2 This file is for the grammar of:
3 1) ButtonUIObject : ( Click event )
4 2) EditUIObject : ( Type event - Clear event - Select Text event )
5 3) CheckBoxUIObject : ( Toggle the value )
6 4) RadioButtonUIObject : ( Select event )
7 5) ListBoxUIObject : ( Select event )
8 6) ComboBoxUIObject ( Select event )
9 7) SpinUIObject ( Increase event - Decrease event )
10 8) TabControlUIObject ( Change tab event )
11 9) ToolBoxUIObject ( Click on item event )
12 10) ValueSetUIObject (Choose item)
13 10) MenuBtnUIObject ( Select - Open - Close )
19 ButtonUIObject | CheckBoxUIObject | EditUIObject |
20 RadioButtonUIObject | ListBoxUIObject | ComboBoxUIObject |
21 SpinFieldUIObject | TabControlUIObject | ToolBoxUIObject |
22 ValueSetUIObject | MenuBtnUIObject
28 'Click on' ui_button=STRING ('from' parent_id=ID)?
31 'Toggle' Check_box_id=STRING 'CheckBox' ('from' parent_id=ID)?
34 'Select' Radio_button_id=STRING 'RadioButton' ('from' parent_id=ID)?
37 'Select in' Combo_box_id=STRING 'ComboBox' 'item number' item_num=INT ('from' parent_id=ID)?
40 'Choose Tab number' tab_page_number=TabPageNumber 'in' tab_id=STRING ('from' parent_id=ID)?
43 action=action_on_UIObject ('from' parent_id=ID)?
46 change=increase_or_decrease Spin_id=STRING ('from' parent_id=ID)?
49 'Select element with position ' POS=INT 'in' list_id=STRING ('from' parent_id=ID)?
52 'Click on item number' POS=INT 'in' toolbox_id=ID
55 'Choose element with position ' POS=INT 'in' value_set_id=STRING 'from' parent_id=STRING
57 //=============================================================
59 MenuBtnUIObjectOpen | MenuBtnUIObjectSelect | MenuBtnUIObjectClose
62 'Open List From' + MenuBtn_ID=ID
65 'Close List From' + MenuBtn_ID=ID
67 MenuBtnUIObjectSelect:
68 'Select item no' + item_num=INT + 'From List of' + MenuBtn_ID=ID
70 //=============================================================
71 // Helper grammar for EditUIObject
73 Type_action | SELECT | Clear
76 'Type on' edit_button=STRING what_to_type=Type_options
79 'Select in ' edit_button=STRING
80 '{' + '"FROM"' + ':' + '"' from_pos=INT '"' + ',' + '"TO"' + ':' + '"' to_pos=INT '"'+'}'
83 'Clear' edit_button=STRING
86 //=============================================================
87 // Helper functions for SpinUIObject
89 'Increase' | 'Decrease'