Merge pull request #330634 from r-ryantm/auto-update/circumflex
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / servers / web-apps / discourse /
1 #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
2 #! nix-shell -i python3 -p "python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ requests click click-log packaging ])" bundix bundler nix-update nurl prefetch-yarn-deps
3 from __future__ import annotations
5 import click
6 import click_log
7 import shutil
8 import tempfile
9 import re
10 import logging
11 import subprocess
12 import os
13 import stat
14 import json
15 import requests
16 import textwrap
17 from functools import total_ordering
18 from packaging.version import Version
19 from pathlib import Path
20 from typing import Union, Iterable
23 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
26 @total_ordering
27 class DiscourseVersion:
28 """Represents a Discourse style version number and git tag.
30 This takes either a tag or version string as input and
31 extrapolates the other. Sorting is implemented to work as expected
32 in regard to A.B.C.betaD version numbers - 2.0.0.beta1 is
33 considered lower than 2.0.0.
35 """
37 tag: str = ""
38 version: str = ""
39 split_version: Iterable[Union[None, int, str]] = []
41 def __init__(self, version: str):
42 """Take either a tag or version number, calculate the other."""
43 if version.startswith('v'):
44 self.tag = version
45 self.version = version.lstrip('v')
46 else:
47 self.tag = 'v' + version
48 self.version = version
50 self._version = Version(self.version)
52 def __eq__(self, other: DiscourseVersion):
53 """Versions are equal when their individual parts are."""
54 return self._version == other._version
56 def __gt__(self, other: DiscourseVersion):
57 """Check if this version is greater than the other."""
58 return self._version > other._version
61 class DiscourseRepo:
62 version_regex = re.compile(r'^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\.beta\d+)?$')
63 _latest_commit_sha = None
65 def __init__(self, owner: str = 'discourse', repo: str = 'discourse'):
66 self.owner = owner
67 self.repo = repo
69 @property
70 def versions(self) -> Iterable[str]:
71 r = requests.get(f'{self.owner}/{self.repo}/git/refs/tags').json()
72 tags = [x['ref'].replace('refs/tags/', '') for x in r]
74 # filter out versions not matching version_regex
75 versions = filter(self.version_regex.match, tags)
76 versions = [DiscourseVersion(x) for x in versions]
77 versions.sort(reverse=True)
78 return versions
80 @property
81 def latest_commit_sha(self) -> str:
82 if self._latest_commit_sha is None:
83 r = requests.get(f'{self.owner}/{self.repo}/commits?per_page=1')
84 r.raise_for_status()
85 self._latest_commit_sha = r.json()[0]['sha']
87 return self._latest_commit_sha
89 def get_yarn_lock_hash(self, rev: str, path: str):
90 yarnLockText = self.get_file(path, rev)
91 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as lockFile:
92 lockFile.write(yarnLockText)
93 hash = subprocess.check_output(['prefetch-yarn-deps',]).decode().strip()
94 return subprocess.check_output(["nix", "hash", "to-sri", "--type", "sha256", hash]).decode().strip()
96 def get_file(self, filepath, rev):
97 """Return file contents at a given rev.
99 :param str filepath: the path to the file, relative to the repo root
100 :param str rev: the rev to fetch at :return:
103 r = requests.get(f'{self.owner}/{self.repo}/{rev}/{filepath}')
104 r.raise_for_status()
105 return r.text
108 def _call_nix_update(pkg, version):
109 """Call nix-update from nixpkgs root dir."""
