1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!-- This is a template. i18n translation is not performed in-place;
3 i18n translated xml files are generated from this template by
4 transex3/layout/tralay. !-->
6 <modaldialog xmlns="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout"
7 xmlns:cnt="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout/container"
8 id="RID_SVXDLG_RECOVER" _title="OpenOffice.org Document Restore -- questions to sigi(at)novell.com--" optimumsize="true"
9 help-id="SID_ATTR_RESTORE"
10 has_border="true" sizeable="true" moveable="true">
11 <vbox spacing="5" border="5" width="640">
12 <hbox spacing="5" cnt:expand="false">
13 <fixedimage id="FI_HEADER" cnt:expand="false" graphic="res/commandimagelist/sc_apply.png" />
14 <fixedtext id="FT_HEADER" _label="OpenOffice.org Document Restore"/>
16 <fixedline id="FL_HEADER"/>
17 <!-- mockup: fixedtext multiline=true" does not work?
18 <multilineedit id="MLE_RECOVER" has_border="false" foobar="x" _text="At least one document was found that was not stored safely to the media. Uncheck any documents you do not want to restore (information may be lost)."/>
19 <fixedtext id="FT_RECOVER" has_border="false" multi-line="true" font-word-line-mode="true" word-break="true" _label="At least one document was found that was not stored safely to the media. Uncheck any documents you do not want to restore (information may be lost).
22 <fixedtext id="FT_RECOVER" has_border="false" multi-line="true" font-word-line-mode="true" _label="At least one document was not stored safely and must be recovered."/>
23 <fixedtext id="FT_ADVANCED" has_border="false" multi-line="true" font-word-line-mode="true" word-break="true" _label="Uncheck any documents you do not want to restore (information may be lost)."/>
24 <vbox cnt:fill="true" cnt:expand="true" cnt:padding="20" border="20" spacing="20">
26 <checkbox id="CB_DOC" state="1" cnt:expand="false" scale="false"/>
27 <fixedimage id="FI_DOC" cnt:v-align="0.5" image-align="0.5" cnt:expand="false" scale="false" graphic="res/commandimagelist/lc_insertdoc.png"/>
28 <fixedtext id="FT_DOC" _label="My document"/>
31 <checkbox id="CB_SHEET" state="1" cnt:expand="false" scale="false" />
32 <fixedimage id="FI_SHEET" cnt:expand="false" scale="false" graphic="res/commandimagelist/lc_inserttable.png" />
33 <fixedtext id="FT_SHEET" _label="My spreadsheet"/>
36 <checkbox id="CB_DRAW" state="1" cnt:expand="false" scale="false"/>
37 <fixedimage id="FI_DRAW" cnt:expand="false" scale="false" graphic="res/commandimagelist/lc_insertdraw.png" />
38 <fixedtext id="FT_DRAW" _label="My drawing"/>
41 <checkbox id="CB_PRESENT" state="1" cnt:expand="false" scale="false" />
42 <fixedimage id="FI_PRESENT" cnt:expand="false" scale="false" graphic="res/commandimagelist/lc_insertvideo.png" />
43 <fixedtext id="FT_PRESENT" _label="My presentation"/>
47 <advancedbutton id="PB_ADVANCED" cnt:expand="false" _label="Advanced..."/>
51 <fixedtext id="FT_PROGRESS" _label="Restore progress (idle)"/>
52 <hbox height="40" cnt:expand="true">
53 <progressbar cnt:expand="true" cnt:fill="true" id="PB_RECOVER" has_border="true" border="10" fill-color="#ccccff" background-color="#ffffff" progress-value-min="0" progress-value-max="100" progress-value="50" />
54 <!-- FIXME: cannot set progress bar's height, use space as strut... !-->
55 <fixedtext label="" height="10" cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="false"/>
58 <checkbox id="CH_LOGFILE" _label="Open additional text document to display the restore logfile"/>
59 <dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
61 <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" _label="Restore"/>
62 <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" />
63 <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP"/>