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[LibreOffice.git] / compilerplugins / clang / unusedfields.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 import sys
4 import re
5 import io
7 definitionSet = set()
8 protectedAndPublicDefinitionSet = set() # set of tuple(type, name)
9 definitionToSourceLocationMap = dict()
10 definitionToTypeMap = dict()
11 touchedFromInsideSet = set()
12 touchedFromOutsideSet = set()
13 touchedFromOutsideConstructorSet = set()
14 readFromSet = set()
15 writeToSet = set()
16 sourceLocationSet = set()
18 # clang does not always use exactly the same numbers in the type-parameter vars it generates
19 # so I need to substitute them to ensure we can match correctly.
20 normalizeTypeParamsRegex = re.compile(r"type-parameter-\d+-\d+")
21 def normalizeTypeParams( line ):
22 return normalizeTypeParamsRegex.sub("type-parameter-?-?", line)
24 def parseFieldInfo( tokens ):
25 if len(tokens) == 3:
26 return (normalizeTypeParams(tokens[1]), tokens[2])
27 else:
28 return (normalizeTypeParams(tokens[1]), "")
30 with io.open("workdir/loplugin.unusedfields.log", "rb", buffering=1024*1024) as txt:
31 for line in txt:
32 tokens = line.strip().split("\t")
33 if tokens[0] == "definition:":
34 access = tokens[1]
35 fieldInfo = (normalizeTypeParams(tokens[2]), tokens[3])
36 srcLoc = tokens[5]
37 # ignore external source code
38 if (srcLoc.startswith("external/")):
39 continue
40 # ignore build folder
41 if (srcLoc.startswith("workdir/")):
42 continue
43 definitionSet.add(fieldInfo)
44 definitionToTypeMap[fieldInfo] = tokens[4]
45 if access == "protected" or access == "public":
46 protectedAndPublicDefinitionSet.add(fieldInfo)
47 definitionToSourceLocationMap[fieldInfo] = tokens[5]
48 elif tokens[0] == "inside:":
49 touchedFromInsideSet.add(parseFieldInfo(tokens))
50 elif tokens[0] == "outside:":
51 touchedFromOutsideSet.add(parseFieldInfo(tokens))
52 elif tokens[0] == "outside-constructor:":
53 touchedFromOutsideConstructorSet.add(parseFieldInfo(tokens))
54 elif tokens[0] == "read:":
55 readFromSet.add(parseFieldInfo(tokens))
56 elif tokens[0] == "write:":
57 writeToSet.add(parseFieldInfo(tokens))
58 else:
59 print( "unknown line: " + line)
61 # Calculate untouched
62 untouchedSet = set()
63 untouchedSetD = set()
64 for d in definitionSet:
65 if d in touchedFromOutsideSet or d in touchedFromInsideSet:
66 continue
67 srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d];
68 # this is all representations of on-disk data structures
69 if (srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx")
70 or srcLoc.startswith("sw/source/filter/ww8/")
71 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgvmain.hxx")
72 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgfbram.hxx")
73 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/XIM.h")
74 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/gtk/gloactiongroup.h")
75 or srcLoc.startswith("include/svl/svdde.hxx")
76 or srcLoc.startswith("lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpsdwdrawheader.hxx")
77 or srcLoc.startswith("hwpfilter/")
78 or srcLoc.startswith("embeddedobj/source/inc/")
79 or srcLoc.startswith("svtools/source/dialogs/insdlg.cxx")
80 or srcLoc.startswith("bridges/")):
81 continue
82 if d[0] in set([ "AtkObjectWrapperClass", "AtkObjectWrapper", "GLOMenu", "GLOAction", "_XRegion", "SalMenuButtonItem", "Vertex",
83 "OOoMountOperationClass", "SwCSS1ItemIds", "ScCompiler::AddInMap", "MemoryByteGrabber", "textcat_t", "fp_t", "ngram_t",
84 "ImplPPTParaPropSet", "DataNode"]):
85 continue
86 # unit testing code
87 if srcLoc.startswith("cppu/source/uno/check.cxx"):
88 continue
89 fieldType = definitionToTypeMap[d]
90 if "ModuleClient" in fieldType:
91 continue
92 if "::sfx2::sidebar::ControllerItem" in fieldType:
93 continue
94 untouchedSet.add((d[0] + " " + d[1] + " " + fieldType, srcLoc))
95 untouchedSetD.add(d)
97 # Calculate only-touched-in-constructor set
98 onlyUsedInConstructorSet = set()
99 for d in definitionSet:
100 if d in touchedFromOutsideSet or d in touchedFromOutsideConstructorSet:
101 continue
102 srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d];
103 # this is all representations of on-disk data structures
104 if (srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx")
105 or srcLoc.startswith("sw/source/filter/ww8/")
106 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgvmain.hxx")
107 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgfbram.hxx")
108 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/XIM.h")
109 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/gtk/gloactiongroup.h")
110 or srcLoc.startswith("include/svl/svdde.hxx")
111 or srcLoc.startswith("lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpsdwdrawheader.hxx")
112 or srcLoc.startswith("hwpfilter/")
113 or srcLoc.startswith("embeddedobj/source/inc/")
114 or srcLoc.startswith("svtools/source/dialogs/insdlg.cxx")
115 or srcLoc.startswith("bridges/")):
116 continue
117 fieldType = definitionToTypeMap[d]
118 if "std::unique_ptr" in fieldType:
119 continue
120 if "std::shared_ptr" in fieldType:
121 continue
122 if "Reference<" in fieldType:
123 continue
124 if "VclPtr<" in fieldType:
125 continue
126 if "osl::Mutex" in fieldType:
127 continue
128 if "::sfx2::sidebar::ControllerItem" in fieldType:
129 continue
130 onlyUsedInConstructorSet.add((d[0] + " " + d[1] + " " + fieldType, srcLoc))
132 writeonlySet = set()
133 for d in definitionSet:
134 parentClazz = d[0];
135 if d in readFromSet or d in untouchedSetD:
136 continue
137 srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d];
138 # this is all representations of on-disk data structures
139 if (srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx")
140 or srcLoc.startswith("sw/source/filter/ww8/")
141 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgvmain.hxx")
142 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgfbram.hxx")
143 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/XIM.h")
