fixed sets... added support for user tags
[FlickrHacks.git] / _greasemonkey_ / flickrrefercomment.user.js
1 // ==UserScript==
2 // @name Flickr Refer Comment
3 // @namespace
4 // @description Auto comment the place where you come from
5 // @version 1.8
6 // @identifier
7 // @date 2008-12-16
8 // @creator Pierre Andrews (
9 // @include http://**/*
10 // @exclude http://**/*#preview
11 // @exclude http://**
12 // ==/UserScript==
14 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
15 // Copyright (C) 2006 Pierre Andrews
17 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
18 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
19 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
20 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
22 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25 // GNU General Public License for more details.
27 // The GNU General Public License is available by visiting
28 //
29 // or by writing to
30 // Free Software Foundation, Inc.
31 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
32 // Boston, MA 02110-1301
33 // USA
36 (function () {
38 //update information
39 var SCRIPT = {
40 name: "Flickr Refer Comment",
41 namespace: "",
42 description: "auto comment the place where you come from",
43 identifier: "",
44 version: "1.7", // version
45 date: (new Date(2008, 05, 30)) // update date
46 .valueOf()
51 var DISCUSS = 0;
52 var POOL = DISCUSS+1;
53 var FELLOW = POOL+1;
54 var RANDOM = FELLOW+1;
55 var SET = RANDOM+1;
56 var MAP = SET+1;
57 var PHOTOPHLOW = MAP+1;
59 var FlickrReferComment = function() {
60 this.init();}
62 FlickrReferComment.prototype = {
64 M8_log: function(msg) {
65 if(unsafeWindow.console && unsafeWindow.console.log) {
66 unsafeWindow.console.log(msg);
67 } else
68 alert(msg);
71 init: function() {
72 var referrer = document.referrer;
73 if(referrer) {
74 var matches;
75 if(referrer.indexOf(document.location.pathname) >= 0) return //no need to add the comment if you just commented...
77 if(referrer.indexOf('/discuss/') >= 0 && referrer.indexOf('/groups/') >= 0) {
78 //we come from a group discussion
79 this.resolveGroupName(DISCUSS,referrer,referrer);
80 } else if(referrer.indexOf('/groups/') >= 0) {
81 if(referrer.indexOf('/map') >= 0) {
82 //we come from a group map
83 this.resolveGroupName(MAP,referrer,referrer);
84 } else {
85 //we come from a group
86 this.resolveGroupName(POOL,referrer,referrer);
88 } else if(referrer.indexOf('/photos/friends') >= 0) {
89 //we come from our contacts' last photos
90 this.insertComment("Seen in my contacts' photos.",'');
91 } else if(referrer.indexOf('/photos/tags') >= 0) {
92 this.insertComment("Seen in a tag search.",referrer);
93 } else if(matches = /\/tags\/([^\/]+)\/?/.exec(referrer)) {
94 this.insertComment("Seen amongst other photos with the tag: "+matches[1]+".",referrer);
95 } else if(referrer.indexOf('/favorites') >= 0) {
96 //we come from our favorites
97 this.insertComment("Seen in someone's favorites.",referrer);
98 } else if(referrer.indexOf('/archives') >= 0) {
99 //we come from our favorites
100 this.insertComment("Seen in your archives.",referrer);
101 } else if(document.location.hash == "#in/nearby") {
102 //we come from a nearby photo
103 this.insertComment("Seen next to a nearby photo",referrer);
104 } else if(matches = /\/sets\/([0-9]+)(\/map)?\/?/.exec(referrer)) {
105 if(matches[2] == '/map') {
106 //we come from a map
107 this.resolveSetName(matches[1],referrer,MAP);
108 } else {
109 //we come from a set
110 this.resolveSetName(matches[1],referrer,SET);
112 } else if(matches = /\/in\/set-([^\/]*\/?)/.exec(document.location.pathname)) {
113 //we come from another photo in the same set.
