Merge pull request #307296 from benhiemer/bump-42crunch-vscode-openapi
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / applications / editors / vscode / extensions / default.nix
1 # Before adding a new extension, read ./
4   autoPatchelfHook,
5   callPackage,
6   config,
7   fetchurl,
8   jdk,
9   jq,
10   lib,
11   llvmPackages,
12   llvmPackages_14,
13   moreutils,
14   protobuf,
15   python3Packages,
16   stdenv,
17   vscode-utils,
18   zlib,
21 let
22   inherit (vscode-utils) buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension;
24   baseExtensions =
25     self:
26     lib.mapAttrs (_n: lib.recurseIntoAttrs) {
27       "13xforever".language-x86-64-assembly = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
28         mktplcRef = {
29           name = "language-x86-64-assembly";
30           publisher = "13xforever";
31           version = "3.1.4";
32           hash = "sha256-FJRDm1H3GLBfSKBSFgVspCjByy9m+j9OStlU+/pMfs8=";
33         };
34         meta = {
35           description = "Cutting edge x86 and x86_64 assembly syntax highlighting";
36           downloadPage = "";
37           homepage = "";
38           license =;
39           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.themaxmur ];
40         };
41       };
43       "1Password".op-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
44         mktplcRef = {
45           publisher = "1Password";
46           name = "op-vscode";
47           version = "1.0.4";
48           hash = "sha256-s6acue8kgFLf5fs4A7l+IYfhibdY76cLcIwHl+54WVk=";
49         };
50         meta = {
51           changelog = "";
52           description = "A VSCode extension that integrates your development workflow with 1Password service";
53           downloadPage = "";
54           homepage = "";
55           license =;
56           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers._2gn ];
57         };
58       };
60       "2gua".rainbow-brackets = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
61         mktplcRef = {
62           publisher = "2gua";
63           name = "rainbow-brackets";
64           version = "0.0.6";
65           sha256 = "TVBvF/5KQVvWX1uHwZDlmvwGjOO5/lXbgVzB26U8rNQ=";
66         };
67         meta = {
68           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension providing rainbow brackets";
69           downloadPage = "";
70           homepage = "";
71           license =;
72           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.CompEng0001 ];
73         };
74       };
76       "4ops".terraform = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
77         mktplcRef = {
78           publisher = "4ops";
79           name = "terraform";
80           version = "0.2.5";
81           hash = "sha256-y5LljxK8V9Fir9EoG8g9N735gISrlMg3czN21qF/KjI=";
82         };
83         meta = {
84           license =;
85           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
86         };
87       };
89       "42crunch".vscode-openapi = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
90         mktplcRef = {
91           publisher = "42Crunch";
92           name = "vscode-openapi";
93           version = "4.25.3";
94           hash = "sha256-1kz/M2od2gLSFgqW6LsPHgtm+BwXA+0+7z3HyqNmsOg=";
95         };
96         meta = {
97           changelog = "";
98           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension with rich support for the OpenAPI Specification (OAS).";
99           downloadPage = "";
100           homepage = "";
101           license = lib.licenses.gpl3;
102           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.benhiemer ];
103         };
104       };
106       a5huynh.vscode-ron = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
107         mktplcRef = {
108           name = "vscode-ron";
109           publisher = "a5huynh";
110           version = "0.10.0";
111           hash = "sha256-DmyYE7RHOX/RrbIPYCq/x0l081SzmyBAd7yHSUOPkOA=";
112         };
113         meta = {
114           license =;
115         };
116       };
118       aaron-bond.better-comments = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
119         mktplcRef = {
120           name = "better-comments";
121           publisher = "aaron-bond";
122           version = "3.0.2";
123           sha256 = "850980f0f5a37f635deb4bf9100baaa83f0b204bbbb25acdb3c96e73778f8197";
124         };
125         meta = {
126           changelog = "";
127           description = "Improve your code commenting by annotating with alert, informational, TODOs, and more!";
128           downloadPage = "";
129           homepage = "";
130           license =;
131           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.DataHearth ];
132         };
133       };
135       adpyke.codesnap = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
136         mktplcRef = {
137           name = "codesnap";
138           publisher = "adpyke";
139           version = "1.3.4";
140           hash = "sha256-dR6qODSTK377OJpmUqG9R85l1sf9fvJJACjrYhSRWgQ=";
141         };
142         meta = {
143           license =;
144         };
145       };
147       adzero.vscode-sievehighlight = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
148         mktplcRef = {
149           name = "vscode-sievehighlight";
150           publisher = "adzero";
151           version = "1.0.6";
152           hash = "sha256-8Ompv792eI2kIH+5+KPL9jAf88xsMGQewHEQwi8BhoQ=";
153         };
154         meta = {
155           changelog = "";
156           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension to enable syntax highlight support for Sieve mail filtering language";
157           downloadPage = "";
158           homepage = "";
159           license =;
160           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.sebtm ];
161         };
162       };
164       alanz.vscode-hie-server = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
165         mktplcRef = {
166           name = "vscode-hie-server";
167           publisher = "alanz";
168           version = "0.0.27"; # see the note above
169           sha256 = "1mz0h5zd295i73hbji9ivla8hx02i4yhqcv6l4r23w3f07ql3i8h";
170         };
171         meta = {
172           license =;
173         };
174       };
176       albymor.increment-selection = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
177         mktplcRef = {
178           name = "increment-selection";
179           publisher = "albymor";
180           version = "0.2.0";
181           hash = "sha256-iP4c0xLPiTsgD8Q8Kq9jP54HpdnBveKRY31Ro97ROJ8=";
182         };
183         meta = {
184           description = "Increment, decrement or reverse selection with multiple cursors";
185           downloadPage = "";
186           homepage = "";
187           license =;
188         };
189       };
191       alefragnani.bookmarks = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
192         mktplcRef = {
193           name = "bookmarks";
194           publisher = "alefragnani";
195           version = "13.3.1";
196           hash = "sha256-CZSFprI8HMQvc8P9ZH+m0j9J6kqmSJM1/Ik24ghif2A=";
197         };
198         meta = {
199           license = lib.licenses.gpl3;
200         };
201       };
203       alefragnani.project-manager = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
204         mktplcRef = {
205           name = "project-manager";
206           publisher = "alefragnani";
207           version = "12.7.0";
208           hash = "sha256-rBMwvm7qUI6zBrXdYntQlY8WvH2fDBhEuQ1pHDl9fQg=";
209         };
210         meta = {
211           license =;
212         };
213       };
215       alexdima.copy-relative-path = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
216         mktplcRef = {
217           name = "copy-relative-path";
218           publisher = "alexdima";
219           version = "0.0.2";
220           sha256 = "06g601n9d6wyyiz659w60phgm011gn9jj5fy0gf5wpi2bljk3vcn";
221         };
222         meta = {
223           license =;
224         };
225       };
227       alexisvt.flutter-snippets = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
228         mktplcRef = {
229           name = "flutter-snippets";
230           publisher = "alexisvt";
231           version = "3.0.0";
232           sha256 = "44ac46f826625f0a4aec40f2542f32c161e672ff96f45a548d0bccd9feed04ef";
233         };
234         meta = {
235           changelog = "";
236           description = "A set of helpful widget snippets for day to day Flutter development";
237           downloadPage = "";
238           homepage = "";
239           license =;
240           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.DataHearth ];
241         };
242       };
244       alygin.vscode-tlaplus = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
245         mktplcRef = {
246           name = "vscode-tlaplus";
247           publisher = "alygin";
248           version = "1.5.4";
249           sha256 = "0mf98244z6wzb0vj6qdm3idgr2sr5086x7ss2khaxlrziif395dx";
250         };
251         meta = {
252           license =;
253         };
254       };
256 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
257         mktplcRef = {
258           name = "ng-template";
259           publisher = "Angular";
260           version = "15.2.0";
261           hash = "sha256-ho3DtXAAafY/mpUcea2OPhy8tpX+blJMyVxbFVUsspk=";
262         };
263         meta = {
264           changelog = "";
265           description = "Editor services for Angular templates";
266           downloadPage = "";
267           homepage = "";
268           license =;
269           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
270         };
271       };
273       antfu.icons-carbon = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
274         mktplcRef = {
275           name = "icons-carbon";
276           publisher = "antfu";
277           version = "0.2.6";
278           hash = "sha256-R8eHLuebfgHaKtHPKBaaYybotluuH9WrUBpgyuIVOxc=";
279         };
280         meta = {
281           license =;
282         };
283       };
285       antfu.slidev = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
286         mktplcRef = {
287           publisher = "antfu";
288           name = "slidev";
289           version = "0.4.1";
290           hash = "sha256-MNQMOT9LaEVZqelvikBTpUPTsSIA2z5qvLxw51aJw1w=";
291         };
292         meta = {
293           license =;
294         };
295       };
297       antyos.openscad = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
298         mktplcRef = {
299           name = "openscad";
300           publisher = "Antyos";
301           version = "1.1.1";
302           sha256 = "1adcw9jj3npk3l6lnlfgji2l529c4s5xp9jl748r9naiy3w3dpjv";
303         };
304         meta = {
305           changelog = "";
306           description = "OpenSCAD highlighting, snippets, and more for VSCode";
307           homepage = "";
308           license = lib.licenses.gpl3;
309         };
310       };
312       apollographql.vscode-apollo = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
313         mktplcRef = {
314           name = "vscode-apollo";
315           publisher = "apollographql";
316           version = "1.19.11";
317           hash = "sha256-EixefDuJiw/p5yAR/UQLK1a1RXJLXlTmOlD34qpAN+U=";
318         };
319         meta = {
320           changelog = "";
321           description = "Rich editor support for GraphQL client and server development that seamlessly integrates with the Apollo platform";
322           downloadPage = "";
323           homepage = "";
324           license =;
325           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
326         };
327       };
329       arcticicestudio.nord-visual-studio-code = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
330         mktplcRef = {
331           name = "nord-visual-studio-code";
332           publisher = "arcticicestudio";
333           version = "0.19.0";
334           hash = "sha256-awbqFv6YuYI0tzM/QbHRTUl4B2vNUdy52F4nPmv+dRU=";
335         };
336         meta = {
337           description = "An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Visual Studio Code theme.";
338           downloadPage = "";
339           homepage = "";
340           license =;
341           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.imgabe ];
342         };
343       };
345       arjun.swagger-viewer = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
346         mktplcRef = {
347           publisher = "Arjun";
348           name = "swagger-viewer";
349           version = "3.1.2";
350           sha256 = "1cjvc99x1q5w3i2vnbxrsl5a1dr9gb3s6s9lnwn6mq5db6iz1nlm";
351         };
352         meta = {
353           license =;
354         };
355       };
357       arrterian.nix-env-selector = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
358         mktplcRef = {
359           name = "nix-env-selector";
360           publisher = "arrterian";
361           version = "1.0.10";
362           hash = "sha256-b3Sr0bwU2VJgl2qcdsUROZ3jnK+YUuzJMySvSD7goj8=";
363         };
364         meta = {
365           license =;
366         };
367       };
369       asciidoctor.asciidoctor-vscode = callPackage ./asciidoctor.asciidoctor-vscode { };
371       asdine.cue = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
372         mktplcRef = {
373           name = "cue";
374           publisher = "asdine";
375           version = "0.3.2";
376           hash = "sha256-jMXqhgjRdM3UG/9NtiwWAg61mBW8OYVAKDWgb4hzhA4=";
377         };
378         meta = {
379           description = "Cue language support for Visual Studio Code";
380           downloadPage = "";
381           homepage = "";
382           changelog = "";
383           license =;
384           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.matthewpi ];
385         };
386       };
388       astro-build.astro-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
389         mktplcRef = {
390           name = "astro-vscode";
391           publisher = "astro-build";
392           version = "2.8.3";
393           hash = "sha256-A6m31eZMlOHF0yr9MjXmsFyXgH8zmq6WLRd/w85hGw0=";
394         };
395         meta = {
396           changelog = "";
397           description = "Astro language support for VS Code";
398           downloadPage = "";
399           homepage = "";
400           license =;
401           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wackbyte ];
402         };
403       };
405       asvetliakov.vscode-neovim = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
406         mktplcRef = {
407           name = "vscode-neovim";
408           publisher = "asvetliakov";
409           version = "1.8.1";
410           sha256 = "0kqzry0cbvvy1pkbx5rhnk5ry7j91cbf11vz1s1jrqc7j0hq0yx8";
411         };
412         meta = {
413           changelog = "";
414           description = "Vim-mode for VS Code using embedded Neovim";
415           downloadPage = "";
416           license =;
