superfile: 1.1.6 -> 1.1.7 (#371308)
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / build-support / node / fetch-yarn-deps / index.js
1 #!/usr/bin/env node
2 'use strict'
4 const fs = require('fs')
5 const crypto = require('crypto')
6 const process = require('process')
7 const https = require('https')
8 const child_process = require('child_process')
9 const path = require('path')
10 const lockfile = require('./yarnpkg-lockfile.js')
11 const { promisify } = require('util')
12 const url = require('url')
13 const { urlToName } = require('./common.js')
15 const execFile = promisify(child_process.execFile)
17 const exec = async (...args) => {
18         const res = await execFile(...args)
19         if (res.error) throw new Error(res.stderr)
20         return res
23 const downloadFileHttps = (fileName, url, expectedHash, hashType = 'sha1') => {
24         return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
25                 const get = (url, redirects = 0) => https.get(url, (res) => {
26                         if(redirects > 10) {
27                                 reject('Too many redirects!');
28                                 return;
29                         }
30                         if(res.statusCode === 301 || res.statusCode === 302) {
31                                 return get(res.headers.location, redirects + 1)
32                         }
33                         const file = fs.createWriteStream(fileName)
34                         const hash = crypto.createHash(hashType)
35                         res.pipe(file)
36                         res.pipe(hash).setEncoding('hex')
37                         res.on('end', () => {
38                                 file.close()
39                                 const h =
40                                 if (expectedHash === undefined){
41                                         console.log(`Warning: lockfile url ${url} doesn't end in "#<hash>" to validate against. Downloaded file had hash ${h}.`);
42                                 } else if (h != expectedHash) return reject(new Error(`hash mismatch, expected ${expectedHash}, got ${h} for ${url}`))
43                                 resolve()
44                         })
45                         res.on('error', e => reject(e))
46                 })
47                 get(url)
48         })
51 const downloadGit = async (fileName, url, rev) => {
52         await exec('nix-prefetch-git', [
53                 '--out', fileName + '.tmp',
54                 '--url', url,
55                 '--rev', rev,
56                 '--builder'
57         ])
59         await exec('tar', [
60                 // hopefully make it reproducible across runs and systems
61                 '--owner=0', '--group=0', '--numeric-owner', '--format=gnu', '--sort=name', '--mtime=@1',
63                 // Set u+w because tar-fs can't unpack archives with read-only dirs:
64                 '--mode', 'u+w',
66                 '-C', fileName + '.tmp',
67                 '-cf', fileName, '.'
68         ])
70         await exec('rm', [ '-rf', fileName + '.tmp', ])
73 const isGitUrl = pattern => {
74         //
75         const GIT_HOSTS = ['', '', '', '']
76         const GIT_PATTERN_MATCHERS = [/^git:/, /^git\+.+:/, /^ssh:/, /^https?:.+\.git$/, /^https?:.+\.git#.+/]
78         for (const matcher of GIT_PATTERN_MATCHERS) if (matcher.test(pattern)) return true
80         const {hostname, path} = url.parse(pattern)
81         if (hostname && path && GIT_HOSTS.indexOf(hostname) >= 0
82                 // only if dependency is pointing to a git repo,
83                 // e.g. facebook/flow and not file in a git repo facebook/flow/archive/v1.0.0.tar.gz
84                 && path.split('/').filter(p => !!p).length === 2
85         ) return true
87         return false
90 const downloadPkg = (pkg, verbose) => {
91         for (let marker of ['@file:', '@link:']) {
92                 const split = pkg.key.split(marker)
93                 if (split.length == 2) {
94               `ignoring lockfile entry "${split[0]}" which points at path "${split[1]}"`)
95                         return
96                 } else if (split.length > 2) {
97                         throw new Error(`The lockfile entry key "${pkg.key}" contains "${marker}" more than once. Processing is not implemented.`)
98                 }
99         }
101         if (pkg.resolved === undefined) {
102                 throw new Error(`The lockfile entry with key "${pkg.key}" cannot be downloaded because it is missing the "resolved" attribute, which should contain the URL to download from. The lockfile might be invalid.`)