114 var set_url = document.location.pathname;
115 set_url = set_url.replace(/photos\/([^\/]+)\/.*/,'$1/sets/'+matches[1]);
116 this.resolveSetName(matches[1],set_url);
117 } else if((referrer.indexOf('/photos/') >= 0) && (matches = /(\/in\/pool-([^\/]*)\/?)/.exec(document.location.pathname))) {
118 if(referrer.indexOf('/in/pool-') < 0)
119 referrer += matches[1];
120 //we come from a photo feed
121 this.resolveGroupName(FELLOW,""+matches[2],referrer);
122 } else if(matches = /\/photos\/([^\/]+)(\/map|\/[0-9]+|\/page[0-9]+)?\/?$/.exec(referrer) || document.location.pathname.indexOf("/in/photostream") >= 0) {
123 if(matches[2] == '/map') {
124 //we come from a map of the user photos
125 this.insertComment("Seen on a map of your photos.",referrer);
126 } else {
127 var re = new RegExp("/photos/("+matches[1]+"|"+unsafeWindow.nextprev_currentContextID.replace('stream','')+")/");
128 if(document.location.pathname.indexOf("/in/photostream") >= 0 || re.test(document.location.pathname)) {
129 //we come from the same user photo feed
130 this.insertComment("Seen on your photo stream.",referrer);
131 } else {
132 //we come from someone else feed, it was therefore found in a comment.
133 this.insertComment("Seen in some comments.",referrer);
136 } else if(referrer.indexOf('/map') >= 0) {
137 //we come from one of the maps
138 this.insertComment("Seen on a map.",referrer);
140 // Modifications by: Marcos Kuhns (
141 else if(referrer.indexOf('/places') >= 0) {
142 //we come from places
143 matches = /\/places\/(([^\/]+)\/?)*/.exec(referrer);
144 if(matches && matches[2]) {
145 this.insertComment("Seen on photos taken in "+decodeURI(matches[2]).replace('+', ' ')+".",referrer);
146 } else {
147 this.insertComment("Seen on the places page.",referrer);
149 } else if(referrer.indexOf('/cameras') >= 0) {
150 matches = /\/cameras\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/?/.exec(referrer);
151 if(matches && matches.length > 1) {
152 var make = matches[1].replace(/_/g,' ');
153 var model = matches[2].replace(/_/g,' ');
154 this.insertComment("Seen on the "+make+" "+model+" camera finder.");
156 } else if(referrer.indexOf('/interesting') >= 0 && referrer.indexOf('/explore') >= 0) {
157 //we come from one of the interesting calendar
158 this.insertComment("Seen in the interestingness archives.",referrer);
159 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
160 //we come from the individual explore page
161 this.insertComment("Seen on my individual explore page.",referrer);
162 } else if(referrer.indexOf('/explore') >= 0) {
163 //we come from the explore page
164 this.insertComment("Seen on the explore page.",referrer);
165 } else if(referrer.indexOf('/search') >= 0) {
166 //we come from a search
167 this.insertComment("Found in a search.",referrer);
168 } else if(referrer.indexOf('/photos_comments.gne') >= 0) {
169 //we come from recent comments
170 this.insertComment("Seen in my recent comments.",'');
171 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
172 //we come from the popular finder at isaias
173 this.insertComment("Found in your popular shots.",referrer);
174 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
175 //we come from a rss reader site
176 this.insertComment("Seen on a rss aggregator.","");
177 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
178 //we come from a rss reader site
179 this.insertComment("Seen on a rss aggregator.","");
180 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
181 var groupid = referrer.replace(/http:\/\/(www.)?\/gustavog\/\?group=/,'');
182 this.resolveGroupName(RANDOM,groupid,referrer);
183 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
184 this.insertComment("Seen in a FlickrRandom selection of photos.",referrer);
185 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
186 this.insertComment("Seen in FD's random photo browser.",referrer);
187 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
188 this.insertComment("Seen in FD's fortune teller.",referrer);
189 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
190 this.insertComment("Seen in Flickr explore scout.",referrer);
191 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