417           homepage = "";
418           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.mikaelfangel ];
419         };
420       };
422       attilabuti.brainfuck-syntax = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
423         mktplcRef = {
424           name = "brainfuck-syntax";
425           publisher = "attilabuti";
426           version = "0.0.1";
427           hash = "sha256-ZcZlHoa2aoCeruMWbUUgfFHsPqyWmd2xFY6AKxJysYE=";
428         };
429         meta = {
430           changelog = "";
431           description = "VSCode extension providing syntax highlighting support for Brainfuck";
432           downloadPage = "";
433           homepage = "";
434           license =;
435           maintainers = [ ];
436         };
437       };
439       azdavis.millet = callPackage ./azdavis.millet { };
441       b4dm4n.vscode-nixpkgs-fmt = callPackage ./b4dm4n.vscode-nixpkgs-fmt { };
443       baccata.scaladex-search = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
444         mktplcRef = {
445           name = "scaladex-search";
446           publisher = "baccata";
447           version = "0.3.3";
448           hash = "sha256-+793uA+cSBHV6t4wAM4j4GeWggLJTl2GENkn8RFIwr0=";
449         };
450         meta = {
451           license = lib.licenses.asl20;
452         };
453       };
455       badochov.ocaml-formatter = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
456         mktplcRef = {
457           name = "ocaml-formatter";
458           publisher = "badochov";
459           version = "2.0.5";
460           hash = "sha256-D04EJButnam/l4aAv1yNbHlTKMb3x1yrS47+9XjpCLI=";
461         };
462         meta = {
463           description = "VSCode Extension Formatter for OCaml language";
464           downloadPage = "";
465           homepage = "";
466           license =;
467           maintainers = [ ];
468         };
469       };
471       ban.spellright = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
472         mktplcRef = {
473           publisher = "ban";
474           name = "spellright";
475           version = "3.0.112";
476           hash = "sha256-79Yg4I0OkfG7PaDYnTA8HK8jrSxre4FGriq0Baiq7wA=";
477         };
478         meta = {
479           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for Spellchecker";
480           changelog = "";
481           homepage = "";
482           license =;
483           maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ onedragon ];
484         };
485       };
487       batisteo.vscode-django = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
488         mktplcRef = {
489           publisher = "batisteo";
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492           hash = "sha256-vTaE3KhG5i2jGc5o33u76RUUFYaW4s4muHvph48HeQ4=";
493         };
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496           description = "Django extension for Visual Studio Code";
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504       bazelbuild.vscode-bazel = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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511         meta = {
512           description = "Bazel support for Visual Studio Code";
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514           homepage = "";
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516         };
517       };
519       bbenoist.nix = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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522           publisher = "bbenoist";
523           version = "1.0.1";
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525         };
526         meta = {
527           license =;
528         };
529       };
531       benfradet.vscode-unison = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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538         meta = {
539           license = lib.licenses.asl20;
540         };
541       };
543       betterthantomorrow.calva = callPackage ./betterthantomorrow.calva { };
545 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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553           changelog = "";
554           description = "A VSCode extension that displays documentation in the sidebar or panel";
555           downloadPage = "";
556           homepage = "";
557           license =;
558         };
559       };
561       bierner.emojisense = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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567         };
568         meta = {
569           license =;
570         };
571       };
573       bierner.markdown-checkbox = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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577           version = "0.4.0";
578           hash = "sha256-AoPcdN/67WOzarnF+GIx/nans38Jan8Z5D0StBWIbkk=";
579         };
580         meta = {
581           license =;
582         };
583       };
585       bierner.markdown-emoji = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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591         };
592         meta = {
593           license =;
594         };
595       };
597       bierner.markdown-mermaid = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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603         };
604         meta = {
605           license =;
606         };
607       };
609       bmalehorn.vscode-fish = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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611           name = "vscode-fish";
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613           version = "1.0.35";
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615         };
616         meta.license =;
617       };
619       bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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622           publisher = "bmewburn";
623           version = "1.10.4";
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625         };
626         meta = {
627           description = "PHP code intelligence for Visual Studio Code";
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631         };
632       };
634       bodil.file-browser = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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639           hash = "sha256-yPVhhsAUZxnlhj58fXkk+yhxop2q7YJ6X4W9dXGKJfo=";
640         };
641         meta = {
642           license =;
643         };
644       };
646       bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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652         };
653         meta = {
654           changelog = "";
655           description = "Tailwind CSS tooling for Visual Studio Code";
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657           homepage = "";
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660       };
662       brandonkirbyson.solarized-palenight = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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666           version = "1.0.1";
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668         };
669         meta = {
670           description = " A solarized-palenight theme for vscode";
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672           homepage = "";
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674           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.sebtm ];
675         };
676       };
678       brettm12345.nixfmt-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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684         };
685         meta = {
686           license = lib.licenses.mpl20;
687         };
688       };
690       bungcip.better-toml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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696         };
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698           changelog = "";
699           description = "Better TOML Language support";
700           downloadPage = "";
701           homepage = "";
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703           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
704         };
705       };
707       carrie999.cyberpunk-2020 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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713         };
714         meta = {
715           description = "A cyberpunk-inspired colour theme to satisfy your neon dreams";
716           downloadPage = "";
717           homepage = "";
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721       };
723       catppuccin = {
724         catppuccin-vsc = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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728             version = "2.6.1";
729             hash = "sha256-B56b7PeuVnkxEqvd4vL9TYO7s8fuA+LOCTbJQD9e7wY=";
730           };
731           meta = {
732             description = "Soothing pastel theme for VSCode";
733             license =;
734             downloadPage = "";
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737         };
738         catppuccin-vsc-icons = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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744           };
745           meta = {
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748             license =;
749             downloadPage = "";
750             maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.laurent-f1z1 ];
751           };
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755       charliermarsh.ruff = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
756         mktplcRef =
757           let
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762               };
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774               };
775             };
776           in
777           {
778             name = "ruff";
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782           // sources.${stdenv.system} or (throw "Unsupported system ${stdenv.system}");
783         meta = {
784           license =;
785           changelog = "";
786           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension with support for the Ruff linter.";
787           downloadPage = "";
788           homepage = "";
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791       };
793       cameron.vscode-pytest = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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798           hash = "sha256-YU37a0Q+IXusXgwf9doxXLlYiyzkizbPjjdCZFxeDaA=";
799         };
800         meta = {
801           changelog = "";
802           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension that adds IntelliSense support for pytest fixtures";
803           downloadPage = "";
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805           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.rhoriguchi ];
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807       };
809       christian-kohler.npm-intellisense = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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815         };
816         meta = {
817           changelog = "";
818           description = "Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes npm modules in import statements";
819           downloadPage = "";
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822           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.DataHearth ];
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824       };
826       chenglou92.rescript-vscode = callPackage ./chenglou92.rescript-vscode { };
828       chris-hayes.chatgpt-reborn = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
829         meta = {
830           changelog = "";
831           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension to support ChatGPT, GPT-3 and Codex conversations";
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843       };
845       christian-kohler.path-intellisense = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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853           description = "Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes filenames";
854           downloadPage = "";
855           homepage = "";
856           license =;
857           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.imgabe ];
858         };
859       };
861       cmschuetz12.wal = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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868         meta = {
869           license =;
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871       };
873       coder.coder-remote = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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875           name = "coder-remote";
876           publisher = "coder";
877           version = "0.1.36";
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880         meta = {
881           description = "An extension for Visual Studio Code to open any Coder workspace in VS Code with a single click.";
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883           homepage = "";
884           license =;
885           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
886         };
887       };
889       codezombiech.gitignore = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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893           version = "0.9.0";
894           hash = "sha256-IHoF+c8Rsi6WnXoCX7x3wKyuMwLh14nbL9sNVJHogHM=";
895         };
896         meta = {
897           license =;
898         };
899       };
901       w88975.code-translate = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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903           name = "code-translate";
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905           version = "1.0.20";
906           hash = "sha256-blqLK7S+RmEoyr9zktS5/SNC0GeSXnNpbhltyajoAfw=";
907         };
908         meta = {
909           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension to provide purely hover translation";
910           longDescription = ''
911             Code Translate is a purely hover translation extension
912             - Non-intrusive display of translation results: perfectly integrated with VS Code code analysis.
913             - Powerful word splitting capabilities: supports various forms of word splitting such as camel case and underscore.
914             - Rich local vocabulary: includes 3.4+ million offline words, supporting various rare words.
915             - Based on a rich local vocabulary: Code Translate has super-fast query speed, with each word typically queried in less than 10ms.
916             - Multi-platform support: supports both the desktop version and online version of VS Code, and the plugin can be used on both versions.