103         }
105         const [ url, hash ] = pkg.resolved.split('#')
106         if (verbose) console.log('downloading ' + url)
107         const fileName = urlToName(url)
108         const s = url.split('/')
109         if (url.startsWith('') && url.includes('/tar.gz/')) {
110                 return downloadGit(fileName, `${s[3]}/${s[4]}.git`, s[s.length-1])
111         } else if (url.startsWith('') && url.endsWith('.tar.gz') &&
112                 (
113                         s.length <= 5 ||    //
114                         s[5] == "archive"   //
115                 )) {
116                 return downloadGit(fileName, `${s[3]}/${s[4]}.git`, s[s.length-1].replace(/.tar.gz$/, ''))
117         } else if (isGitUrl(url)) {
118                 return downloadGit(fileName, url.replace(/^git\+/, ''), hash)
119         } else if (url.startsWith('https://')) {
120                 if (typeof pkg.integrity === 'string' || pkg.integrity instanceof String) {
121                         const [ type, checksum ] = pkg.integrity.split('-')
122                         return downloadFileHttps(fileName, url, Buffer.from(checksum, 'base64').toString('hex'), type)
123                 }
124                 return downloadFileHttps(fileName, url, hash)
125         } else if (url.startsWith('file:')) {
126                 console.warn(`ignoring unsupported file:path url "${url}"`)
127         } else {
128                 throw new Error('don\'t know how to download "' + url + '"')
129         }
132 const performParallel = tasks => {
133         const worker = async () => {
134                 while (tasks.length > 0) await tasks.shift()()
135         }
137         const workers = []
138         for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
139                 workers.push(worker())
140         }
142         return Promise.all(workers)
145 // This could be implemented using [`Map.groupBy`](,
146 // but that method is only supported starting with Node 21
147 const uniqueBy = (arr, callback) => {
148         const map = new Map()
149         for (const elem of arr) {
150                 map.set(callback(elem), elem)
151         }
152         return []
155 const prefetchYarnDeps = async (lockContents, verbose) => {
156         const lockData = lockfile.parse(lockContents)
157         await performParallel(
158                 uniqueBy(Object.entries(lockData.object), ([_, value]) => value.resolved)
159                 .map(([key, value]) => () => downloadPkg({ key, ...value }, verbose))
160         )
161         await fs.promises.writeFile('yarn.lock', lockContents)
162         if (verbose) console.log('Done')
165 const showUsage = async () => {
166         process.stderr.write(`
167 syntax: prefetch-yarn-deps [path to yarn.lock] [options]
169 Options:
170   -h --help         Show this help
171   -v --verbose      Verbose output
172   --builder         Only perform the download to current directory, then exit
174         process.exit(1)
177 const main = async () => {
178         const args = process.argv.slice(2)
179         let next, lockFile, verbose, isBuilder
180         while (next = args.shift()) {
181                 if (next == '--builder') {
182                         isBuilder = true
183                 } else if (next == '--verbose' || next == '-v') {
184                         verbose = true
185                 } else if (next == '--help' || next == '-h') {
186                         showUsage()
187                 } else if (!lockFile) {
188                         lockFile = next
189                 } else {
190                         showUsage()
191                 }
192         }
193         let lockContents
194         try {
195                 lockContents = await fs.promises.readFile(lockFile || 'yarn.lock', 'utf-8')
196         } catch {
197                 showUsage()
198         }
200         if (isBuilder) {
201                 await prefetchYarnDeps(lockContents, verbose)
202         } else {
203                 const { stdout: tmpDir } = await exec('mktemp', [ '-d' ])
205                 try {
206                         process.chdir(tmpDir.trim())
207                         await prefetchYarnDeps(lockContents, verbose)
208                         const { stdout: hash } = await exec('nix-hash', [ '--type', 'sha256', '--base32', tmpDir.trim() ])
209                         console.log(hash)
210                 } finally {
211                         await exec('rm', [ '-rf', tmpDir.trim() ])
212                 }
213         }
216 main()
217         .catch(e => {
218                 console.error(e)
219                 process.exit(1)
220         })