192 this.insertComment("Seen on FlickrLeech.",referrer);
193 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
194 this.insertComment("Seen on Yuan.CC Maps.",referrer);
195 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
196 this.insertComment("Seen on LfVr.",referrer);
197 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
198 this.insertComment("Seen on Flickr Blog.",referrer);
199 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
200 this.insertComment("Seen in the Utata spotlight.",referrer);
201 } else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
202 this.insertComment("Seen on Flickr Inspector.",referrer);
203 } else if(referrer == "" || referrer == "" ||
204 referrer == "" || referrer == "") {
205 this.insertComment("Seen on my Flickr home page.",'');
206 } else if(referrer == "") {
207 this.insertComment("Discovered using FlickrFox.",referrer);
208 } else if(referrer.indexOf("") >= 0) {
209 this.insertComment("Seen in my contacts' photos.",'');
210 } else if(referrer.indexOf("") >= 0) {
211 this.insertComment("Seen in my contacts' Explore photos.",referrer);
212 } else if(referrer.indexOf("") >= 0) {
213 this.insertComment("Seen in my contacts' favorites.",referrer);
214 } else if(referrer.indexOf("") >= 0) {
215 this.insertComment("Seen on flexplore.",referrer);
217 //cases for photoflow
218 else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
219 var groupid = referrer.replace(/http:\/\/\/flickr\/group\//,'');
220 groupid = groupid.replace(/inner\//,'');
221 this.resolveGroupName(PHOTOPHLOW,""+groupid,referrer);
223 else if(referrer.indexOf('') >= 0) {
224 var userid = referrer.replace(/http:\/\/\/flickr\/user\//,'');
225 userid = userid.replace(/inner\//,'');
226 this.resolveUserName(PHOTOPHLOW,""+userid,referrer);
228 //fall back
229 else if(referrer.indexOf('') < 0) {
230 if(matches = /http:\/\/(www.)?([^\/]+).*/.exec(referrer)) {
231 this.insertComment("Seen on "+matches[2],referrer);
232 } else
233 this.insertComment("Seen on the Web.",referrer);
235 } else {
236 //we have no referer, but we can still try to guess
237 if(matches = /\/in\/pool-([^\/]*)\/?/.exec(document.location.pathname)) {
238 //we come from a group feed or something
239 this.resolveGroupName(POOL,""+matches[1],""+matches[1]+'/pool');
240 } else if(matches = /\/in\/set-([^\/]*\/?)/.exec(document.location.pathname)) {
241 //we come from a set
242 var set_url = document.location.pathname;
243 set_url = set_url.replace(/photos\/([^\/]+)\/.*/,'$1/sets/'+matches[1]);
244 this.resolveSetName(matches[1],set_url,SET);
247 //Fix by Marco Bernardini
248 else if(matches = /\/photos\/([^\/]+)(\/map|\/[0-9]+)?\/?$/.exec(document.location.pathname) || document.location.pathname.indexOf("/in/photostream") >= 0) {
249 if(matches[2] == '/map') {
250 //we come from a map of the user photos
251 this.insertComment("Seen on a map of your photos.",'');
252 } else {
253 var re = new RegExp("/photos/("+matches[1]+"|"+unsafeWindow.nextprev_currentContextID.replace('stream','')+")/");
254 if(re.test(document.location.pathname) || document.location.pathname.indexOf("/in/photostream") >= 0) {
255 //we come from the same user photo feed
256 this.insertComment("Seen on your photo stream.",'');
257 } else {
258 //we come from someone else feed, it was therefore found in a comment.
259 this.insertComment("Seen in some comments.",'');
267 insertComment: function(comment, url) {
268 var html = comment;
269 if(url)
270 html = '<a href="'+url+'" title="Seen on...">'+comment+'</a>';
271 html = "\n\n--\n<i>"+html+"</i>"+
272 ' <em>(<a href="">?</a>)</em>';
273 var thisTextAreas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
274 var thisTextArea = null;
275 for(var t=0;t<thisTextAreas.length;t++) {
276 if(thisTextAreas[t].name == 'message') {
277 thisTextArea = thisTextAreas[t]; break;
281 if(thisTextArea) {
282 if(thisTextArea.value.indexOf(html) < 0)
283 thisTextArea.value += html;
284 thisTextArea.selectionStart = thisTextArea.selectionEnd = 0;
288 resolveUserName: function(type,userurl,referrer) {
289 //Trick to do it using the flickr API with authentication already embeded in the page.