917           '';
918           homepage = "";
919           changelog = "";
920           license =;
921           maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ onedragon ];
922         };
923       };
925       colejcummins.llvm-syntax-highlighting = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
926         mktplcRef = {
927           name = "llvm-syntax-highlighting";
928           publisher = "colejcummins";
929           version = "0.0.3";
930           hash = "sha256-D5zLp3ruq0F9UFT9emgOBDLr1tya2Vw52VvCc40TtV0=";
931         };
932         meta = {
933           description = "Lightweight syntax highlighting for LLVM IR";
934           homepage = "";
935           downloadPage = "";
936           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.inclyc ];
937           license =;
938         };
939       };
941       contextmapper.context-mapper-vscode-extension =
942         callPackage ./contextmapper.context-mapper-vscode-extension
943           { };
945       continue.continue = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
946         mktplcRef =
947           let
948             sources = {
949               "x86_64-linux" = {
950                 arch = "linux-x64";
951                 hash = "sha256-GQH+KKteWbCz18AlTWjLWrVpPRxumi+iDPS5n+5xy/0=";
952               };
953               "x86_64-darwin" = {
954                 arch = "darwin-x64";
955                 hash = "sha256-xBwuAtvRdOgYkfxP0JaxhAQZx5AJWymDVQ50piTx608=";
956               };
957               "aarch64-linux" = {
958                 arch = "linux-arm64";
959                 hash = "sha256-oLLKnNZ+E06PbUrhj5Y0HOdHhUs/fXd+3lZXX/P2C10=";
960               };
961               "aarch64-darwin" = {
962                 arch = "darwin-arm64";
963                 hash = "sha256-nWuyqOIELp8MrjzCFH3yu4pWm5KsNxmx3eacgStWKG0=";
964               };
965             };
966           in
967           {
968             name = "continue";
969             publisher = "Continue";
970             version = "0.8.25";
971           }
972           // sources.${stdenv.system};
973         nativeBuildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ autoPatchelfHook ];
974         buildInputs = [ ];
975         meta = {
976           description = "Open-source autopilot for software development - bring the power of ChatGPT to your IDE";
977           downloadPage = "";
978           homepage = "";
979           license = lib.licenses.asl20;
980           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.raroh73 ];
981           platforms = [
982             "x86_64-linux"
983             "x86_64-darwin"
984             "aarch64-darwin"
985             "aarch64-linux"
986           ];
987         };
988       };
990       coolbear.systemd-unit-file = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
991         mktplcRef = {
992           publisher = "coolbear";
993           name = "systemd-unit-file";
994           version = "1.0.6";
995           sha256 = "0sc0zsdnxi4wfdlmaqwb6k2qc21dgwx6ipvri36x7agk7m8m4736";
996         };
997         meta = {
998           license =;
999           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
1000         };
1001       };
1003       cweijan.dbclient-jdbc = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1004         mktplcRef = {
1005           name = "dbclient-jdbc";
1006           publisher = "cweijan";
1007           version = "1.3.4";
1008           hash = "sha256-qknooeedRhTvEWSuGXFoO/BczGanYCdMr7WWjthxG+k=";
1009         };
1010         meta = {
1011           description = "JDBC Adapter For Database Client";
1012           downloadPage = "";
1013           homepage = "";
1014           license =;
1015           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.themaxmur ];
1016         };
1017       };
1019       cweijan.vscode-database-client2 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1020         mktplcRef = {
1021           name = "vscode-database-client2";
1022           publisher = "cweijan";
1023           version = "6.3.0";
1024           hash = "sha256-BFTY3NZQd6XTE3UNO1bWo/LiM4sHujFGOSufDLD4mzM=";
1025         };
1026         meta = {
1027           description = "Database Client For Visual Studio Code";
1028           homepage = "";
1029           license =;
1030         };
1031       };
1033       daohong-emilio.yash = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1034         mktplcRef = {
1035           publisher = "daohong-emilio";
1036           name = "yash";
1037           version = "0.2.9";
1038           hash = "sha256-5JX6Z7xVPoqGjD1/ySc9ObD14O1sWDpvBj9VbtGO1Cg=";
1039         };
1040         meta = {
1041           license =;
1042           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
1043         };
1044       };
1046       dart-code.dart-code = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1047         mktplcRef = {
1048           name = "dart-code";
1049           publisher = "dart-code";
1050           version = "3.61.20230324";
1051           hash = "sha256-VVQ32heyzLjM5HdeNAK5PwqB1NsSQ9iQJBwJiJXlu+g=";
1052         };
1054         meta.license =;
1055       };
1057       dart-code.flutter = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1058         mktplcRef = {
1059           name = "flutter";
1060           publisher = "dart-code";
1061           version = "3.61.20230301";
1062           hash = "sha256-t4AfFgxVCl15YOz7NTULvNUcyuiQilEP6jPK4zMAAmc=";
1063         };
1065         meta.license =;
1066       };
1068       davidanson.vscode-markdownlint = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1069         mktplcRef = {
1070           name = "vscode-markdownlint";
1071           publisher = "DavidAnson";
1072           version = "0.55.0";
1073           hash = "sha256-slfHfRPcuRu+649n6kAr2bv9H6J+DvYVN/ysq1QpPQM=";
1074         };
1075         meta = {
1076           changelog = "";
1077           description = "Markdown linting and style checking for Visual Studio Code";
1078           downloadPage = "";
1079           homepage = "";
1080           license =;
1081           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
1082         };
1083       };
1085       davidlday.languagetool-linter = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1086         mktplcRef = {
1087           name = "languagetool-linter";
1088           publisher = "davidlday";
1089           version = "0.19.0";
1090           hash = "sha256-crq6CTXpzwHJL8FPIBneAGjDgUUNdpBt6rIaMCr1F1U=";
1091         };
1092         meta = {
1093           description = "LanguageTool integration for VS Code";
1094           downloadPage = "";
1095           homepage = "";
1096           license = lib.licenses.asl20;
1097           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ebbertd ];
1098         };
1099       };
1101       dbaeumer.vscode-eslint = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1102         mktplcRef = {
1103           name = "vscode-eslint";
1104           publisher = "dbaeumer";
1105           version = "2.4.4";
1106           hash = "sha256-NJGsMme/+4bvED/93SGojYTH03EZbtKe5LyvocywILA=";
1107         };
1108         meta = {
1109           changelog = "";
1110           description = "Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code.";
1111           downloadPage = "";
1112           homepage = "";
1113           license =;
1114           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
1115         };
1116       };
1118       denoland.vscode-deno = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1119         mktplcRef = {
1120           name = "vscode-deno";
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1122           version = "3.17.0";
1123           hash = "sha256-ETwpUrYbPXHSkEBq2oM1aCBwt9ItLcXMYc3YWjHLiJE=";
1124         };
1125         meta = {
1126           changelog = "";
1127           description = "A language server client for Deno";
1128           downloadPage = "";
1129           homepage = "";
1130           license =;
1131           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
1132         };
1133       };
1135       devsense.composer-php-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1136         mktplcRef = {
1137           name = "composer-php-vscode";
1138           publisher = "devsense";
1139           version = "1.41.14332";
1140           hash = "sha256-qRgncn6u40Igd40OZShRHXqdgjFqRLNb0hPirwc+DoU=";
1141         };
1142         meta = {
1143           changelog = "";
1144           description = "A visual studio code extension for full development integration for Composer, the PHP package manager.";
1145           downloadPage = "";
1146           homepage = "";
1147           license = lib.licenses.unfree;
1148           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
1149         };
1150       };
1152       devsense.phptools-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1153         mktplcRef =
1154           let
1155             sources = {
1156               "x86_64-linux" = {
1157                 arch = "linux-x64";
1158                 hash = "sha256-8i5nRlzd+LnpEh9trWECxfiC1W4S0ekBab5vo18OlsA=";
1159               };
1160               "x86_64-darwin" = {
1161                 arch = "darwin-x64";
1162                 sha256 = "14crw56277rdwhigabb3nsndkfcs3yzzf7gw85jvryxviq32chgy";
1163               };
1164               "aarch64-linux" = {
1165                 arch = "linux-arm64";
1166                 sha256 = "1j1xlvbg3nrfmdd9zm6kywwicdwdkrq0si86lcndaii8m7sj5pfp";
1167               };
1168               "aarch64-darwin" = {
1169                 arch = "darwin-arm64";
1170                 sha256 = "0nlks6iqxkx1xlicsa8lrb1319rgznlxkv2gg7wkwgzph97ik8bi";
1171               };
1172             };
1173           in
1174           {
1175             name = "phptools-vscode";
1176             publisher = "devsense";
1177             version = "1.41.14332";
1178           }
1179           // sources.${stdenv.system};
1181         nativeBuildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook ];
1183         buildInputs = [
1184           zlib
1186         ];
1188         postInstall = ''
1189           chmod +x $out/share/vscode/extensions/devsense.phptools-vscode/out/server/
1190         '';
1192         meta = {
1193           changelog = "";
1194           description = "A visual studio code extension for full development integration for the PHP language.";
1195           downloadPage = "";
1196           homepage = "";
1197           license = lib.licenses.unfree;
1198           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
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1200             "x86_64-linux"
1201             "x86_64-darwin"
1202             "aarch64-darwin"
1203             "aarch64-linux"
1204           ];
1205         };
1206       };
1208       devsense.profiler-php-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1209         mktplcRef = {
1210           name = "profiler-php-vscode";
1211           publisher = "devsense";
1212           version = "1.41.14332";
1213           hash = "sha256-u2lNqG6FUhWnnNGtv+sjTbP/hbu4Da/8xjLzmPZkZOA=";
1214         };
1215         meta = {
1216           changelog = "";
1217           description = "A visual studio code extension for PHP and XDebug profiling and inspecting.";
1218           downloadPage = "";
1219           homepage = "";
1220           license = lib.licenses.unfree;
1221           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
1222         };
1223       };
1225       dhall.dhall-lang = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1226         mktplcRef = {
1227           name = "dhall-lang";
1228           publisher = "dhall";
1229           version = "0.0.4";
1230           sha256 = "0sa04srhqmngmw71slnrapi2xay0arj42j4gkan8i11n7bfi1xpf";
1231         };
1232         meta = {
1233           license =;
1234         };
1235       };
1237       dhall.vscode-dhall-lsp-server = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1238         mktplcRef = {
1239           name = "vscode-dhall-lsp-server";
1240           publisher = "dhall";
1241           version = "0.0.4";
1242           sha256 = "1zin7s827bpf9yvzpxpr5n6mv0b5rhh3civsqzmj52mdq365d2js";
1243         };
1244         meta = {
1245           license =;
1246         };
1247       };
1249       dhedgecock.radical-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1250         mktplcRef = {
1251           name = "radical-vscode";
1252           publisher = "dhedgecock";
1253           version = "3.3.1";
1254           hash = "sha256-VvFQovuE+I0lqXU9fHrmk7nWMpuuWafqm9Acwb0+QYg=";
1255         };
1256         meta = {
1257           changelog = "";
1258           description = "A dark theme for radical hacking inspired by retro futuristic design";
1259           downloadPage = "";
1260           homepage = "";
1261           license = lib.licenses.isc;
1262           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.d3vil0p3r ];
1263         };
1264       };
1266       discloud.discloud = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1267         mktplcRef = {
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1269           name = "discloud";
1270           version = "2.21.2";
1271           hash = "sha256-es1WjKchxC2hIWOkIRuf5MqMjTYu6qcBgo8abCqTjFc=";
1272         };
1273         meta = {
1274           changelog = "";
1275           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for hosting and managing applications on Discloud";
1276           downloadPage = "";
1277           homepage = "";
1278           license = lib.licenses.asl20;
1279           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.astindev ];
1280         };
1281       };
1283       disneystreaming.smithy = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1284         mktplcRef = {
1285           publisher = "disneystreaming";
1286           name = "smithy";
1287           version = "0.0.8";
1288           hash = "sha256-BQPiSxiPPjdNPtIJI8L+558DVKxngPAI9sscpcJSJUI=";
1289         };
1290         meta = {
1291           license = lib.licenses.asl20;
1292         };
1293       };
1295       divyanshuagrawal.competitive-programming-helper = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1296         mktplcRef = {
1297           name = "competitive-programming-helper";
1298           publisher = "DivyanshuAgrawal";
1299           version = "5.10.0";
1300           hash = "sha256-KALTldVaptKt8k2Y6PMqhJEMrayB4yn86x2CxHn6Ba0=";
1301         };
1302         meta = {
1303           changelog = "";
1304           description = "Makes judging, compiling, and downloading problems for competitve programming easy. Also supports auto-submit for a few sites.";
1305           downloadPage = "";
1306           homepage = "";
1307           license = lib.licenses.gpl3;
1308           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.arcticlimer ];
1309         };
1310       };
1312       donjayamanne.githistory = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1313         mktplcRef = {
1314           name = "githistory";
1315           publisher = "donjayamanne";
1316           version = "0.6.20";
1317           hash = "sha256-nEdYS9/cMS4dcbFje23a47QBZr9eDK3dvtkFWqA+OHU=";
1318         };
1319         meta = {
1320           changelog = "";
1321           description = "View git log, file history, compare branches or commits";
1322           downloadPage = "";
1323           homepage = "";
1324           license =;
1325           maintainers = [ ];
1326         };
1327       };
1329       dotenv.dotenv-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1330         mktplcRef = {
1331           name = "dotenv-vscode";
1332           publisher = "dotenv";
1333           version = "0.28.0";
1334           hash = "sha256-KiQgFvbfLsA/ADROoG6y6c/i0XHuTNH2AN+6mWEm0P8=";
1335         };
1336         meta = {
1337           changelog = "";
1338           description = "Official Dotenv extension for VSCode. Offers syntax highlighting, auto-cloaking, auto-completion, in-code secret peeking, and optionally dotenv-vault";
1339           downloadPage = "";
1340           homepage = "";
1341           license =;
1342         };
1343       };
1345       dotjoshjohnson.xml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1346         mktplcRef = {
1347           name = "xml";
1348           publisher = "dotjoshjohnson";
1349           version = "2.5.1";
1350           sha256 = "1v4x6yhzny1f8f4jzm4g7vqmqg5bqchyx4n25mkgvw2xp6yls037";
1351         };
1352         meta = {
1353           description = "XML Tools";
1354           homepage = "";
1355           license =;
1356         };
1357       };
1359       dracula-theme.theme-dracula = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1360         mktplcRef = {
1361           name = "theme-dracula";
1362           publisher = "dracula-theme";
1363           version = "2.24.3";
1364           hash = "sha256-3B18lEu8rXVXySdF3+xsPnAyruIuEQJDhlNw82Xm6b0=";
1365         };
1366         meta = {
1367           changelog = "";
1368           description = "Dark theme for many editors, shells, and more";
1369           downloadPage = "";
1370           homepage = "";
1371           license =;
1372         };
1373       };
1375       eamodio.gitlens = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1376         mktplcRef = {
1377           name = "gitlens";
1378           publisher = "eamodio";
1379           # Stable versions are listed on the GitHub releases page and use a
1380           # semver scheme, contrary to preview versions which are listed on
1381           # the VSCode Marketplace and use a calver scheme. We should avoid
1382           # using preview versions, because they expire after two weeks.
