python3Packages.orjson: Disable failing tests on 32 bit
[NixPkgs.git] / nixos / tests / prometheus.nix
1 let
2   grpcPort   = 19090;
3   queryPort  =  9090;
4   minioPort  =  9000;
5   pushgwPort =  9091;
7   s3 = {
8     accessKey = "BKIKJAA5BMMU2RHO6IBB";
9     secretKey = "V7f1CwQqAcwo80UEIJEjc5gVQUSSx5ohQ9GSrr12";
10   };
12   objstore.config = {
13     type = "S3";
14     config = {
15       bucket = "thanos-bucket";
16       endpoint = "s3:${toString minioPort}";
17       region =  "us-east-1";
18       access_key = s3.accessKey;
19       secret_key = s3.secretKey;
20       insecure = true;
21       signature_version2 = false;
22       put_user_metadata = {};
23       http_config = {
24         idle_conn_timeout = "0s";
25         insecure_skip_verify = false;
26       };
27       trace = {
28         enable = false;
29       };
30     };
31   };
33 in import ./make-test-python.nix {
34   name = "prometheus";
36   nodes = {
37     prometheus = { pkgs, ... }: {
38       virtualisation.diskSize = 2 * 1024;
39       virtualisation.memorySize = 2048;
40       environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.jq ];
41       networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ grpcPort ];
42       services.prometheus = {
43         enable = true;
44         enableReload = true;
45         scrapeConfigs = [
46           {
47             job_name = "prometheus";
48             static_configs = [
49               {
50                 targets = [ "${toString queryPort}" ];
51                 labels = { instance = "localhost"; };
52               }
53             ];
54           }
55           {
56             job_name = "pushgateway";
57             scrape_interval = "1s";
58             static_configs = [
59               {
60                 targets = [ "${toString pushgwPort}" ];
61               }
62             ];
63           }
64         ];
65         rules = [
66           ''
67             groups:
68               - name: test
69                 rules:
70                   - record: testrule
71                     expr: count(up{job="prometheus"})
72           ''
73         ];
74         globalConfig = {
75           external_labels = {
76             some_label = "required by thanos";
77           };
78         };
79         extraFlags = [
80           # Required by thanos
81           "--storage.tsdb.min-block-duration=5s"
82           "--storage.tsdb.max-block-duration=5s"
83         ];
84       };
85       services.prometheus.pushgateway = {
86         enable = true;
87         web.listen-address = ":${toString pushgwPort}";
88         persistMetrics = true;
89         persistence.interval = "1s";
90         stateDir = "prometheus-pushgateway";
91       };
92       services.thanos = {
93         sidecar = {
94           enable = true;
95           grpc-address = "${toString grpcPort}";
96           inherit objstore;
97         };
99         # TODO: Add some tests for these services:
100         #rule = {
101         #  enable = true;
102         #  http-address = "";
103         #  grpc-address = "";
104         #  query.addresses = [
105         #    "localhost:19191"
106         #  ];
107         #  labels = {
108         #    just = "some";
109         #    nice = "labels";
110         #  };
111         #};
112         #
113         #receive = {
114         #  http-address = "";
115         #  enable = true;
116         #  labels = {
117         #    just = "some";
118         #    nice = "labels";
119         #  };
120         #};
121       };
122       # Adds a "specialisation" of the above config which allows us to
123       # "switch" to it and see if the services.prometheus.enableReload
124       # functionality actually reloads the prometheus service instead of
125       # restarting it.
126       specialisation = {
127         "prometheus-config-change" = {
128           configuration = {
129             environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.yq ];
131             # This configuration just adds a new prometheus job
132             # to scrape the node_exporter metrics of the s3 machine.
133             services.prometheus = {
134               scrapeConfigs = [
135                 {
136                   job_name = "s3-node_exporter";
137                   static_configs = [
138                     {
139                       targets = [ "s3:9100" ];
140                     }
141                   ];
142                 }
143               ];
144             };
145           };
146         };
147       };
148     };
150     query = { pkgs, ... }: {
151       environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.jq ];
152       services.thanos.query = {
153         enable = true;
154         http-address = "${toString queryPort}";
155         store.addresses = [
156           "prometheus:${toString grpcPort}"
157         ];
158       };
159     };
161     store = { pkgs, ... }: {
162       virtualisation.diskSize = 2 * 1024;
163       virtualisation.memorySize = 2048;
164       environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ jq thanos ];
165 = {
166         enable = true;
167         http-address = "";
168         grpc-address = "${toString grpcPort}";
169         inherit objstore;
170         sync-block-duration = "1s";
171       };
172       services.thanos.compact = {
173         enable = true;
174         http-address = "";
175         inherit objstore;
176         consistency-delay = "5s";
177       };
178       services.thanos.query = {
179         enable = true;
180         http-address = "${toString queryPort}";
181         store.addresses = [
182           "localhost:${toString grpcPort}"
183         ];
184       };
185     };
187     s3 = { pkgs, ... } : {
188       # Minio requires at least 1GiB of free disk space to run.
