fixed sets... added support for user tags
[FlickrHacks.git] / _greasemonkey_ / flickrpooldetails.user.js
1 // ==UserScript==
2 // @name FlickrPoolDetails
3 // @namespace
4 // @description This script brings the "detailed view" feature to the group pool pages.
5 // @version 0.1
6 // @identifier
7 // @date 2006-12-04
8 // @creator Pierre Andrews (
9 // @include*
10 // ==/UserScript==
12 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
14 // This is a Greasemonkey user script.
16 // To install, you need Greasemonkey:
17 // Then restart Firefox and revisit this script.
18 // Under Tools, there will be a new menu item to "Install User Script".
19 // Accept the default configuration and install.
21 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
22 // Copyright (C) 2006 Pierre Andrews
23 //
24 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
25 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
26 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
27 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
28 //
29 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
30 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
32 // GNU General Public License for more details.
33 //
34 // The GNU General Public License is available by visiting
35 //
36 // or by writing to
37 // Free Software Foundation, Inc.
38 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
39 // Boston, MA 02110-1301
40 // USA
43 (function () {
45 //update information
46 var SCRIPT = {
47 name: "FlickrPoolDetails",
48 namespace: "",
49 description: "This script brings the 'detailed view' feature to the group pool pages.",
50 identifier: "",
51 version: "0.1", // version
52 date: (new Date("2006-12-04")) // update date
53 .valueOf()
56 function ce(tag,name){
57 element = document.createElement(tag);
58 element.setAttribute('name',name);
59 return element;
60 };
62 function M8_log() {
63 if(unsafeWindow.console)
64 unsafeWindow.console.log(arguments);
65 else
66 GM_log(arguments);
69 function getObjectMethodClosure(object, method) {
70 return function(arg) {
71 return object[method](arg);
75 var flickrpooldetails = function() {this.init();}
77 flickrpooldetails.prototype = {
79 init: function() {
80 if(document.location.hash == '#detail') this.showPoolDetails();
81 this.insertButton();
84 insertButton: function() {
85 var links = document.evaluate(
86 "//td[@class='Section']/p[@class='Links']",
87 document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null
88 ).singleNodeValue;
89 if(links) {
90 links.innerHTML += '<img width="1" height="11" src="/images/subnavi_dots.gif" alt=""/>';
91 var a1=document.createElement('A');
92 a1.setAttribute('href','javascript:;');
93 var txt1=document.createTextNode('Detail View');
94 a1.appendChild(txt1);
95 links.appendChild(a1);
96 a1.addEventListener('click',getObjectMethodClosure(this,'showPoolDetails'));
100 showPoolDetails: function(arg) {
101 document.location.hash = '#detail';
102 M8_log("ICI");
103 var shots = document.evaluate(
104 "/html/body/div[@id='Main']/div[1]//img",
105 document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); // Get all group
107 var self = this;
108 var listener = {
109 flickr_photos_getInfo_onLoad: function(success, responseXML, responseText, params){
110 if(success) {
111 M8_log(responseText);
112 /*[photo_id*1] = eval('('+responseText+')');
113 if(self.received++ > shots.snapshotLength) {
114 self.done();
116 } else
117 GM_log("error looking for group" + responseText);
120 for(var i = 0; i < shots.snapshotLength; i++) {
121 var image = shots.snapshotItem(i);
122 var matches = /\/([0-9]+)_(.*?)[_.]/.exec(image.src);
123 if(matches) {
124 id = matches[1]*1;
125 secret = matches[2]+'';