1383           version = "14.9.0";
1384           hash = "sha256-Z6KeIUw1SLZ4tUgs7sU9IJO/6diozPxQuTbXr6DayHA=";
1385         };
1386         meta = {
1387           changelog = "";
1388           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension that improves its built-in Git capabilities";
1389           longDescription = ''
1390             Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code â€” Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git
1391             blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via
1392             powerful comparison commands, and so much more
1393           '';
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1412           homepage = "";
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1414           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.DataHearth ];
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1416       };
1418       ecmel.vscode-html-css = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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1444           description = "EditorConfig Support for Visual Studio Code";
1445           downloadPage = "";
1446           homepage = "";
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1452       edonet.vscode-command-runner = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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1459         meta = {
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1476       elixir-lsp.vscode-elixir-ls = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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1572       esbenp.prettier-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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1598       eugleo.magic-racket = callPackage ./eugleo.magic-racket { };
1600       ExiaHuang.dictionary = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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1633       firefox-devtools.vscode-firefox-debug = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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1690         meta = {
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1702         meta = {
1703           license =;
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1719 = callPackage ./ { };
1721       freebroccolo.reasonml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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1725           downloadPage = "";
1726           homepage = "";
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1738       funkyremi.vscode-google-translate = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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1750           license =;
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1755       gencer.html-slim-scss-css-class-completion = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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1784           sha256 = "RKvmZkegFs4y+sEVaamPRO1F1E+k4jJyI0Q9XqKowrQ=";
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1786       };
1788       github.codespaces = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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1812         meta = {
1813           description = "GitHub Copilot uses OpenAI Codex to suggest code and entire functions in real-time right from your editor.";
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1815           homepage = "";
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1819       };
1821       github.copilot-chat = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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1826           hash = "sha256-+6N7IGO5j0wP5Zg8CwapHeKGWiZzc43VM4jCtqJDJIQ=";
1827         };
1828         meta = {
1829           description = "GitHub Copilot Chat is a companion extension to GitHub Copilot that houses experimental chat features";
1830           downloadPage = "";
1831           homepage = "";
1832           license = lib.licenses.unfree;
1833           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.laurent-f1z1 ];
1834         };
1835       };
1837       github.github-vscode-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1838         mktplcRef = {
1839           name = "github-vscode-theme";
1840           publisher = "github";
1841           version = "6.3.4";
1842           hash = "sha256-JbI0B7jxt/2pNg/hMjAE5pBBa3LbUdi+GF0iEZUDUDM=";
1843         };
1844         meta = {
1845           description = "GitHub theme for VS Code";
1846           downloadPage = "";
1847           homepage = "";
1848           license =;
1849           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.hugolgst ];
1850         };
1851       };
1853       github.vscode-github-actions = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1854         mktplcRef = {
1855           name = "vscode-github-actions";
1856           publisher = "github";
1857           version = "0.26.2";
1858           hash = "sha256-sEc6Fbn4XpK8vNK32R4fjnx/R+1xYOwcuhKlo7sPd5o=";
1859         };
1860         meta = {
1861           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for GitHub Actions workflows and runs for hosted repositories";
1862           downloadPage = "";
1863           homepage = "";
1864           license =;
1865           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
1866         };
1867       };
1869       github.vscode-pull-request-github = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1870         mktplcRef = {
1871           name = "vscode-pull-request-github";
1872           publisher = "github";
1873           # Stable versions are listed on the GitHub releases page and use a
1874           # semver scheme, contrary to preview versions which are listed on
1875           # the VSCode Marketplace and use a calver scheme. We should avoid
1876           # using preview versions, because they can require insider versions
1877           # of VS Code
1878           version = "0.78.1";
1879           hash = "sha256-T9oW6o4ItZfR8E1qrcH3nhMvVB6ihi4kpiDz7YGHOcI=";
1880         };
1881         meta = {
1882           license =;
1883         };
1884       };
1886       gitlab.gitlab-workflow = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1887         mktplcRef = {
1888           name = "gitlab-workflow";
1889           publisher = "gitlab";
1890           version = "3.60.0";
1891           hash = "sha256-rH0+6sQfBfI8SrKY9GGtTOONdzKus6Z62E8Qv5xY7Fw=";
1892         };
1893         meta = {
1894           description = "GitLab extension for Visual Studio Code";
1895           downloadPage = "";
1896           homepage = "";
1897           license =;
1898           maintainers = [ ];
1899         };
1900       };
1902       gleam.gleam = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1903         mktplcRef = {
1904           name = "gleam";
1905           publisher = "gleam";
1906           version = "2.3.0";
1907           hash = "sha256-dhRS8fLKY0plRwnrAUWT4g/LfH6IpODTNhT79g4Nm+0=";
1908         };
1909         meta = {
1910           description = "Support for the Gleam programming language";
1911           downloadPage = "";
1912           homepage = "";
1913           license = lib.licenses.asl20;
1914           maintainers = [ ];
1915         };
1916       };
1918       golang.go = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1919         mktplcRef = {
1920           name = "Go";
1921           publisher = "golang";
1922           version = "0.40.0";
1923           hash = "sha256-otAq6ul2l64zpRJdekCb7XZiE2vgpLUfM4NUdRPZX8w=";
1924         };
1925         meta = {
1926           changelog = "";
1927           description = "Go extension for Visual Studio Code";
1928           downloadPage = "";
1929           homepage = "";
1930           license =;
1931         };
1932       };
1934       grapecity.gc-excelviewer = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1935         mktplcRef = {
1936           name = "gc-excelviewer";
1937           publisher = "grapecity";
1938           version = "4.2.56";
1939           hash = "sha256-lrKkxaqPDouWzDP1uUE4Rgt9mI61jUOi/xZ85A0mnrk=";
1940         };
1941         meta = {
1942           description = "Edit Excel spreadsheets and CSV files in Visual Studio Code and VS Code for the Web";
1943           downloadPage = "";
1944           homepage = "";
1945           license =;
1946           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
1947         };
1948       };
1950       graphql.vscode-graphql = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1951         mktplcRef = {
1952           name = "vscode-graphql";
1953           publisher = "GraphQL";
1954           version = "0.8.7";
1955           hash = "sha256-u3VcpgLKiEeUr1I6w71wleKyaO6v0gmHiw5Ama6fv88=";
1956         };
1957         meta = {
1958           description = "GraphQL extension for VSCode built with the aim to tightly integrate the GraphQL Ecosystem with VSCode for an awesome developer experience.";
1959           downloadPage = "";
1960           homepage = "";
1961           license =;
1962           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.Enzime ];
1963         };
1964       };
1966       graphql.vscode-graphql-syntax = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1967         mktplcRef = {
1968           name = "vscode-graphql-syntax";
1969           publisher = "GraphQL";
1970           version = "1.1.0";
1971           hash = "sha256-qazU0UyZ9de6Huj2AYZqqBo4jVW/ZQmFJhV7XXAblxo=";
1972         };
1973         meta = {
1974           description = "Adds full GraphQL syntax highlighting and language support such as bracket matching.";
1975           downloadPage = "";
1976           homepage = "";
1977           license =;
1978           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.Enzime ];
1979         };
1980       };
1982       griimick.vhs = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1983         mktplcRef = {
1984           name = "vhs";
1985           publisher = "griimick";
1986           version = "0.0.4";
1987           hash = "sha256-zAy8o5d2pK5ra/dbwoLgPAQAYfRQtUYQjisWYgIhsXA=";
1988         };
1989         meta = {
1990           description = "Visual Studio Code extension providing syntax support for VHS .tape files";
1991           downloadPage = "";
1992           homepage = "";
1993           license =;
1994           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
1995         };
1996       };
1998       gruntfuggly.todo-tree = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
1999         mktplcRef = {
2000           name = "todo-tree";
2001           publisher = "Gruntfuggly";
2002           version = "0.0.226";
2003           hash = "sha256-Fj9cw+VJ2jkTGUclB1TLvURhzQsaryFQs/+f2RZOLHs=";
2004         };
2005         meta = {
2006           license =;
2007         };
2008       };
2010       hars.cppsnippets = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2011         mktplcRef = {
2012           name = "cppsnippets";
2013           publisher = "hars";
2014           version = "0.0.15";
2015           hash = "sha256-KXdEKcxPclbD22aKGAKSmdpVBZP2IpQRaKfc2LDsL0U=";
2016         };
2017         meta = {
2018           description = "Code snippets for C/C++";
2019           downloadPage = "";
2020           homepage = "";
2021           license =;
2022           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.themaxmur ];
2023         };
2024       };
2026       hashicorp.hcl = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2027         mktplcRef = {
2028           name = "HCL";
2029           publisher = "HashiCorp";
2030           version = "0.3.2";
2031           hash = "sha256-cxF3knYY29PvT3rkRS8SGxMn9vzt56wwBXpk2PqO0mo=";
2032         };
2033         meta = {
2034           description = "HashiCorp HCL syntax";
2035           downloadPage = "";
2036           homepage = "";
2037           license = lib.licenses.mpl20;
2038           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.themaxmur ];
2039         };
2040       };
2042       hashicorp.terraform = callPackage ./hashicorp.terraform { };
2044       haskell.haskell = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2045         mktplcRef = {
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2047           publisher = "haskell";
2048           version = "2.2.2";
2049           hash = "sha256-zWdIVdz+kZg7KZQ7LeBCB4aB9wg8dUbkWfzGlM0Fq7Q=";
2050         };
2051         meta = {
2052           license =;
2053         };
2054       };
2056       hbenl.vscode-test-explorer = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2057         mktplcRef = {
2058           name = "vscode-test-explorer";
2059           publisher = "hbenl";
2060           version = "2.21.1";
2061           hash = "sha256-fHyePd8fYPt7zPHBGiVmd8fRx+IM3/cSBCyiI/C0VAg=";
2062         };
2063         meta = {
2064           changelog = "";
2065           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension that runs your tests in the sidebar";
2066           downloadPage = "";
2067           homepage = "";
2068           license =;
2069         };
2070       };
2072       hediet.vscode-drawio = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2073         mktplcRef = {
2074           name = "vscode-drawio";
2075           publisher = "hediet";
2076           version = "1.6.6";
2077           hash = "sha256-SPcSnS7LnRL5gdiJIVsFaN7eccrUHSj9uQYIQZllm0M=";
2078         };
2079         meta = {
2080           description = "This unofficial extension integrates into VS Code.";
2081           downloadPage = "";
2082           homepage = "";
2083           license = lib.licenses.gpl3Only;
2084           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.themaxmur ];
2085         };
2086       };
2088       hiukky.flate = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2089         mktplcRef = {
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2093           hash = "sha256-6ouYQk7mHCJdGrcutM1EXolJAT7/Sp1hi+Bu0983GKw=";
2094         };
2095         meta = {
2096           description = "Colorful dark themes for VS Code";
2097           downloadPage = "";
2098           homepage = "";
2099           license =;
2100           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.stunkymonkey ];
2101         };
2102       };
2104       hookyqr.beautify = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2105         mktplcRef = {
2106           name = "beautify";
2107           publisher = "HookyQR";
2108           version = "1.5.0";
2109           sha256 = "1c0kfavdwgwham92xrh0gnyxkrl9qlkpv39l1yhrldn8vd10fj5i";
2110         };
2111         meta = {
2112           license =;
2113         };
2114       };
2116 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2117         mktplcRef = {
2118           publisher = "humao";
2119           name = "rest-client";
2120           version = "0.25.1";
2121           hash = "sha256-DSzZ9wGB0IVK8gYOzLLbT03WX3xSmR/IUVZkDzcczKc=";
2122         };
2123         meta = {
2124           license =;
2125         };
2126       };
2128       ibm.output-colorizer = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2129         mktplcRef = {
2130           name = "output-colorizer";
2131           publisher = "IBM";
2132           version = "0.1.2";
2133           sha256 = "0i9kpnlk3naycc7k8gmcxas3s06d67wxr3nnyv5hxmsnsx5sfvb7";
2134         };
2135         meta = {
2136           license =;
2137         };
2138       };
2140       iciclesoft.workspacesort = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2141         mktplcRef = {
2142           name = "workspacesort";
2143           publisher = "iciclesoft";
2144           version = "1.6.2";
2145           hash = "sha256-ZsjBgoTr4LGQW0kn+CtbdLwpPHmlYl5LKhwXIzcPe2o=";
2146         };
2147         meta = {
2148           changelog = "";
2149           description = "Sort workspace-folders alphabetically rather than in chronological order";
2150           downloadPage = "";
2151           homepage = "";
2152           license =;
2153           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.dbirks ];
2154         };
2155       };
2157       iliazeus.vscode-ansi = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2158         mktplcRef = {
2159           name = "vscode-ansi";
2160           publisher = "iliazeus";
2161           version = "1.1.6";
2162           hash = "sha256-ZPV8zd/GkXOGf6s8fz9ZPmC3i1jO0wFAqV0E67lW0do=";
2163         };
2164         meta = {
2165           description = "ANSI color styling for text documents";
2166           downloadPage = "";
2167           homepage = "";
2168           license =;
2169         };
2170       };
2172       influxdata.flux = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2173         mktplcRef = {
2174           publisher = "influxdata";
2175           name = "flux";
2176           version = "1.0.4";
2177           hash = "sha256-KIKROyfkosBS1Resgl+s3VENVg4ibaeIgKjermXESoA=";
2178         };
2179         meta = {
2180           license =;
2181         };
2182       };
2184       intellsmi.comment-translate = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2185         mktplcRef = {
2186           publisher = "intellsmi";
2187           name = "comment-translate";
2188           version = "2.2.4";
2189           hash = "sha256-g6mlScxv8opZuqgWtTJ3k0Yo7W7WzIkwB+8lWf6cMiU=";
2190         };
2191         meta = {
2192           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension to translate the comments for computer language";
2193           longDescription = ''
