cool#10610 Ensure the parent-child relations of comments.
[LibreOffice.git] / svgio / qa / cppunit / data / tdf155819.svg
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
3 <style>
4 path {
5 fill: none;
6 stroke-width: 4px;
7 marker: url(#diamond);
9 </style>
10 <path d="M 10,50 v -20 h 40 v -20" stroke="red"/>
11 <marker id="diamond" markerWidth="12" markerHeight="12" refX="6" refY="6" markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
12 <circle cx="6" cy="6" r="3"
13 fill="white" stroke="context-stroke" stroke-width="2"/>
14 </marker>
15 </svg>