python3Packages.orjson: Disable failing tests on 32 bit
[NixPkgs.git] / nixos / tests / kafka.nix
1 { system ? builtins.currentSystem,
2   config ? {},
3   pkgs ? import ../.. { inherit system config; }
4 }:
6 with pkgs.lib;
8 let
9   makeKafkaTest = name: kafkaPackage: (import ./make-test-python.nix ({
10     inherit name;
11     meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
12       maintainers = [ nequissimus ];
13     };
15     nodes = {
16       zookeeper1 = { ... }: {
17         services.zookeeper = {
18           enable = true;
19         };
21         networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 2181 ];
22       };
23       kafka = { ... }: {
24         services.apache-kafka = {
25           enable = true;
26           extraProperties = ''
27             offsets.topic.replication.factor = 1
28    = 600000
29           '';
30           package = kafkaPackage;
31           zookeeper = "zookeeper1:2181";
32         };
34         networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 9092 ];
35         # i686 tests: qemu-system-i386 can simulate max 2047MB RAM (not 2048)
36         virtualisation.memorySize = 2047;
37       };
38     };
40     testScript = ''
41       start_all()
43       zookeeper1.wait_for_unit("")
44       zookeeper1.wait_for_unit("zookeeper.service")
45       zookeeper1.wait_for_open_port(2181)
47       kafka.wait_for_unit("")
48       kafka.wait_for_unit("apache-kafka.service")
49       kafka.wait_for_open_port(9092)
51       kafka.wait_until_succeeds(
52           "${kafkaPackage}/bin/ --create "
53           + "--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --partitions 1 "
54           + "--replication-factor 1 --topic testtopic"
55       )
56       kafka.succeed(
57           "echo 'test 1' | "
58           + "${kafkaPackage}/bin/ "
59           + "--broker-list localhost:9092 --topic testtopic"
60       )
61       assert "test 1" in kafka.succeed(
62           "${kafkaPackage}/bin/ "
63           + "--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic testtopic "
64           + "--from-beginning --max-messages 1"
65       )
66     '';
67   }) { inherit system; });
69 in with pkgs; {
70   kafka_2_8  = makeKafkaTest "kafka_2_8"  apacheKafka_2_8;
71   kafka_3_0  = makeKafkaTest "kafka_3_0"  apacheKafka_3_0;
72   kafka_3_1  = makeKafkaTest "kafka_3_1"  apacheKafka_3_1;
73   kafka_3_2  = makeKafkaTest "kafka_3_2"  apacheKafka_3_2;
74   kafka_3_3  = makeKafkaTest "kafka_3_3"  apacheKafka_3_3;
75   kafka  = makeKafkaTest "kafka"  apacheKafka;