189       virtualisation = {
190         diskSize = 2 * 1024;
191       };
192       networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ minioPort ];
194       services.minio = {
195         enable = true;
196         inherit (s3) accessKey secretKey;
197       };
199       environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.minio-client ];
201       services.prometheus.exporters.node = {
202         enable = true;
203         openFirewall = true;
204       };
205     };
206   };
208   testScript = { nodes, ... } : ''
209     import json
211     # Before starting the other machines we first make sure that our S3 service is online
212     # and has a bucket added for thanos:
213     s3.start()
214     s3.wait_for_unit("minio.service")
215     s3.wait_for_open_port(${toString minioPort})
216     s3.succeed(
217         "mc config host add minio "
218         + "http://localhost:${toString minioPort} "
219         + "${s3.accessKey} ${s3.secretKey} --api s3v4",
220         "mc mb minio/thanos-bucket",
221     )
223     # Now that s3 has started we can start the other machines:
224     for machine in prometheus, query, store:
225         machine.start()
227     # Check if prometheus responds to requests:
228     prometheus.wait_for_unit("prometheus.service")
230     prometheus.wait_for_open_port(${toString queryPort})
231     prometheus.succeed("curl -sf${toString queryPort}/metrics")
233     # Let's test if pushing a metric to the pushgateway succeeds:
234     prometheus.wait_for_unit("pushgateway.service")
235     prometheus.succeed(
236         "echo 'some_metric 3.14' | "
237         + "curl -f --data-binary \@- "
238         + "${toString pushgwPort}/metrics/job/some_job"
239     )
241     # Now check whether that metric gets ingested by prometheus.
242     # Since we'll check for the metric several times on different machines
243     # we abstract the test using the following function:
245     # Function to check if the metric "some_metric" has been received and returns the correct value.
246     def wait_for_metric(machine):
247         return machine.wait_until_succeeds(
248             "curl -sf '${toString queryPort}/api/v1/query?query=some_metric' | "
249             + "jq '.data.result[0].value[1]' | grep '\"3.14\"'"
250         )
253     wait_for_metric(prometheus)
255     # Let's test if the pushgateway persists metrics to the configured location.
256     prometheus.wait_until_succeeds("test -e /var/lib/prometheus-pushgateway/metrics")
258     # Test thanos
259     prometheus.wait_for_unit("thanos-sidecar.service")
261     # Test if the Thanos query service can correctly retrieve the metric that was send above.
262     query.wait_for_unit("thanos-query.service")
263     wait_for_metric(query)
265     # Test if the Thanos sidecar has correctly uploaded its TSDB to S3, if the
266     # Thanos storage service has correctly downloaded it from S3 and if the Thanos
267     # query service running on $store can correctly retrieve the metric:
268     store.wait_for_unit("thanos-store.service")
269     wait_for_metric(store)
271     store.wait_for_unit("thanos-compact.service")
273     # Test if the Thanos bucket command is able to retrieve blocks from the S3 bucket
274     # and check if the blocks have the correct labels:
275     store.succeed(
276         "thanos tools bucket ls "
277         + "--objstore.config-file=${} "
278         + "--output=json | "
279         + "jq .thanos.labels.some_label | "
280         + "grep 'required by thanos'"
281     )
283     # Check if switching to a NixOS configuration that changes the prometheus
284     # configuration reloads (instead of restarts) prometheus before the switch
285     # finishes successfully:
286     with subtest("config change reloads prometheus"):
287         # We check if prometheus has finished reloading by looking for the message
288         # "Completed loading of configuration file" in the journal between the start
289         # and finish of switching to the new NixOS configuration.
290         #
291         # To mark the start we record the journal cursor before starting the switch:
292         cursor_before_switching = json.loads(
293             prometheus.succeed("journalctl -n1 -o json --output-fields=__CURSOR")
294         )["__CURSOR"]
296         # Now we switch:
297         prometheus_config_change = prometheus.succeed(
298             "readlink /run/current-system/specialisation/prometheus-config-change"
299         ).strip()
300         prometheus.succeed(prometheus_config_change + "/bin/switch-to-configuration test")
302         # Next we retrieve all logs since the start of switching:
303         logs_after_starting_switching = prometheus.succeed(
304             """
305               journalctl --after-cursor='{cursor_before_switching}' -o json --output-fields=MESSAGE
306             """.format(
307                 cursor_before_switching=cursor_before_switching
308             )
309         )
311         # Finally we check if the message "Completed loading of configuration file"
312         # occurs before the "finished switching to system configuration" message:
313         finished_switching_msg = (
314             "finished switching to system configuration " + prometheus_config_change
315         )
316         reloaded_before_switching_finished = False
317         finished_switching = False
318         for log_line in logs_after_starting_switching.split("\n"):
319             msg = json.loads(log_line)["MESSAGE"]
320             if "Completed loading of configuration file" in msg:
321                 reloaded_before_switching_finished = True
322             if msg == finished_switching_msg:
323                 finished_switching = True
324                 break
326         assert reloaded_before_switching_finished
327         assert finished_switching
329         # Check if the reloaded config includes the new s3-node_exporter job:
330         prometheus.succeed(
331           """
332             curl -sf${toString queryPort}/api/v1/status/config \
333               | jq -r .data.yaml \
334               | yq '.scrape_configs | any(.job_name == "s3-node_exporter")' \
335               | grep true
336           """
337         )
338   '';