1 dimensionedScalar StCorr("StCorr", dimless, 1.0);
5 // Calculate volume of ignition kernel
6 dimensionedScalar Vk("Vk", dimVolume, gSum(c*mesh.V().field()));
7 dimensionedScalar Ak("Ak", dimArea, 0.0);
9 if (Vk.value() > SMALL)
11 // Calculate kernel area from its volume
12 // and the dimensionality of the case
14 switch(mesh.nGeometricD())
18 // Assume it is part-spherical
23 combustionProperties.lookup
25 "ignitionSphereFraction"
30 Ak = sphereFraction*4.0*constant::mathematical::pi
34 /(sphereFraction*4.0*constant::mathematical::pi),
42 // Assume it is part-circular
43 dimensionedScalar thickness
45 combustionProperties.lookup("ignitionThickness")
52 combustionProperties.lookup
54 "ignitionCircleFraction"
59 Ak = circleFraction*constant::mathematical::pi*thickness
66 *constant::mathematical::pi
73 // Assume it is plane or two planes
74 Ak = dimensionedScalar
76 combustionProperties.lookup("ignitionKernelArea")
81 // Calculate kernel area from b field consistent with the
82 // discretisation of the b equation.
83 const volScalarField mgb
85 fvc::div(nf, b, "div(phiSt,b)") - b*fvc::div(nf) + dMgb
87 dimensionedScalar AkEst = gSum(mgb*mesh.V().field());
89 StCorr.value() = max(min((Ak/AkEst).value(), 10.0), 1.0);
91 Info<< "StCorr = " << StCorr.value() << endl;