110 nixpkgs_path = Path(__file__).parent / '../../../../'
111 return subprocess.check_output(['nix-update', pkg, '--version', version], cwd=nixpkgs_path)
114 def _nix_eval(expr: str):
115 nixpkgs_path = Path(__file__).parent / '../../../../'
116 try:
117 output = subprocess.check_output(['nix-instantiate', '--strict', '--json', '--eval', '-E', f'(with import {nixpkgs_path} {{}}; {expr})'], text=True)
118 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
119 return None
120 return json.loads(output)
123 def _get_current_package_version(pkg: str):
124 return _nix_eval(f'{pkg}.version')
127 def _diff_file(filepath: str, old_version: DiscourseVersion, new_version: DiscourseVersion):
128 repo = DiscourseRepo()
130 current_dir = Path(__file__).parent
132 old = repo.get_file(filepath, old_version.tag)
133 new = repo.get_file(filepath, new_version.tag)
135 if old == new:
136 click.secho(f'{filepath} is unchanged', fg='green')
137 return
139 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as o, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as n:
140 o.write(old), n.write(new)
141 width = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20)).columns
142 diff_proc =
143 ['diff', '--color=always', f'--width={width}', '-y',,],
144 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
145 cwd=current_dir,
146 text=True
149 click.secho(f'Diff for {filepath} ({old_version.version} -> {new_version.version}):', fg='bright_blue', bold=True)
150 click.echo(diff_proc.stdout + '\n')
151 return
154 def _remove_platforms(rubyenv_dir: Path):
155 for platform in ['arm64-darwin-20', 'x86_64-darwin-18',
156 'x86_64-darwin-19', 'x86_64-darwin-20',
157 'x86_64-linux', 'aarch64-linux']:
158 with open(rubyenv_dir / 'Gemfile.lock', 'r') as f:
159 for line in f:
160 if platform in line:
161 subprocess.check_output(
162 ['bundle', 'lock', '--remove-platform', platform], cwd=rubyenv_dir)
163 break
166 @click_log.simple_verbosity_option(logger)
170 def cli():
171 pass
174 @cli.command()
175 @click.argument('rev', default='latest')
176 @click.option('--reverse/--no-reverse', default=False, help='Print diffs from REV to current.')
177 def print_diffs(rev, reverse):
178 """Print out diffs for files used as templates for the NixOS module.
180 The current package version found in the nixpkgs worktree the
181 script is run from will be used to download the "from" file and
182 REV used to download the "to" file for the diff, unless the
183 '--reverse' flag is specified.
185 REV should be the git rev to find changes in ('vX.Y.Z') or
186 'latest'; defaults to 'latest'.
189 if rev == 'latest':
190 repo = DiscourseRepo()
191 rev = repo.versions[0].tag
193 old_version = DiscourseVersion(_get_current_package_version('discourse'))
194 new_version = DiscourseVersion(rev)
196 if reverse:
197 old_version, new_version = new_version, old_version
199 for f in ['config/nginx.sample.conf', 'config/discourse_defaults.conf']:
200 _diff_file(f, old_version, new_version)
203 @cli.command()
204 @click.argument('rev', default='latest')
205 def update(rev):
206 """Update gem files and version.
208 REV: the git rev to update to ('vX.Y.Z[.betaA]') or
209 'latest'; defaults to 'latest'.
212 repo = DiscourseRepo()
214 if rev == 'latest':
215 version = repo.versions[0]
216 else:
217 version = DiscourseVersion(rev)
219 logger.debug(f"Using rev {version.tag}")
220 logger.debug(f"Using version {version.version}")
222 rubyenv_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "rubyEnv"
224 for fn in ['Gemfile.lock', 'Gemfile']:
225 with open(rubyenv_dir / fn, 'w') as f:
226 f.write(repo.get_file(fn, version.tag))
228 # work around
229 os.environ["BUNDLE_FORCE_RUBY_PLATFORM"] = "true"
230 subprocess.check_output(['bundle', 'lock'], cwd=rubyenv_dir)
231 _remove_platforms(rubyenv_dir)
232 subprocess.check_output(['bundix'], cwd=rubyenv_dir)
234 _call_nix_update('discourse', version.version)
236 old_yarn_hash = _nix_eval('discourse.assets.yarnOfflineCache.outputHash')
237 new_yarn_hash = repo.get_yarn_lock_hash(version.tag, "app/assets/javascripts/yarn-ember5.lock")
238 click.echo(f"Updating yarn lock hash: {old_yarn_hash} -> {new_yarn_hash}")
240 old_yarn_dev_hash = _nix_eval('discourse.assets.yarnDevOfflineCache.outputHash')
241 new_yarn_dev_hash = repo.get_yarn_lock_hash(version.tag, "yarn.lock")
242 click.echo(f"Updating yarn dev lock hash: {old_yarn_dev_hash} -> {new_yarn_dev_hash}")
244 with open(Path(__file__).parent / "default.nix", 'r+') as f:
245 content =
246 content = content.replace(old_yarn_hash, new_yarn_hash)
247 content = content.replace(old_yarn_dev_hash, new_yarn_dev_hash)
249 f.write(content)
250 f.truncate()
253 @cli.command()
254 @click.argument('rev', default='latest')
255 def update_mail_receiver(rev):
256 """Update discourse-mail-receiver.
