2 "name": "HiPayOmnichannelConcertV3",
4 "summary": "HiPay Omnichannel SDK iOS for ConcertV3",
5 "description": "HiPay Omnichannel SDK for iOS for ConcertV3 protocol only. The library thats allows you to generate a payment on your POS terminal with the ConcertV3 protocol. The library is written in Swift 5.",
6 "homepage": "https://developer.hipay.com/getting-started/platform-hipay-omnichannel/overview",
8 "type": "HiPay Omnichannel SDK License",
9 "text": "This program is licensed under Copyright 2019-2020 HiPay, Inc. All rights reserved."
12 "HiPay": "pi-ecommerce@hipay.com"
16 "http": "https://github.com/hipay/hipay-omnichannel-sdk-release-ios/raw/master/Release/ConcertV3/1.0.1/HiPayOmnichannelConcertV3.zip"
22 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
25 "preserve_paths": "HiPayOmnichannelConcertV3.framework",
26 "vendored_frameworks": "HiPayOmnichannelConcertV3.framework",
27 "frameworks": "Foundation"