144 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/gtk/gloactiongroup.h")
145 or srcLoc.startswith("include/svl/svdde.hxx")
146 or srcLoc.startswith("lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpsdwdrawheader.hxx")
147 or srcLoc.startswith("svtools/source/dialogs/insdlg.cxx")):
148 continue
149 fieldType = definitionToTypeMap[d]
150 if "ModuleClient" in fieldType:
151 continue
152 if "::sfx2::sidebar::ControllerItem" in fieldType:
153 continue
154 # ignore reference fields, because writing to them actually writes to another field somewhere else
155 if fieldType.endswith("&"):
156 continue
157 # ignore the import/export data model stuff
158 if srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/") and "Model" in fieldType:
159 continue
160 if srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/") and (parentClazz.startswith("Xcl") or parentClazz.startswith("oox::xls::")):
161 continue
162 # implement some kind of registration of errors
163 if fieldType == "class SfxErrorHandler *":
164 continue
165 # mutex locking
166 if "Guard" in fieldType:
167 continue
168 # these are just all model classes
169 if (srcLoc.startswith("oox/")
170 or srcLoc.startswith("lotuswordpro/")
171 or srcLoc.startswith("include/oox/")
172 or srcLoc.startswith("include/filter/")
173 or srcLoc.startswith("hwpfilter/")
174 or srcLoc.startswith("filter/")):
175 continue
177 writeonlySet.add((d[0] + " " + d[1] + " " + definitionToTypeMap[d], srcLoc))
180 readonlySet = set()
181 for d in definitionSet:
182 parentClazz = d[0];
183 if d in writeToSet or d in untouchedSetD:
184 continue
185 fieldType = definitionToTypeMap[d]
186 srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d];
187 if "ModuleClient" in fieldType:
188 continue
189 # this is all representations of on-disk data structures
190 if (srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx")
191 or srcLoc.startswith("sw/source/filter/ww8/")
192 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgvmain.hxx")
193 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgfbram.hxx")
194 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/XIM.h")
195 or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/gtk/gloactiongroup.h")
196 or srcLoc.startswith("include/svl/svdde.hxx")):
197 continue
198 # I really don't care about these ancient file formats
199 if (srcLoc.startswith("hwpfilter/")
200 or srcLoc.startswith("lotuswordpro/")):
201 continue
202 readonlySet.add((d[0] + " " + d[1] + " " + definitionToTypeMap[d], srcLoc))
205 canBePrivateSet = set()
206 for d in protectedAndPublicDefinitionSet:
207 clazz = d[0] + " " + d[1]
208 if d in touchedFromOutsideSet:
209 continue
210 srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d];
212 canBePrivateSet.add((clazz + " " + definitionToTypeMap[d], srcLoc))
215 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
216 # "all fields in class can be made private" analysis
217 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 potentialClasses = set()
220 excludedClasses = set()
221 potentialClassesSourceLocationMap = dict()
222 matchClassName = re.compile(r"(\w+)::")
223 for d in protectedAndPublicDefinitionSet:
224 clazz = d[0]
225 if d in touchedFromOutsideSet:
226 excludedClasses.add(clazz)
227 else:
228 potentialClasses.add(clazz)
229 potentialClassesSourceLocationMap[clazz] = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]
230 allFieldsCanBePrivateSet = set()
231 for d in (potentialClasses - excludedClasses):
232 sourceLoc = potentialClassesSourceLocationMap[d]
233 # when the class is inside a compile unit, assume that the compiler can figure this out for itself, much less interesting to me
234 if not ".cxx" in sourceLoc:
235 allFieldsCanBePrivateSet.add((d, sourceLoc))
237 # sort the results using a "natural order" so sequences like [item1,item2,item10] sort nicely
238 def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')):
239 return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
240 for text in re.split(_nsre, s)]
242 # sort results by name and line number
243 tmp1list = sorted(untouchedSet, key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[1]))
244 tmp2list = sorted(writeonlySet, key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[1]))
245 tmp3list = sorted(canBePrivateSet, key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[1]))
246 tmp4list = sorted(readonlySet, key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[1]))
247 tmp5list = sorted(onlyUsedInConstructorSet, key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[1]))
248 tmp6list = sorted(allFieldsCanBePrivateSet, key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[1]))
250 # print out the results
251 with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.untouched.results", "wt") as f:
252 for t in tmp1list:
253 f.write( t[1] + "\n" )
254 f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" )
255 with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.writeonly.results", "wt") as f:
256 for t in tmp2list:
257 f.write( t[1] + "\n" )
258 f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" )
259 # this one is not checked in yet because I haven't actually done anything with it
260 with open("loplugin.unusedfields.report-can-be-private", "wt") as f:
261 for t in tmp3list:
262 f.write( t[1] + "\n" )
263 f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" )
264 with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.readonly.results", "wt") as f:
265 for t in tmp4list:
266 f.write( t[1] + "\n" )
267 f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" )
268 with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.only-used-in-constructor.results", "wt") as f:
269 for t in tmp5list:
270 f.write( t[1] + "\n" )
271 f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" )
272 with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.report-all-can-be-private", "wt") as f:
273 for t in tmp6list:
274 f.write( t[1] + "\n" )
275 f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" )