258 REV: the git rev to update to ('vX.Y.Z') or 'latest'; defaults to
259 'latest'.
262 repo = DiscourseRepo(repo="mail-receiver")
264 if rev == 'latest':
265 version = repo.versions[0]
266 else:
267 version = DiscourseVersion(rev)
269 _call_nix_update('discourse-mail-receiver', version.version)
272 @cli.command()
273 def update_plugins():
274 """Update plugins to their latest revision."""
275 plugins = [
276 {'name': 'discourse-assign'},
277 {'name': 'discourse-bbcode-color'},
278 {'name': 'discourse-calendar'},
279 {'name': 'discourse-canned-replies'},
280 {'name': 'discourse-chat-integration'},
281 {'name': 'discourse-checklist'},
282 {'name': 'discourse-data-explorer'},
283 {'name': 'discourse-docs'},
284 {'name': 'discourse-github'},
285 {'name': 'discourse-ldap-auth', 'owner': 'jonmbake'},
286 {'name': 'discourse-math'},
287 {'name': 'discourse-migratepassword', 'owner': 'discoursehosting'},
288 {'name': 'discourse-openid-connect'},
289 {'name': 'discourse-prometheus'},
290 {'name': 'discourse-reactions'},
291 {'name': 'discourse-saved-searches'},
292 {'name': 'discourse-solved'},
293 {'name': 'discourse-spoiler-alert'},
294 {'name': 'discourse-voting'},
295 {'name': 'discourse-yearly-review'},
298 for plugin in plugins:
299 fetcher = plugin.get('fetcher') or "fetchFromGitHub"
300 owner = plugin.get('owner') or "discourse"
301 name = plugin.get('name')
302 repo_name = plugin.get('repo_name') or name
304 if fetcher == "fetchFromGitHub":
305 url = f"{owner}/{repo_name}"
306 else:
307 raise NotImplementedError(f"Missing URL pattern for {fetcher}")
309 repo = DiscourseRepo(owner=owner, repo=repo_name)
311 # implement the plugin pinning algorithm laid out here:
312 #
313 # this makes sure we don't upgrade plugins to revisions that
314 # are incompatible with the packaged Discourse version
315 try:
316 compatibility_spec = repo.get_file('.discourse-compatibility', repo.latest_commit_sha)
317 versions = [(DiscourseVersion(discourse_version), plugin_rev.strip(' '))
318 for [discourse_version, plugin_rev]
319 in [line.lstrip("< ").split(':')
320 for line
321 in compatibility_spec.splitlines() if line != '']]
322 discourse_version = DiscourseVersion(_get_current_package_version('discourse'))
323 versions = list(filter(lambda ver: ver[0] >= discourse_version, versions))
324 if versions == []:
325 rev = repo.latest_commit_sha
326 else:
327 rev = versions[0][1]
328 print(rev)
329 except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
330 rev = repo.latest_commit_sha
332 filename = _nix_eval(f'builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "src" discourse.plugins.{name}')
333 if filename is None:
334 filename = Path(__file__).parent / 'plugins' / name / 'default.nix'
335 filename.parent.mkdir()
337 has_ruby_deps = False
338 for line in repo.get_file('plugin.rb', rev).splitlines():
339 if 'gem ' in line:
340 has_ruby_deps = True
341 break
343 with open(filename, 'w') as f:
344 f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""
345 {{ lib, mkDiscoursePlugin, fetchFromGitHub }}:
347 mkDiscoursePlugin {{
348 name = "{name}";"""[1:] + ("""
349 bundlerEnvArgs.gemdir = ./.;""" if has_ruby_deps else "") + f"""
350 src = {fetcher} {{
351 owner = "{owner}";
352 repo = "{repo_name}";
353 rev = "replace-with-git-rev";
354 sha256 = "replace-with-sha256";
356 meta = with lib; {{
357 homepage = "";
358 maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
359 license =; # change to the correct license!