2194             This plugin uses the Google Translate API to translate comments for the VSCode programming language.
2195           '';
2196           homepage = "";
2197           downloadPage = "";
2198           changelog = "";
2199           maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ onedragon ];
2200           license =;
2201         };
2202       };
2204       ionide.ionide-fsharp = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2205         mktplcRef = {
2206           name = "Ionide-fsharp";
2207           publisher = "Ionide";
2208           version = "7.18.2";
2209           hash = "sha256-CEeTLiZktp5YzCRxDXa+s8W9N971iQla/FyCr8Co0SQ=";
2210         };
2211         meta = {
2212           changelog = "";
2213           description = "Enhanced F# Language Features for Visual Studio Code";
2214           downloadPage = "";
2215           homepage = "";
2216           license =;
2217           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
2218         };
2219       };
2221       irongeek.vscode-env = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2222         mktplcRef = {
2223           name = "vscode-env";
2224           publisher = "irongeek";
2225           version = "0.1.0";
2226           hash = "sha256-URq90lOFtPCNfSIl2NUwihwRQyqgDysGmBc3NG7o7vk=";
2227         };
2228         meta = {
2229           description = "Adds formatting and syntax highlighting support for env files (.env) to Visual Studio Code";
2230           downloadPage = "";
2231           homepage = "";
2232           license =;
2233           maintainers = [ ];
2234         };
2235       };
2237       jackmacwindows.craftos-pc = callPackage ./jackmacwindows.craftos-pc { };
2239       james-yu.latex-workshop = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2240         mktplcRef = {
2241           name = "latex-workshop";
2242           publisher = "James-Yu";
2243           version = "9.14.1";
2244           sha256 = "1a8im7n25jy2zyqcqhscj62bamhwzp6kk6hdarb0p38d4pwwzxbm";
2245         };
2246         meta = {
2247           changelog = "";
2248           description = "LaTeX Workshop Extension";
2249           downloadPage = "";
2250           homepage = "";
2251           license =;
2252           maintainers = [ ];
2253         };
2254       };
2256       jamesyang999.vscode-emacs-minimum = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2257         mktplcRef = {
2258           name = "vscode-emacs-minimum";
2259           publisher = "jamesyang999";
2260           version = "1.1.1";
2261           hash = "sha256-qxnAhT2UGTQmPw9XmdBdx0F0NNLAaU1/ES9jiqiRrGI=";
2262         };
2263         meta = {
2264           description = "Minimal emacs key bindings for VSCode";
2265           downloadPage = "";
2266           homepage = "";
2267           license = lib.licenses.unfree;
2268         };
2269       };
2271       janet-lang.vscode-janet = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2272         mktplcRef = {
2273           name = "vscode-janet";
2274           publisher = "janet-lang";
2275           version = "0.0.2";
2276           hash = "sha256-oj0e++z2BtadIXOnTlocIIHliYweZ1iyrV08DwatfLI=";
2277         };
2278         meta = {
2279           description = "Janet language support for Visual Studio Code";
2280           downloadPage = "";
2281           homepage = "";
2282           license =;
2283           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wackbyte ];
2284         };
2285       };
2287       jbockle.jbockle-format-files = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2288         mktplcRef = {
2289           name = "jbockle-format-files";
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2303       jdinhlife.gruvbox = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2310         meta = {
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2312           description = "A port of Gruvbox theme to VS Code editor";
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2320       jebbs.plantuml = callPackage ./jebbs.plantuml { };
2322       jellyedwards.gitsweep = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2328         };
2329         meta = {
2330           changelog = "";
2331           description = "VS Code extension which allows you to easily exclude modified or new files so they don't get committed accidentally";
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2333           homepage = "";
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2337       };
2339       jkillian.custom-local-formatters = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2348           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
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2350       };
2352       jnoortheen.nix-ide = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2359         meta = {
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2376         meta = {
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2387         };
2388         meta = {
2389           license =;
2390         };
2391       };
2393       julialang.language-julia = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2400         meta = {
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2416         meta = {
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2418         };
2419       };
2421       k--kato.intellij-idea-keybindings = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2438       kahole.magit = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2461         };
2462         meta = {
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2472       kamadorueda.alejandra = callPackage ./kamadorueda.alejandra { };
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2486       karunamurti.haml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2496       kddejong.vscode-cfn-lint =
2497         let
2498           inherit (python3Packages) cfn-lint pydot;
2499         in
2500         buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2509             jq
2510             moreutils
2511           ];
2513           buildInputs = [
2514             cfn-lint
2515             pydot
2516           ];
2518           postInstall = ''
2519             cd "$out/$installPrefix"
2520             jq '"cfnLint.path".default = "${cfn-lint}/bin/cfn-lint"' package.json | sponge package.json
2521           '';
2523           meta = {
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2527             maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wolfangaukang ];
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2531       kubukoz.nickel-syntax = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2543       llvm-org.lldb-vscode = llvmPackages.lldb;
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2560       };
2562       lokalise.i18n-ally = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2568         };
2569         meta = {
2570           license =;
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2580         };
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2588       };
2590       mads-hartmann.bash-ide-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2596         };
2597         meta = {
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2599           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
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2601       };
2603       marp-team.marp-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2609         };
2610         meta = {
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2613       };
2615       matangover.mypy = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2621         };
2622         meta.license =;
2623       };
2625       mathiasfrohlich.kotlin = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2639       };
2641       matthewpi.caddyfile-support = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2654           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.matthewpi ];
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2656       };
2658       mattn.lisp = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2675       maximedenes.vscoq = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2683           description = "VsCoq is an extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and VSCodium with support for the Coq Proof Assistant.";
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2685           homepage = "";
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2687           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.Zimmi48 ];
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2691       mechatroner.rainbow-csv = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2698         meta = {
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2701       };
2703       mgt19937.typst-preview = callPackage ./mgt19937.typst-preview { };
2705       mhutchie.git-graph = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2712         meta = {
2713           license =;
2714         };
2715       };
2717       mikestead.dotenv = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2723         };
2724         meta = {
2725           license =;
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2727       };
2729       mishkinf.goto-next-previous-member = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2735         };
2736         meta = {
2737           license =;
2738         };
2739       };
2741       mkhl.direnv = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2746           hash = "sha256-9sFcfTMeLBGw2ET1snqQ6Uk//D/vcD9AVsZfnUNrWNg=";
2747         };
2748         meta = {
2749           description = "direnv support for Visual Studio Code";
2750           license = lib.licenses.bsd0;
2751           downloadPage = "";
2752           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.nullx76 ];
2753         };
2754       };
2756 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2757         mktplcRef = {
2758           name = "compare-folders";
2759           publisher = "moshfeu";
2760           version = "0.24.2";
2761           hash = "sha256-EiGuYRMN8bXq+Cya38U+dCX2W0wzIeP0yb39WBJaX1U=";
2762         };
2764         meta = {
2765           changelog = "";
2766           description = "The extension allows you to compare folders, show the diffs in a list and present diff in a splitted view side by side";
2767           downloadPage = "";
2768           homepage = "";
2769           license =;
2770         };
2771       };
2773       ms-azuretools.vscode-docker = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2774         mktplcRef = {
2775           name = "vscode-docker";
2776           publisher = "ms-azuretools";
2777           version = "1.29.0";
2778           hash = "sha256-mVRsVsolXj31WhbWnt3Xml+NnIq7Q2uHhUUd1zgW42c=";
2779         };
2780         meta = {
2781           description = "Docker Extension for Visual Studio Code";
2782           homepage = "";
2783           changelog = "";
2784           license =;
2785         };
2786       };
2788       ms-ceintl = callPackage ./language-packs.nix { }; # non-English language packs
2790       ms-dotnettools.csdevkit = callPackage ./ms-dotnettools.csdevkit { };
2791       ms-dotnettools.csharp = callPackage ./ms-dotnettools.csharp { };
2793       ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2794         mktplcRef = {
2795           name = "vscode-kubernetes-tools";
2796           publisher = "ms-kubernetes-tools";
2797           version = "1.3.11";
2798           hash = "sha256-I2ud9d4VtgiiIT0MeoaMThgjLYtSuftFVZHVJTMlJ8s=";
2799         };
2800         meta = {
2801           license =;
2802         };
2803       };
2805       ms-pyright.pyright = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2806         mktplcRef = {
2807           name = "pyright";
2808           publisher = "ms-pyright";
2809           version = "1.1.300";
2810           hash = "sha256-GzRJeV4qfgM2kBv6U3MH7lMWl3CL6LWPI/9GaVWZL+o=";
2811         };
2812         meta = {
2813           description = "VS Code static type checking for Python";
2814           downloadPage = "";
2815           homepage = "";
2816           changelog = "";
2817           license =;
2818           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
2819         };
2820       };
2822 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2823         mktplcRef = {
2824           name = "black-formatter";
2825           publisher = "ms-python";
2826           version = "2023.4.1";
2827           hash = "sha256-IJaLke0WF1rlKTiuwJHAXDQB1SS39AoQhc4iyqqlTyY=";
2828         };
2829         meta = with lib; {
2830           description = "Formatter extension for Visual Studio Code using black";
2831           downloadPage = "";
2832           homepage = "";
2833           license =;
2834           maintainers = with maintainers; [ sikmir ];
2835         };
2836       };
2838       ms-python.isort = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2839         mktplcRef = {
2840           name = "isort";
2841           publisher = "ms-python";
2842           version = "2023.10.1";
2843           hash = "sha256-NRsS+mp0pIhGZiqxAMXNZ7SwLno9Q8pj+RS1WB92HzU=";
2844         };
2845         meta = with lib; {
2846           description = "Import sorting extension for Visual Studio Code using isort";
2847           downloadPage = "";
2848           homepage = "";
2849           license =;
2850           maintainers = with maintainers; [ sikmir ];
2851         };
2852       };
2854       ms-python.python = callPackage ./ms-python.python { };
2856       ms-python.debugpy = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2857         mktplcRef = {
2858           name = "debugpy";
2859           publisher = "ms-python";
2860           version = "2023.3.13121011";
2861           hash = "sha256-owYUEyQl2FQytApfuI97N4y9p7/dL0lu6EBk/AzSMjw=";
2862         };
2863         meta = {
2864           description = "Python debugger (debugpy) extension for VS Code";
2865           downloadPage = "";
2866           homepage = "";
2867           license =;
2868           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.carlthome ];
2869         };
2870       };
2872       ms-python.vscode-pylance = callPackage ./ms-python.vscode-pylance { };
2874       ms-toolsai.datawrangler = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
2875         mktplcRef = {
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2877           publisher = "ms-toolsai";
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2879           hash = "sha256-9MR2+hb9YdjIGDfUkdLW41HOxhjeS/San49C8QRZ/YY=";
2880         };
2882         meta = {
2883           description = "Data viewing, cleaning and preparation for tabular datasets";
2884           downloadPage = "";
2885           homepage = "";
2886           license =;
2887           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.katanallama ];
2888         };
2889       };
2891       ms-toolsai.jupyter = callPackage ./ms-toolsai.jupyter { };
2893       ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2897           version = "1.1.0";
2898           hash = "sha256-krDtR+ZJiJf1Kxcu5mdXOaSAiJb2bXC1H0XWWviWeMQ=";
2899         };
2900         meta = {
2901           license =;
2902         };
2903       };
2905       ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2908           publisher = "ms-toolsai";
2909           version = "1.0.15";
2910           hash = "sha256-JR6PunvRRTsSqjSGGAn/1t1B+Ia6X0MgqahehcuSNYA=";
2911         };
2912         meta = {
2913           license =;
2914         };
2915       };
2917       ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2923         };
2924         meta = {
2925           license =;
2926         };
2927       };
2929       ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2933           version = "0.1.5";
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2935         };
2936         meta = {
2937           license =;
2938         };
2939       };
2941       ms-vscode.anycode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2945           version = "0.0.70";
2946           hash = "sha256-POxgwvKF4A+DxKVIOte4I8REhAbO1U9Gu6r/S41/MmA=";
2947         };
2948         meta = {
2949           license =;
2950         };
2951       };
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2955           name = "cmake-tools";
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2957           version = "1.14.20";
