1 diff --git a/tools/boost_install/boost-install.jam b/tools/boost_install/boost-install.jam
2 index 4238f921e..8fc1ea269 100644
3 --- a/tools/boost_install/boost-install.jam
4 +++ b/tools/boost_install/boost-install.jam
5 @@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ rule generate-cmake-config- ( target : sources * : properties * )
7 "# Compute the include and library directories relative to this file."
9 - "get_filename_component(_BOOST_CMAKEDIR \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../\" REALPATH)"
10 + "get_filename_component(_BOOST_REAL_CMAKEDIR \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../\" REALPATH)"
13 if [ path.is-rooted $(cmakedir) ]
14 @@ -668,6 +668,8 @@ rule generate-cmake-config- ( target : sources * : properties * )
18 + "# Assume that the installer actually did know where the libs were to be installed"
19 + "get_filename_component(_BOOST_CMAKEDIR \"$(cmakedir-native)\" REALPATH)"