ReorderableView` instances\n\n let itemView = ReorderableView (x: 0, y: 0, w: 180, h: 250)\n ...\n gridView?.addReorderableView(itemView)\n\n // or\n let pos = GridPosition (x: 0, y: 1)\n gridView?addReorderableView (itemView, gridPosition: pos)\n\n\n\n or remove them\n\n gridView?.removeReorderableViewAtGridPosition(GridPosition (x: 0, y: 0))\n\n // or\n gridView?.removeReorderableView (itemView)\n\n\n > **Design Tip**\n > View itself don't have any margin padding.\n > It uses all frame width to calculate how many `ReorderableView`s can fit and\n > what should be their horizontal padding in a row.\n > Padding between columns (vertical padding) can be set in init method,\n > which is 10 by default.\n > You can have a container view and use something like\n > `CGRectInset (containerView.frame, marginX, marginY)`\n > when init grid with margin\n\n\n\n Optional Values\n ---------------\n\n var reorderable : Bool = true\n var draggable : Bool = true\n var draggableDelegate: Draggable?\n\n set them if you want your grid editable or not\n\n **Draggable Protocol**\n\n func didDragStartedForView (reorderableGridView: ReordableGridView, view: ReordableView)\n func didDraggedView (reorderableGridView: ReordableGridView, view: ReordableView)\n func didDragEndForView (reorderableGridView: ReordableGridView, view: ReordableView)\n\n\n set `gridView.draggableDelegate = self` and implement `Draggable` protocol functions if you want to access info about dragging actions in grid.\n This can be useful for multiple grid layouts.\n Example included in second tab of demo.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/cemolcay/ReorderableGridView-Swift",
9 "Cem Olcay": "ccemolcay@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/cemolcay/ReorderableGridView-Swift.git",
18 "source_files": "ReorderableGridView-Swift/ReorderableGridView.swift",