python3Packages.orjson: Disable failing tests on 32 bit
[NixPkgs.git] / nixos / tests / wiki-js.nix
1 import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ...} : {
2   name = "wiki-js";
3   meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
4     maintainers = [ ma27 ];
5   };
7   nodes.machine = { pkgs, ... }: {
8     virtualisation.memorySize = 2048;
9 = {
10       enable = true;
11 = "/run/postgresql";
12       settings.db.user = "wiki-js";
13       settings.logLevel = "debug";
14     };
15     services.postgresql = {
16       enable = true;
17       ensureDatabases = [ "wiki" ];
18       ensureUsers = [
19         { name = "wiki-js";
20           ensurePermissions."DATABASE wiki" = "ALL PRIVILEGES";
21         }
22       ];
23     };
24 = {
25       requires = [ "postgresql.service" ];
26       after = [ "postgresql.service" ];
27     };
28     environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ jq ];
29   };
31   testScript = let
32     payloads.finalize = pkgs.writeText "finalize.json" (builtins.toJSON {
33       adminEmail = "";
34       adminPassword = "notapassword";
35       adminPasswordConfirm = "notapassword";
36       siteUrl = "http://localhost:3000";
37       telemetry = false;
38     });
39     payloads.login = pkgs.writeText "login.json" (builtins.toJSON [{
40       operationName = null;
41       extensions = {};
42       query = ''
43         mutation ($username: String!, $password: String!, $strategy: String!) {
44           authentication {
45             login(username: $username, password: $password, strategy: $strategy) {
46               responseResult {
47                 succeeded
48                 errorCode
49                 slug
50                 message
51                 __typename
52               }
53               jwt
54               mustChangePwd
55               mustProvideTFA
56               mustSetupTFA
57               continuationToken
58               redirect
59               tfaQRImage
60               __typename
61             }
62             __typename
63           }
64         }
65       '';
66       variables = {
67         password = "notapassword";
68         strategy = "local";
69         username = "";
70       };
71     }]);
72     payloads.content = pkgs.writeText "content.json" (builtins.toJSON [{
73       extensions = {};
74       operationName = null;
75       query = ''
76         mutation ($content: String!, $description: String!, $editor: String!, $isPrivate: Boolean!, $isPublished: Boolean!, $locale: String!, $path: String!, $publishEndDate: Date, $publishStartDate: Date, $scriptCss: String, $scriptJs: String, $tags: [String]!, $title: String!) {
77           pages {
78             create(content: $content, description: $description, editor: $editor, isPrivate: $isPrivate, isPublished: $isPublished, locale: $locale, path: $path, publishEndDate: $publishEndDate, publishStartDate: $publishStartDate, scriptCss: $scriptCss, scriptJs: $scriptJs, tags: $tags, title: $title) {
79               responseResult {
80                 succeeded
81                 errorCode
82                 slug
83                 message
84                 __typename
85               }
86               page {
87                 id
88                 updatedAt
89                 __typename
90               }
91               __typename
92             }
93             __typename
94           }
95         }
96       '';
97       variables = {
98         content = "# Header\n\nHello world!";
99         description = "";
100         editor = "markdown";
101         isPrivate = false;
102         isPublished = true;
103         locale = "en";
104         path = "home";
105         publishEndDate = "";
106         publishStartDate = "";
107         scriptCss = "";
108         scriptJs = "";
109         tags = [];
110         title = "Hello world";
111       };
112     }]);
113   in ''
114     machine.start()
115     machine.wait_for_unit("")
116     machine.wait_for_open_port(3000)
118     machine.succeed("curl -sSf localhost:3000")
120     with subtest("Setup"):
121         result = machine.succeed(
122             "curl -sSf localhost:3000/finalize -X POST -d "
123             + "@${payloads.finalize} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "
124             + "| jq .ok | xargs echo"
125         )
126         assert result.strip() == "true", f"Expected true, got {result}"
128         # During the setup the service gets restarted, so we use this
129         # to check if the setup is done.
130         machine.wait_until_fails("curl -sSf localhost:3000")
131         machine.wait_until_succeeds("curl -sSf localhost:3000")
133     with subtest("Base functionality"):
134         auth = machine.succeed(
135             "curl -sSf localhost:3000/graphql -X POST "
136             + "-d @${payloads.login} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "
137             + "| jq '.[0].data.authentication.login.jwt' | xargs echo"
138         ).strip()
140         assert auth
142         create = machine.succeed(
143             "curl -sSf localhost:3000/graphql -X POST "
144             + "-d @${payloads.content} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "
145             + f"-H 'Authorization: Bearer {auth}' "
146             + "| jq '.[0].data.pages.create.responseResult.succeeded'|xargs echo"
147         )
148         assert create.strip() == "true", f"Expected true, got {create}"
150     machine.shutdown()
151   '';