Add tlmConfirm to tlm_dl ota packet-structure (#2991)
[ExpressLRS.git] / src / python /
1 import subprocess, os
2 from elrs_helpers import ElrsUploadResult
5 def process_http_result(output_json_file: str) -> int:
6 import json
7 # Print the HTTP result that was saved to the json file
8 # Returns: ElrsUploadResult enum
9 with open(output_json_file) as f:
10 output_json = json.load(f)
12 result = output_json['status']
13 msg = output_json['msg']
15 if result == 'ok':
16 # Update complete. Please wait for LED to resume blinking before disconnecting power.
17 msg = f'UPLOAD SUCCESS\n\033[32m{msg}\033[0m' # green
18 # 'ok' is the only acceptable result
19 retval = ElrsUploadResult.Success
20 elif result == 'mismatch':
21 # <b>Current target:</b> LONG_ASS_NAME.<br><b>Uploaded image:</b> OTHER_NAME.<br/><br/>Flashing the wrong firmware may lock or damage your device.
22 msg = msg.replace('<br>', '\n').replace('<br/>', '\n') # convert breaks to newline
23 msg = msg.replace('<b>', '\033[34m').replace('</b>', '\033[0m') # bold to blue
24 msg = '\033[33mTARGET MISMATCH\033[0m\n' + msg # yellow warning
25 retval = ElrsUploadResult.ErrorMismatch
26 else:
27 # Not enough space.
28 msg = f'UPLOAD ERROR\n\033[31m{msg}\033[0m' # red
29 retval = ElrsUploadResult.ErrorGeneral
31 print()
32 print(msg, flush=True)
33 return retval
36 def do_upload(elrs_bin_target, pio_target, upload_addr, env):
37 bootloader_target = None
38 app_start = 0 # eka bootloader offset
40 bin_upload_output = os.path.splitext(elrs_bin_target)[0] + '-output.json'
41 if os.path.exists(bin_upload_output):
42 os.remove(bin_upload_output)
44 cmd = ["curl", "--max-time", "60",
45 "--retry", "2", "--retry-delay", "1",
46 "--header", "X-FileSize: " + str(os.path.getsize(elrs_bin_target)),
47 "-o", "%s" % (bin_upload_output)]
49 uri = 'update'
50 do_bin_upload = True
52 if pio_target == 'uploadconfirm':
53 uri = 'forceupdate?action=confirm'
54 do_bin_upload = False
55 if pio_target == 'uploadforce':
56 cmd += ["-F", "force=1"]
57 if do_bin_upload:
58 cmd += "-F", "data=@%s" % (elrs_bin_target),
60 upload_port = env.get('UPLOAD_PORT', None)
61 if upload_port is not None:
62 upload_addr = [upload_port]
64 returncode = ElrsUploadResult.ErrorGeneral
65 for addr in upload_addr:
66 addr = "http://%s/%s" % (addr, uri)
67 print(" ** UPLOADING TO: %s" % addr)
68 try:
69 subprocess.check_call(cmd + [addr])
70 returncode = process_http_result(bin_upload_output)
71 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
72 returncode = e.returncode
73 if returncode == ElrsUploadResult.Success:
74 return returncode
76 if returncode != ElrsUploadResult.Success:
77 print("WIFI upload FAILED!")
78 return returncode
80 def on_upload(source, target, env):
81 firmware_path = str(source[0])
82 bin_path = os.path.dirname(firmware_path)
83 upload_addr = ['elrs_tx', 'elrs_tx.local']
84 elrs_bin_target = os.path.join(bin_path, 'firmware.elrs')
85 if not os.path.exists(elrs_bin_target):
86 elrs_bin_target = os.path.join(bin_path, 'firmware.bin.gz')
87 if not os.path.exists(elrs_bin_target):
88 elrs_bin_target = os.path.join(bin_path, 'firmware.bin')
89 if not os.path.exists(elrs_bin_target):
90 raise Exception("No valid binary found!")
92 pio_target = target[0].name
93 return do_upload(elrs_bin_target, pio_target, upload_addr, env)