130 unsafeWindow.F.API.callMethod('flickr.groups.pool.getInfo', {}, listener);
133 done: function() {
134 M8_log(;
135 /* var subNavs = document.getElementById("SubNav");
136 var table1=document.createElement('TABLE');
137 table1.setAttribute('width','100%');
138 table1.setAttribute('cellspacing','0');
139 var tbody1=document.createElement('TBODY');
140 table1.appendChild(tbody1);
142 var shots = document.evaluate(
143 "/html/body/div[@id='Main']/div[1]//img",
144 document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); // Get all group
145 var tr1 = document.createElement('TR');
146 tr1.setAttribute('valign','bottom')
147 tbody1.appendChild(tr1);
148 for(var i = 0; i < shots.snapshotLength; i++) {
149 var image = shots.snapshotItem(i);
150 var matches = /\/([0-9]+)_/.exec(image.src);
151 if(matches) {
152 photo_id = matches[1];
153 photo =[photo_id*1];
154 var td1=document.createElement('TD');
155 tr1.appendChild(td1);
156 var div1=document.createElement('DIV');
157 div1.className='StreamView';
158 div1.innerHTML ='<p class="Photo">'+
159 '<a href="">'+
160 '<img width="240" height="180" alt="" src=""/>'+
161 '</a>'+
162 '</p>'+
163 '<div class="Desc">'+
164 '<div id="description_div127194972" style="width: 240px;" title="Click to edit">'+
165 'See where this photo was taken at Yuan.CC Maps . Added to the Cream of the Crop pool as'+
166 '<a href="/photos/mortimer/127194972/">...</a>'+
167 '</div>'+
168 '</div>'+
169 '<p class="Privacy">'+
170 '<a title="Set privacy permissions for this photo" href="/photo_settings.gne?id=127194972&photos_url=%2Fphotos%2Fmortimer%2Fsets%2F72157594230473349%2Fdetail%2F">'+
171 '<img class="absmiddle" width="15" height="15" alt="This photo is public" src="/images/icon_public.gif"/>'+
172 '</a>'+
173 '<span class="ccIcn ccIcnSmall">'+
174 '<a href="/photo_license.gne?id=127194972">'+
175 '<img class="absmiddle last" width="15" height="15" alt="This photo is licensed" src="/images/icon_creative_commons.gif"/>'+
176 '</a>'+
177 '</span>'+
178 'This photo is'+
179 '<b>public</b>'+
180 '.'+
181 '<a class="Plain" title="Set privacy permissions for this photo" href="/photo_settings.gne?id=127194972&photos_url=%2Fphotos%2Fmortimer%2Fsets%2F72157594230473349%2Fdetail%2F">Change</a>'+
182 '?'+
183 '<br/>'+
184 '</p>'+
185 '<p class="Do">'+
186 'Uploaded on'+
187 '<a class="Plain" href="/photos/mortimer/archives/date-posted/2006/04/12/">Apr 12, 2006</a>'+
188 ' | '+
189 '<a class="Plain" onclick="mini_map_open(this, 127194972, \'/photos/mortimer/127194972/map/\', \'your\', \'\', new YGeoPoint(49.022223,5.872364), 16, \'Taken in <a><b>Hagéville, Lorraine<\/b><\/a>\'); return false" href="/photos/mortimer/127194972/map/?view=everyones">Map</a>'+
190 ' | '+
191 '<a class="Plain" onclick="delete_photo(127194972); return false;" href="/photo_delete.gne?id=127194972&photos_url=%2Fphotos%2Fmortimer%2Fsets%2F72157594230473349%2Fdetail%2F">Delete</a>'+
192 '</p>'+
193 '<p class="Activity">'+
194 '<b>482</b>'+
195 'views /'+
196 '<a class="Plain" href="/photos/mortimer/127194972/">6 notes</a>'+
197 '/'+
198 '<a class="Plain" href="/photos/mortimer/127194972/">24 comments</a>'+
199 '</p>'+
200 '</div>';
202 if(i%3 == 0) {
203 tr1 = document.createElement('TR');
204 tr1.setAttribute('valign','bottom');
205 tbody1.appendChild(tr1);
209 subNavs.parentNode.insertBefore(table1,subNavs.nextSibling);*/
213 //======================================================================
214 // launch
215 try {
216 window.addEventListener("load", function () {
217 try {
219 // update automatically (
220 win.UserScriptUpdates.requestAutomaticUpdates(SCRIPT);
221 } catch (ex) {}
223 var flickrgp = new flickrpooldetails();
224 }, false);
225 } catch (ex) {}
226 })();