290 var self = this;
291 var listener = {
292 flickr_urls_lookupUser_onLoad: function(success, responseXML, responseText, params){
293 if(success) {
294 var usernames = responseXML.getElementsByTagName('username');
295 var username = usernames[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
296 switch(type) {
297 case PHOTOPHLOW:
298 msg = "Discovered in "+username+"'s";
299 if(msg.indexOf('photoflow') < 0 || msg.indexOf('Photoflow') < 0) {
300 msg += " photoflow";
302 msg += " room.";
303 referrer = referrer.replace(/inner\//,'');
304 break;
307 self.insertComment(msg,referrer);
308 } else
309 GM_log("error looking for user "+referrer+':' + responseText+'.');
312 unsafeWindow.F.API.callMethod('flickr.urls.lookupUser', {
313 url:userurl
314 }, listener);
318 resolveGroupName: function(type,groupurl,referrer) {
319 //Trick to do it using the flickr API with authentication already embeded in the page.
320 var self = this;
321 var listener = {
322 flickr_urls_lookupGroup_onLoad: function(success, responseXML, responseText, params){
323 if(success) {
324 var groupnames = responseXML.getElementsByTagName('groupname');
325 var groupname = groupnames[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
326 if(groupname) {
327 var msg = 'Seen in the group<b>"'+groupname+'"</b>';
328 switch(type) {
329 case MAP:
330 msg = 'Seen on a map of '+groupname+' photos.';
331 break;
332 case DISCUSS:
333 msg = 'Seen in a discussion of the group <b>"'+groupname+'"</b>';
334 break;
335 case FELLOW:
336 msg = "Seen next to a fellow photo of the group <b>\""+groupname+"\"</b>.";
337 break;
338 case PHOTOPHLOW:
339 msg = "Discovered in the "+groupname;
340 if(msg.indexOf('photophlow') < 0 && msg.indexOf('Photophlow') < 0) {
341 msg += " photophlow";
343 msg += " room.";
344 referrer = referrer.replace(/inner\//,'');
345 break;
348 self.insertComment(msg,referrer);
350 } else
351 this.M8_log("error looking for group"+referrer+':' + responseText+'.');
353 flickr_groups_getInfo_onLoad:function(success, responseXML, responseText, params){
354 if(success) {
355 var names = responseXML.getElementsByTagName('name');
356 var name = names[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
357 if(name){
358 self.insertComment("Seen in random photos from "+name,referrer);
360 } else
361 this.M8_log("error looking for group"+groupurl+':' + responseText+'.');
365 switch(type) {
366 case RANDOM:
367 unsafeWindow.F.API.callMethod('flickr.groups.getInfo', {
368 group_id:groupurl
369 }, listener);
370 break;
371 case DISCUSS:
372 case POOL:
373 case MAP:
374 case FELLOW:
375 case PHOTOPHLOW:
376 unsafeWindow.F.API.callMethod('flickr.urls.lookupGroup', {
377 url:groupurl
378 }, listener);
382 resolveSetName: function(id,referrer,type) {
383 //Trick to do it using the flickr API with authentication already embeded in the page.
384 var self = this;
385 var listener = {
386 flickr_photosets_getInfo_onLoad: function(success, responseXML, responseText, params){
387 if(success) {
388 var titles = responseXML.getElementsByTagName('title');
389 var title = titles[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
390 var msg = '';
391 switch(type) {
392 case MAP:
393 msg = 'Seen on a map of your '+title+' set.';
394 break;
395 case SET:
396 default:
397 msg = 'Seen in your '+title+' set.';
398 break;
400 self.insertComment(msg,referrer);
405 unsafeWindow.F.API.callMethod('flickr.photosets.getInfo', {
406 photoset_id:id
407 }, listener);
412 //======================================================================
413 // launch
414 // var flickrgp = new FlickrReferComment();
415 //======================================================================
416 // launch
417 try {
418 window.addEventListener("load", function () {
419 try {
421 // update automatically (
422 win.UserScriptUpdates.requestAutomaticUpdates(SCRIPT);
423 } catch (ex) {}
425 var flickrgp = new FlickrReferComment();
426 }, false);
427 } catch (ex) {}
429 })();