pytrainer: unpin python 3.10
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / development / r-modules / patches / immunotation.patch
1 diff --git a/R/AFND_interface.R b/R/AFND_interface.R
2 index b62e8e0..0f22d85 100644
3 --- a/R/AFND_interface.R
4 +++ b/R/AFND_interface.R
5 @@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ check_population <- function(hla_population) {
6 #' @return list of valid countries, regions and ethnic origin
7 #' @keywords internal
8 get_valid_geographics <- function() {
9 - url <- ""
10 - html_input <- getURL(url, read_method = "html")
12 + #
13 + html_input <- xml2::read_html("nix-valid-geographics")
15 rvest_tables <- rvest::html_table(html_input, fill = TRUE)
17 # country
18 diff --git a/R/external_resources_input.R b/R/external_resources_input.R
19 index c4b1dc1..8fc5881 100644
20 --- a/R/external_resources_input.R
21 +++ b/R/external_resources_input.R
22 @@ -74,16 +74,17 @@ getURL <- function(URL, N.TRIES=2L,
23 # MHC I
24 # netmhcI_input_template is an internal variable containing list of valid
25 # NetMHCpan input alleles
26 -netmhcI_input_template <- getURL(
27 - URL="",
28 - read_method = "delim", delim = "\t",
29 - col_names = c("netmhc_input", "hla_chain_name", "HLA_gene"))
30 +netmhcI_input_template <- readr::read_delim(
31 + #
32 + "nix-NetMHCpan-4.1-allele-list",
33 + delim = "\t",
34 + skip = 0,
35 + col_names = c("netmhc_input", "hla_chain_name", "HLA_gene")
36 + )
38 # MHC II
39 -lines <- getURL(
40 - URL = paste0("",
41 - "NetMHCIIpan-4.0/alleles_name.list"),
42 - read_method = "lines")
43 +#
44 +lines <- readr::read_lines("nix-NETMHCIIpan-4.0-alleles-name-list")
45 lines_rep <- stringr::str_replace_all(lines, "\t+|\\s\\s+", "\t")
46 netmhcII_input_template <- suppressWarnings(
47 suppressMessages(read.delim(textConnection(lines_rep), sep = "\t")))