2958           hash = "sha256-j67Z65N9YW8wY4zIWWCtPIKgW9GYoUntBoGVBLR/H2o=";
2959         };
2960         meta.license =;
2961       };
2963       ms-vscode.cpptools = callPackage ./ms-vscode.cpptools { };
2965       ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2967           name = "cpptools-extension-pack";
2968           publisher = "ms-vscode";
2969           version = "1.3.0";
2970           hash = "sha256-rHST7CYCVins3fqXC+FYiS5Xgcjmi7QW7M4yFrUR04U=";
2971         };
2972         meta = {
2973           description = "Popular extensions for C++ development in Visual Studio Code.";
2974           downloadPage = "";
2975           homepage = "";
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2977           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.themaxmur ];
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2981       ms-vscode.hexeditor = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2984           publisher = "ms-vscode";
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2986           hash = "sha256-w1R8z7Q/JRAsqJ1mgcvlHJ6tywfgKtS6A6zOY2p01io=";
2987         };
2988         meta = {
2989           license =;
2990         };
2991       };
2993 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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2999         };
3000         meta = {
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3014         };
3015         meta = {
3016           license =;
3017         };
3018       };
3020       ms-vscode.powershell = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3026         };
3027         meta = {
3028           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for PowerShell language support";
3029           downloadPage = "";
3030           homepage = "";
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3032           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.rhoriguchi ];
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3034       };
3036       ms-vscode.test-adapter-converter = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3042         };
3043         meta = {
3044           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension that converts from the Test Explorer UI API into native VS Code testing";
3045           downloadPage = "";
3046           homepage = "";
3047           license =;
3048         };
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3056           hash = "sha256-qakwJWak+IrIeeVcMDWV/fLPx5M8LQGCyhVt4TS/Lmc=";
3057         };
3058         meta = {
3059           description = "Additional Tomorrow and Tomorrow Night themes for VS Code. Based on the TextMate themes.";
3060           downloadPage = "";
3061           homepage = "";
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3063           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
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3067       ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3073         };
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3075           description = "Open any folder or repository inside a Docker container.";
3076           downloadPage = "Use a container as your development environment";
3077           homepage = "";
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3079           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.anthonyroussel ];
3080         };
3081       };
3083       ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh = callPackage ./ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh { };
3085       ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare = callPackage ./ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare { };
3087       mshr-h.veriloghdl = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3088         mktplcRef = {
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3093         };
3094         meta = {
3095           changelog = "";
3096           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for supporting Verilog-HDL, SystemVerilog, Bluespec and SystemVerilog";
3097           downloadPage = "";
3098           homepage = "";
3099           license =;
3100           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.newam ];
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3104 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3111         meta = {
3112           license =;
3113         };
3114       };
3116       mskelton.npm-outdated = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3120           version = "2.2.0";
3121           hash = "sha256-kHItIlTW+PIVXrLgzdGAoPeR6sWKuKl/QyJ5+TIv3/E=";
3122         };
3123         meta = {
3124           changelog = "";
3125           description = "Shows which packages are outdated in an npm project";
3126           downloadPage = "";
3127           homepage = "";
3128           license = lib.licenses.isc;
3129         };
3130       };
3132       mvllow.rose-pine = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3138         };
3139         meta = {
3140           license =;
3141         };
3142       };
3144       myriad-dreamin.tinymist = callPackage ./myriad-dreamin.tinymist { };
3146       naumovs.color-highlight = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3155           description = "Highlight web colors in your editor";
3156           downloadPage = "";
3157           homepage = "";
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3159           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
3160         };
3161       };
3163       naumovs.theme-oceanicnext = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3171           description = "Oceanic Next theme for VSCode + dimmed bg version for better looking UI";
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3173           homepage = "";
3174           license = lib.licenses.unlicense;
3175           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.themaxmur ];
3176         };
3177       };
3179       njpwerner.autodocstring = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3184           hash = "sha256-NI0cbjsZPW8n6qRTRKoqznSDhLZRUguP7Sa/d0feeoc=";
3185         };
3186         meta = {
3187           changelog = "";
3188           description = "Generates python docstrings automatically";
3189           downloadPage = "";
3190           homepage = "";
3191           license =;
3192           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
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3194       };
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3203         meta = {
3204           changelog = "";
3205           description = "Theme inspired by VSCode default dark theme, monokai theme and Vim Molokai theme";
3206           downloadPage = "";
3207           homepage = "";
3208           license =;
3209           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.amz-x ];
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3211       };
3213       nur.just-black = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3214         mktplcRef = {
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3217           version = "3.1.1";
3218           hash = "sha256-fatJZquCDsLDFGVzBol2D6LIZUbZ6GzqcVEFAwLodW0=";
3219         };
3220         meta = {
3221           description = "A dark theme designed specifically for syntax highlighting";
3222           downloadPage = "";
3223           homepage = "";
3224           license =;
3225           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.d3vil0p3r ];
3226         };
3227       };
3229       nvarner.typst-lsp = callPackage ./nvarner.typst-lsp { };
3231       ocamllabs.ocaml-platform = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3232         meta = {
3233           changelog = "";
3234           description = "Official OCaml Support from OCamlLabs";
3235           downloadPage = "";
3236           homepage = "";
3237           license = lib.licenses.isc;
3238           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
3239         };
3240         mktplcRef = {
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3242           publisher = "ocamllabs";
3243           version = "1.12.2";
3244           hash = "sha256-dj8UFbYgAl6dt/1MuIBawTVUbBDTTedZEcHtKZjEcew=";
3245         };
3246       };
3248       octref.vetur = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3249         mktplcRef = {
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3251           publisher = "octref";
3252           version = "0.37.3";
3253           hash = "sha256-3hi1LOZto5AYaomB9ihkAt4j/mhkCDJ8Jqa16piwHIQ=";
3254         };
3255         meta = {
3256           license =;
3257         };
3258       };
3260       oderwat.indent-rainbow = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3261         mktplcRef = {
3262           name = "indent-rainbow";
3263           publisher = "oderwat";
3264           version = "8.3.1";
3265           hash = "sha256-dOicya0B2sriTcDSdCyhtp0Mcx5b6TUaFKVb0YU3jUc=";
3266         };
3267         meta = {
3268           description = "Makes indentation easier to read";
3269           downloadPage = "";
3270           homepage = "";
3271           license =;
3272           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.imgabe ];
3273         };
3274       };
3276       phoenixframework.phoenix = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3277         mktplcRef = {
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3279           publisher = "phoenixframework";
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3281           hash = "sha256-T+YNRR8jAzNagmoCDzjbytBDFtPhNn289Kywep/w8sw=";
3282         };
3283         meta = {
3284           description = "Syntax highlighting support for HEEx / Phoenix templates";
3285           downloadPage = "";
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3287           license =;
3288           maintainers = [ ];
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3292       piousdeer.adwaita-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3293         mktplcRef = {
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3295           publisher = "piousdeer";
3296           version = "1.1.0";
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3298         };
3299         meta = {
3300           description = "Theme for the GNOME desktop";
3301           downloadPage = "";
3302           homepage = "";
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3304           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wyndon ];
3305         };
3306       };
3308       pkief.material-icon-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3309         mktplcRef = {
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3312           version = "4.31.0";
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3314         };
3315         meta = {
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3320       pkief.material-product-icons = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3326         };
3327         meta = {
3328           license =;
3329         };
3330       };
3332       prisma.prisma = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3337           hash = "sha256-fHvwv9E/O8ZvhnyY7nNF/SIyl87z8KVEXTbhU/37EP0=";
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3339         meta = {
3340           changelog = "";
3341           description = "VSCode extension for syntax highlighting, formatting, auto-completion, jump-to-definition and linting for .prisma files";
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3344           license = lib.licenses.asl20;
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3347       };
3349       pythagoratechnologies.gpt-pilot-vs-code = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3350         mktplcRef = {
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3352           publisher = "PythagoraTechnologies";
3353           version = "0.1.7";
3354           hash = "sha256-EUddanrB6h5cn3pK2JTkEPffVb06ZMI2qDPh0kFfJjA=";
3355         };
3356         meta = {
3357           changelog = "";
3358           description = "A VSCode extension for assisting the developer to code, debug, build applications using LLMs/AI";
3359           downloadPage = "";
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3364       };
3366       quicktype.quicktype = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3370           version = "12.0.46";
3371           hash = "sha256-NTZ0BujnA+COg5txOLXSZSp8TPD1kZNfZPjnvZUL9lc=";
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3373         meta = {
3374           description = "Infer types from sample JSON data";
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3382         mktplcRef = {
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3384           publisher = "rebornix";
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3386           hash = "sha256-HAUdv+2T+neJ5aCGiQ37pCO6x6r57HIUnLm4apg9L50=";
3387         };
3389         meta.license =;
3390       };
3392       redhat.ansible = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3399         meta = {
3400           description = "Ansible language support";
3401           downloadPage = "";
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3405         };
3406       };
3408 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3414         };
3415         buildInputs = [ jdk ];
3416         meta = {
3417           description = "Java language support for VS Code via the Eclipse JDT Language Server";
3418           downloadPage = "";
3419           homepage = "";
3420           changelog = "";
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3424         };
3425       };
3427       redhat.vscode-xml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3433         };
3434         meta.license = lib.licenses.epl20;
3435       };
3437       redhat.vscode-yaml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3443         };
3444         meta = {
3445           license =;
3446         };
3447       };
3449       reditorsupport.r = callPackage ./reditorsupport.r { };
3451       reloadedextensions.reloaded-cpp = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3457         };
3458         meta = {
3459           description = "C/C++ must-have highlighter that understands many coding styles and APIs. Use with 'Reloaded Themes' extension.";
3460           downloadPage = "";
3461           homepage = "";
3462           license =;
3463           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.themaxmur ];
3464         };
3465       };
3467       richie5um2.snake-trail = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3472           sha256 = "0wkpq9f48hplrgabb0v1ij6fc4sb8h4a93dagw4biprhnnm3qx49";
3473         };
3474         meta = {
3475           license =;
3476         };
3477       };
3479       rioj7.commandonallfiles = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3484           hash = "sha256-777jdBpWJ66ASeeETWevWF4mIAj4RWviNSTxzvqwl0U=";
3485         };
3486         meta = {
3487           license =;
3488         };
3489       };
3491       ritwickdey.liveserver = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3495           version = "5.7.9";
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3497         };
3498         meta = {
3499           license =;
3500         };
3501       };
3503       roman.ayu-next = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3504         mktplcRef = {
3505           name = "ayu-next";
3506           publisher = "roman";
3507           version = "1.2.15";
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3509         };
3510         meta = {
3511           license =;
3512         };
3513       };
3515       RoweWilsonFrederiskHolme.wikitext = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3519           version = "3.8.1";
3520           hash = "sha256-piwS3SPjx10nsjN5axC+EN0MEDf0r2lVFllqQzciOfc=";
3521         };
3522         meta = {
3523           description = "Extension that helps users view and write MediaWiki's Wikitext files";
3524           longDescription = ''
3525             With this extension, you can more easily discover your grammatical problems
3526             through the marked and styled text. The plugin is based on MediaWiki's
3527             Wikitext standard, but the rules are somewhat stricter, which helps users
3528             write text that is easier to read and maintain.