360 description = "";
362 }}"""))
364 all_plugins_filename = Path(__file__).parent / 'plugins' / 'all-plugins.nix'
365 with open(all_plugins_filename, 'r+') as f:
366 content =
367 pos = -1
368 while content[pos] != '}':
369 pos -= 1
370 content = content[:pos] + f' {name} = callPackage ./{name} {{}};' + os.linesep + content[pos:]
372 f.write(content)
373 f.truncate()
375 else:
376 filename = filename['file']
378 prev_commit_sha = _nix_eval(f'discourse.plugins.{name}.src.rev')
380 if prev_commit_sha == rev:
381 click.echo(f'Plugin {name} is already at the latest revision')
382 continue
384 prev_hash = _nix_eval(f'discourse.plugins.{name}.src.outputHash')
385 new_hash = subprocess.check_output([
386 "nurl",
387 "--fetcher", fetcher,
388 "--hash",
389 url,
390 rev,
391 ], text=True).strip("\n")
393 click.echo(f"Update {name}, {prev_commit_sha} -> {rev} in {filename}")
395 with open(filename, 'r+') as f:
396 content =
397 content = content.replace(prev_commit_sha, rev)
398 content = content.replace(prev_hash, new_hash)
400 f.write(content)
401 f.truncate()
403 rubyenv_dir = Path(filename).parent
404 gemfile = rubyenv_dir / "Gemfile"
405 version_file_regex = re.compile(r'.*File\.expand_path\("\.\./(.*)", __FILE__\)')
406 gemfile_text = ''
407 plugin_file = repo.get_file('plugin.rb', rev)
408 plugin_file = plugin_file.replace(",\n", ", ") # fix split lines
409 for line in plugin_file.splitlines():
410 if 'gem ' in line:
411 line = ','.join(filter(lambda x: ":require_name" not in x, line.split(',')))
412 gemfile_text = gemfile_text + line + os.linesep
414 version_file_match = version_file_regex.match(line)
415 if version_file_match is not None:
416 filename = version_file_match.groups()[0]
417 content = repo.get_file(filename, rev)
418 with open(rubyenv_dir / filename, 'w') as f:
419 f.write(content)
421 if len(gemfile_text) > 0:
422 if os.path.isfile(gemfile):
423 os.remove(gemfile)
425 subprocess.check_output(['bundle', 'init'], cwd=rubyenv_dir)
426 os.chmod(gemfile, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
428 with open(gemfile, 'a') as f:
429 f.write(gemfile_text)
431 subprocess.check_output(['bundle', 'lock', '--add-platform', 'ruby'], cwd=rubyenv_dir)
432 subprocess.check_output(['bundle', 'lock', '--update'], cwd=rubyenv_dir)
433 _remove_platforms(rubyenv_dir)
434 subprocess.check_output(['bundix'], cwd=rubyenv_dir)
437 if __name__ == '__main__':
438 cli()