cool#10610 Ensure the parent-child relations of comments.
[LibreOffice.git] / svgio / qa / cppunit / data / tdf156201.svg
1 <svg style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" height="492pt" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 500 492" width="500pt" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
2 <g id="PathCollection_1">
3 <defs>
4 <path d="
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6 L54.1695 -266.795
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9 L56.3492 -268.627
10 L57.4099 -268.849
11 L59.524 -270.389
12 L60.4641 -271.625
13 L62.5433 -273.716
14 L62.8642 -275.66
15 L63.198 -277.417
16 L62.6856 -278.465
17 L60.8035 -281.602
18 L60.4975 -281.91
19 L59.9992 -282.386
20 L57.6251 -284.681
21 L56.2525 -285.174
22 L54.6591 -286.742
23 L54.5155 -286.797
24 L52.0418 -279.184
25 L52.0418 -270.892" id="C0_0_32ce96eee2"></path>
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