3529           '';
3530           downloadPage = "";
3531           homepage = "";
3532           license =;
3533           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.rapiteanu ];
3534         };
3535       };
3537 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3543         };
3544         meta = {
3545           license =;
3546         };
3547       };
3549       rubymaniac.vscode-paste-and-indent = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3550         mktplcRef = {
3551           name = "vscode-paste-and-indent";
3552           publisher = "Rubymaniac";
3553           version = "0.0.8";
3554           sha256 = "0fqwcvwq37ndms6vky8jjv0zliy6fpfkh8d9raq8hkinfxq6klgl";
3555         };
3556         meta = {
3557           license =;
3558         };
3559       };
3561       rust-lang.rust-analyzer = callPackage ./rust-lang.rust-analyzer { };
3563       ryu1kn.partial-diff = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3564         mktplcRef = {
3565           name = "partial-diff";
3566           publisher = "ryu1kn";
3567           version = "1.4.3";
3568           sha256 = "0x3lkvna4dagr7s99yykji3x517cxk5kp7ydmqa6jb4bzzsv1s6h";
3569         };
3570         meta = {
3571           license =;
3572         };
3573       };
3575       samuelcolvin.jinjahtml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3576         mktplcRef = {
3577           name = "jinjahtml";
3578           publisher = "samuelcolvin";
3579           version = "0.20.0";
3580           sha256 = "c000cbdc090b7d3d8df62a3c87a5d881c78aca5b490b3e591d9841d788a9aa93";
3581         };
3582         meta = with lib; {
3583           description = "Syntax highlighting for jinja(2) including HTML, Markdown, YAML, Ruby and LaTeX templates";
3584           downloadPage = "";
3585           homepage = "";
3586           changelog = "";
3587           license =;
3588           maintainers = [ maintainers.DataHearth ];
3589         };
3590       };
3592       sanaajani.taskrunnercode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3593         mktplcRef = {
3594           name = "taskrunnercode";
3595           publisher = "sanaajani";
3596           version = "0.3.0";
3597           sha256 = "NVGMM9ugmYZNCWhNmclcGuVJPhJ9h4q2G6nNzVUEpes=";
3598         };
3599         meta = {
3600           description = "Extension to view and run tasks from Explorer pane";
3601           longDescription = ''
3602             This extension adds an additional "Task Runner" view in your Explorer Pane
3603             to visualize and individually run the auto-detected or configured tasks
3604             in your project.
3605           '';
3606           homepage = "";
3607           license =;
3608           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.pbsds ];
3609         };
3610       };
3612       scala-lang.scala = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3613         mktplcRef = {
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3615           publisher = "scala-lang";
3616           version = "0.5.6";
3617           hash = "sha256-eizIPazqEb27aQ+o9nTD1O58zbjkHYHNhGjK0uJgnwA=";
3618         };
3619         meta = {
3620           license =;
3621         };
3622       };
3624       scalameta.metals = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3625         mktplcRef = {
3626           name = "metals";
3627           publisher = "scalameta";
3628           version = "1.22.3";
3629           hash = "sha256-iLLWobQv5CEjJwCdDNdWYQ1ehOiYyNi940b4QmNZFoQ=";
3630         };
3631         meta = {
3632           license = lib.licenses.asl20;
3633         };
3634       };
3636       seatonjiang.gitmoji-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3637         mktplcRef = {
3638           publisher = "seatonjiang";
3639           name = "gitmoji-vscode";
3640           version = "1.2.2";
3641           hash = "sha256-+lwbCLV62y1IHrjCygBphQZJUu+ZApYTwBQld5uu12w=";
3642         };
3643         meta = {
3644           description = "Gitmoji tool for git commit messages in VSCode";
3645           downloadPage = "";
3646           homepage = "";
3647           license =;
3648           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.laurent-f1z1 ];
3649         };
3650       };
3652       serayuzgur.crates = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3653         mktplcRef = {
3654           name = "crates";
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3659         meta = {
3660           license =;
3661           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wackbyte ];
3662         };
3663       };
3665       shardulm94.trailing-spaces = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3666         mktplcRef = {
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3668           name = "trailing-spaces";
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3671         };
3672         meta = {
3673           license =;
3674           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
3675         };
3676       };
3678       shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3684         };
3685         meta = {
3686           description = "Provides a live preview of markdown using either markdown-it or pandoc";
3687           longDescription = ''
3688             Markdown Preview Enhanced is an extension that provides you with
3689             many useful functionalities such as automatic scroll sync, math
3690             typesetting, mermaid, PlantUML, pandoc, PDF export, code chunk,
3691             presentation writer, etc. A lot of its ideas are inspired by
3692             Markdown Preview Plus and RStudio Markdown.
3693           '';
3694           homepage = "";
3695           license = lib.licenses.ncsa;
3696           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.pbsds ];
3697         };
3698       };
3700       shopify.ruby-lsp = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3706         };
3707         meta = {
3708           description = "VS Code plugin for connecting with the Ruby LSP";
3709           license =;
3710         };
3711       };
3713       shyykoserhiy.vscode-spotify = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3716           publisher = "shyykoserhiy";
3717           version = "3.2.1";
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3719         };
3720         meta = {
3721           license =;
3722         };
3723       };
3725       signageos.signageos-vscode-sops = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3729           version = "0.9.1";
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3731         };
3732         meta = {
3733           changelog = "";
3734           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for SOPS support";
3735           downloadPage = "";
3736           homepage = "";
3737           license = lib.licenses.unfree;
3738           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.superherointj ];
3739         };
3740       };
3742       silofy.hackthebox = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3749         meta = {
3750           changelog = "";
3751           description = "A Visual Studio Code theme built for hackers by hackers";
3752           downloadPage = "";
3753           homepage = "";
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3755           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.d3vil0p3r ];
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3757       };
3759       skellock.just = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3766         meta = {
3767           changelog = "";
3768           description = "Provides syntax and recipe launcher for Just scripts";
3769           downloadPage = "";
3770           homepage = "";
3771           license =;
3772           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.maximsmol ];
3773         };
3774       };
3776 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3781           sha256 = "0y1ivymn81ranmir25zk83kdjpjwcqpnc9r3jwfykjd9x0jib2hl";
3782         };
3783         meta = {
3784           license =;
3785         };
3786       };
3788       slevesque.vscode-multiclip = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3795         meta = {
3796           license =;
3797         };
3798       };
3800       smcpeak.default-keys-windows = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3803           publisher = "smcpeak";
3804           version = "0.0.10";
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3806         };
3807         meta = {
3808           changelog = "";
3809           description = "VSCode extension that provides default Windows keybindings on any platform";
3810           downloadPage = "";
3811           homepage = "";
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3813           maintainers = [ ];
3814         };
3815       };
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3825       };
3827       sourcery.sourcery = callPackage ./sourcery.sourcery { };
3829       spywhere.guides = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3832           publisher = "spywhere";
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3835         };
3836         meta = {
3837           license =;
3838         };
3839       };
3841       stefanjarina.vscode-eex-snippets = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3843           name = "vscode-eex-snippets";
3844           publisher = "stefanjarina";
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3848         meta = {
3849           description = "VSCode extension for Elixir EEx and HTML (EEx) code snippets";
3850           downloadPage = "";
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3853           maintainers = [ ];
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3857       stephlin.vscode-tmux-keybinding = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3861           version = "0.0.7";
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3866           description = "A simple extension for tmux behavior in vscode terminal.";
3867           downloadPage = "";
3868           homepage = "";
3869           license =;
3870           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.dbirks ];
3871         };
3872       };
3874       stkb.rewrap = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3881         meta = {
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3883           description = "Hard word wrapping for comments and other text at a given column.";
3884           downloadPage = "";
3885           homepage = "";
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3888         };
3889       };
3891       streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3897         };
3898         meta = {
3899           changelog = "";
3900           description = "Spelling checker for source code";
3901           downloadPage = "";
3902           homepage = "";
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3905         };
3906       };
3908       styled-components.vscode-styled-components = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3914         };
3915         meta = {
3916           changelog = "";
3917           description = "Syntax highlighting and IntelliSense for styled-components";
3918           downloadPage = "";
3919           homepage = "";
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3921         };
3922       };
3924       stylelint.vscode-stylelint = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3927           publisher = "stylelint";
3928           version = "1.3.0";
3929           hash = "sha256-JoCa2d0ayBEuCcQi3Z/90GJ4AIECVz8NCpd+i+9uMeA=";
3930         };
3931         meta = {
3932           description = "Official Stylelint extension for Visual Studio Code";
3933           downloadPage = "";
3934           homepage = "";
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3936           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.themaxmur ];
3937         };
3938       };
3940       sumneko.lua = callPackage ./sumneko.lua { };
3942       supermaven.supermaven = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
3943         mktplcRef = {
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3953           homepage = "";
3954           license = lib.licenses.unfree;
3955           longDescription = ''
3956             Supermaven uses a 300,000 token context window to provide you the best code completion suggestions and the lowest latency.
3957             With our extension you will get the fastest and best completions of any tool on the market.
3958           '';
3959           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.msanft ];
3960         };
3961       };
3963       svelte.svelte-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3969         };
3970         meta = {
3971           changelog = "";
3972           description = "Svelte language support for VS Code";
3973           downloadPage = "";
3974           homepage = "";
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3978       };
3980       svsool.markdown-memo = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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3985           hash = "sha256-JRM9Tm7yql7dKXOdpTwBVR/gx/nwvM7qqrCNlV2i1uI=";
3986         };
3987         meta = {
3988           changelog = "";
3989           description = "Markdown knowledge base with bidirectional [[link]]s built on top of VSCode";
3990           downloadPage = "";
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3993           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
3994         };
3995       };
3997       tabnine.tabnine-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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4003         };
4004         meta = {
4005           license =;
4006         };
4007       };
4009       tailscale.vscode-tailscale = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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4016         meta = {
4017           changelog = "";
4018           description = "VSCode extension to share a port over the internet with Tailscale Funnel";
4019           downloadPage = "";
4020           homepage = "";
4021           license =;
4022           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
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4026       takayama.vscode-qq = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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4033         meta = {
4034           license = lib.licenses.mpl20;
4035         };
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4038       tal7aouy.icons = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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4044         };
4045         meta = {
4046           description = "Icons for Visual Studio Code.";
4047           downloadPage = "";
4048           homepage = "";
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4050           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.themaxmur ];
4051         };
4052       };
4054       tamasfe.even-better-toml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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4058           version = "0.19.2";
4059           hash = "sha256-JKj6noi2dTe02PxX/kS117ZhW8u7Bhj4QowZQiJKP2E=";
4060         };
4061         meta = {
4062           license =;
4063         };
4064       };
4066       teabyii.ayu = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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4071           sha256 = "sha256-+IFqgWliKr+qjBLmQlzF44XNbN7Br5a119v9WAnZOu4=";
4072         };
4073         meta = {
4074           description = "A simple theme with bright colors and comes in three versions â€” dark, light and mirage for all day long comfortable work.";
4075           downloadPage = "";
4076           homepage = "";
4077           license =;
4078         };
4079       };
4081       techtheawesome.rust-yew = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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4086           hash = "sha256-t9DYY1fqW7M5F1pbIUtnnodxMzIzURew4RXT78djWMI=";
4087         };
4088         meta = {
4089           description = "A VSCode extension that provides some language features for Yew's html macro syntax";
4090           downloadPage = "";
4091           homepage = "";
4092           license = lib.licenses.gpl3Only;
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4094         };
4095       };
4097       theangryepicbanana.language-pascal = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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4107           homepage = "";
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4224       };
4226       twpayne.vscode-testscript = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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4328           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension that improves highlighting of errors, warnings and other language diagnostics";
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4361         '';
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4389         meta = {
4390           license =;
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4491         meta = {
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4506           homepage = "";
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4518         };
4519         meta = {
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4548           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.bastaynav ];
4549         };
4550       };
4552       vscodevim.vim = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4553         mktplcRef = {
4554           name = "vim";
4555           publisher = "vscodevim";
4556           version = "1.26.1";
4557           hash = "sha256-zshuABicdkT52Nqj1L2RrfMziBRgO+R15fM32SCnyXI=";
4558         };
4559         meta = {
4560           license =;
4561         };
4562       };
4564       vspacecode.vspacecode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4565         mktplcRef = {
4566           name = "vspacecode";
4567           publisher = "VSpaceCode";
4568           version = "0.10.14";
4569           hash = "sha256-iTFwm/P2wzbNahozyLbdfokcSDHFzLrzVDHI/g2aFm0=";
4570         };
4571         meta = {
4572           license =;
4573         };
4574       };
4576       vue.volar = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4577         mktplcRef = {
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4579           publisher = "Vue";
4580           version = "2.0.16";
4581           hash = "sha256-RTBbF7qahYP4L7SZ/5aCM/e5crZAyyPRcgL48FVL1jk=";
4582         };
4583         meta = {
4584           changelog = "";
4585           description = "The official Vue VSCode extension";
4586           downloadPage = "";
4587           homepage = "";
4588           license =;
4589         };
4590       };
4592       vspacecode.whichkey = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4593         mktplcRef = {
4594           name = "whichkey";
4595           publisher = "VSpaceCode";
4596           version = "0.11.3";
4597           hash = "sha256-PnaOwOIcSo1Eff1wOtQPhoHYvrHDGTcsRy9mQfdBPX4=";
4598         };
4599         meta = {
4600           license =;
4601         };
4602       };
4604       vue.vscode-typescript-vue-plugin = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4605         mktplcRef = {
4606           name = "vscode-typescript-vue-plugin";
4607           publisher = "Vue";
4608           version = "1.8.27";
4609           hash = "sha256-ym1+WPKBcn4h9lqSFVehfiDoGUEviOSEVXVLhHcYvfc=";
4610         };
4611         meta = {
4612           changelog = "";
4613           description = "Vue VSCode extension for TypeScript";
4614           downloadPage = "";
4615           homepage = "";
4616           license =;
4617         };
4618       };
4620       waderyan.gitblame = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4621         mktplcRef = {
4622           name = "gitblame";
4623           publisher = "waderyan";
4624           version = "10.5.1";
4625           sha256 = "119rf52xnxz0cwvvjjfc5m5iv19288cxz33xzr79b67wyfd79hl9";
4626         };
4627         meta = {
4628           changelog = "";
4629           description = "Visual Studio Code Extension - See Git Blame info in status bar";
4630           downloadPage = "";
4631           homepage = "";
4632           license =;
4633         };
4634       };
4636       wakatime.vscode-wakatime = callPackage ./WakaTime.vscode-wakatime { };
4638       wholroyd.jinja = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4639         mktplcRef = {
4640           name = "jinja";
4641           publisher = "wholroyd";
4642           version = "0.0.8";
4643           sha256 = "1ln9gly5bb7nvbziilnay4q448h9npdh7sd9xy277122h0qawkci";
4644         };
4645         meta = {
4646           license =;
4647         };
4648       };
4650       wingrunr21.vscode-ruby = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4651         mktplcRef = {
4652           name = "vscode-ruby";
4653           publisher = "wingrunr21";
4654           version = "0.28.0";
4655           hash = "sha256-H3f1+c31x+lgCzhgTb0uLg9Bdn3pZyJGPPwfpCYrS70=";
4656         };
4658         meta.license =;
4659       };
4661       wix.vscode-import-cost = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4662         mktplcRef = {
4663           name = "vscode-import-cost";
4664           publisher = "wix";
4665           version = "3.3.0";
4666           sha256 = "0wl8vl8n0avd6nbfmis0lnlqlyh4yp3cca6kvjzgw5xxdc5bl38r";
4667         };
4668         meta = {
4669           license =;
4670         };
4671       };
4673       wmaurer.change-case = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4674         mktplcRef = {
4675           name = "change-case";
4676           publisher = "wmaurer";
4677           version = "1.0.0";
4678           hash = "sha256-tN/jlG2PzuiCeERpgQvdqDoa3UgrUaM7fKHv6KFqujc=";
4679         };
4680         meta = {
4681           description = "A VSCode extension for quickly changing the case (camelCase, CONSTANT_CASE, snake_case, etc) of the current selection or current word";
4682           downloadPage = "";
4683           homepage = "";
4684           license =;
4685         };
4686       };
4688       xadillax.viml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4689         mktplcRef = {
4690           name = "viml";
4691           publisher = "xadillax";
4692           version = "2.1.2";
4693           hash = "sha256-n91Rj1Rpp7j7gndkt0bV+jT1nRMv7+coVoSL5c7Ii3A=";
4694         };
4695         meta = {
4696           license =;
4697         };
4698       };
4700       xaver.clang-format = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4701         mktplcRef = {
4702           name = "clang-format";
4703           publisher = "xaver";
4704           version = "1.9.0";
4705           sha256 = "abd0ef9176eff864f278c548c944032b8f4d8ec97d9ac6e7383d60c92e258c2f";
4706         };
4707         meta = {
4708           license =;
4709           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.zeratax ];
4710         };
4711       };
4713       xyz.local-history = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4714         mktplcRef = {
4715           name = "local-history";
4716           publisher = "xyz";
4717           version = "1.8.1";
4718           sha256 = "1mfmnbdv76nvwg4xs3rgsqbxk8hw9zr1b61har9c3pbk9r4cay7v";
4719         };
4720         meta = {
4721           license =;
4722         };
4723       };
4725       yzhang.dictionary-completion = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4726         mktplcRef = {
4727           publisher = "yzhang";
4728           name = "dictionary-completion";
4729           version = "1.2.2";
4730           hash = "sha256-dpJcJARRKzRNHfXs/qknud8OQ8xIyeaVnt/EcDq0k4E=";
4731         };
4732         meta = {
4733           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension to help user easyly finish long words ";
4734           longDescription = ''
4735             Dictionary completion allows user to get a list of keywords, based off of the current word at the cursor.
4736             This is useful if you are typing a long word (e.g. acknowledgeable) and don't want to finish typing or don't remember the Spelling
4737           '';
4738           homepage = "";
4739           changelog = "";
4740           downloadPage = "";
4741           license =;
4742           maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ onedragon ];
4743         };
4744       };
4746       yzhang.markdown-all-in-one = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4747         mktplcRef = {
4748           name = "markdown-all-in-one";
4749           publisher = "yzhang";
4750           version = "3.6.2";
4751           sha256 = "1n9d3qh7vypcsfygfr5rif9krhykbmbcgf41mcjwgjrf899f11h4";
4752         };
4753         meta = {
4754           description = "All you need to write Markdown (keyboard shortcuts, table of contents, auto preview and more)";
4755           downloadPage = "";
4756           homepage = "";
4757           license =;
4758           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.raroh73 ];
4759         };
4760       };
4762       zainchen.json = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4763         mktplcRef = {
4764           name = "json";
4765           publisher = "ZainChen";
4766           version = "2.0.2";
4767           hash = "sha256-nC3Q8KuCtn/jg1j/NaAxWGvnKe/ykrPm2PUjfsJz8aI=";
4768         };
4769         meta = {
4770           changelog = "";
4771           description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for JSON support";
4772           downloadPage = "";
4773           license =;
4774           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.rhoriguchi ];
4775         };
4776       };
4778       zhuangtongfa.material-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4779         mktplcRef = {
4780           name = "material-theme";
4781           publisher = "zhuangtongfa";
4782           version = "3.16.2";
4783           sha256 = "0ava94zn68lxy3ph78r5rma39qz03al5l5i6x070mpa1hzj3i319";
4784         };
4785         meta = {
4786           license =;
4787         };
4788       };
4790       zhwu95.riscv = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4791         mktplcRef = {
4792           name = "riscv";
4793           publisher = "zhwu95";
4794           version = "0.0.8";
4795           hash = "sha256-PXaHSEXoN0ZboHIoDg37tZ+Gv6xFXP4wGBS3YS/53TY=";
4796         };
4797         meta = {
4798           description = "Basic RISC-V colorization and snippets support.";
4799           downloadPage = "";
4800           homepage = "";
4801           license =;
4802           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.CardboardTurkey ];
4803         };
4804       };
4806       ziglang.vscode-zig = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4807         mktplcRef = {
4808           name = "vscode-zig";
4809           publisher = "ziglang";
4810           version = "0.5.1";
4811           hash = "sha256-ygxvkewK5Tf1zNIXxzu6D/tKYNVcNsU9cKij7d5aRdQ=";
4812         };
4813         meta = {
4814           changelog = "";
4815           description = "Zig support for Visual Studio Code";
4816           downloadPage = "";
4817           homepage = "";
4818           license =;
4819           maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wackbyte ];
4820         };
4821       };
4823       zxh404.vscode-proto3 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
4824         mktplcRef = {
4825           name = "vscode-proto3";
4826           publisher = "zxh404";
4827           version = "0.5.4";
4828           sha256 = "08dfl5h1k6s542qw5qx2czm1wb37ck9w2vpjz44kp2az352nmksb";
4829         };
4830         nativeBuildInputs = [
4831           jq
4832           moreutils
4833         ];
4834         postInstall = ''
4835           cd "$out/$installPrefix"
4836           jq ' = "${protobuf}/bin/protoc"' package.json | sponge package.json
4837         '';
4838         meta = {
4839           license =;
4840         };
4841       };
4842     };
4844   aliases = super: {
4845     _13xforever = super."13xforever";
4846     _1Password = super."1Password";
4847     _2gua = super."2gua";
4848     _4ops = super."4ops";
4849     Arjun.swagger-viewer = super.arjun.swagger-viewer;
4850     jakebecker.elixir-ls = super.elixir-lsp.vscode-elixir-ls;
4851     jpoissonnier.vscode-styled-components = super.styled-components.vscode-styled-components;
4852     matklad.rust-analyzer = super.rust-lang.rust-analyzer; # Previous publisher
4853     ms-vscode.go = super.golang.go;
4854     ms-vscode.PowerShell =;
4855     rioj7.commandOnAllFiles = super.rioj7.commandonallfiles;
4856     WakaTime.vscode-wakatime = super.wakatime.vscode-wakatime;
4857   };
4859   # TODO: add overrides overlay, so that we can have a generated.nix
4860   # then apply extension specific modifcations to packages.
4862   # overlays will be applied left to right, overrides should come after aliases.
4863   overlays = lib.optionals config.allowAliases [
4864     (self: super: lib.recursiveUpdate super (aliases super))
4865   ];
4867   toFix = lib.foldl' (lib.flip lib.extends) baseExtensions overlays;
4869 lib.fix toFix