1 # Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Alex Schroeder <alex@emacswiki.org>
2 # Copyright (C) 2006 Ingo Belka
4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 # (at your option) any later version.
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program; if not, write to the
16 # Free Software Foundation, Inc.
17 # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330
18 # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 $ModulesDescription .= '<p><a href="http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/oddmuse.git/tree/modules/calendar.pl">calendar.pl</a>, see <a href="http://www.oddmuse.org/cgi-bin/oddmuse/Calendar_Extension">Calendar Extension</a></p>';
22 use vars
qw($CalendarOnEveryPage $CalAsTable $CalStartMonday);
24 $CalendarOnEveryPage = 0; # 1=on every page is a month-div situated in the header, use css to control
25 $CalAsTable = 0; # 0=every month-div is "free", 1=every month-div is caught in a table, use css to control
26 $CalStartMonday = 0; # 0=week starts with Su, 1=week starts with Mo
28 *OldCalendarGetHeader = *GetHeader;
29 *GetHeader = *NewCalendarGetHeader;
31 sub NewCalendarGetHeader {
32 my $header = OldCalendarGetHeader(@_);
33 return $header unless $CalendarOnEveryPage;
34 my $action = GetParam('action', 'browse');
35 return $header if grep(/^$action$/, ('calendar', 'edit'));
37 $header =~ s/<div class="header">/$cal<div class="header">/;
42 my ($year, $mon, $unlink_year, $id) = @_; # example: 2004, 12
43 $id = FreeToNormal($id);
44 my ($sec_now, $min_now, $hour_now, $mday_now, $mon_now, $year_now) = localtime($Now);
46 $mon = $mon_now unless $mon;
48 $year = $year_now unless $year;
50 return $q->p(T('Illegal year value: Use 0001-9999'));
52 my @pages = AllPagesList();
53 my $cal = draw_month($mon, $year);
54 $cal =~ s{( {1,2}\d{1,2})\b}{{
56 my $date = sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", $year, $mon, $day);
58 $re .= ".*$id" if $id;
60 $page .= "_$id" if $id;
62 $class .= ' today' if $day == $mday_now and $mon == $mon_now and $year == $year_now;
63 my @matches = grep(/$re/, @pages);
65 if (@matches == 0) { # not using GetEditLink because of $class
66 $link = ScriptLink('action=edit;id=' . UrlEncode($page), $day, 'edit' . $class);
67 } elsif (@matches == 1) { # not using GetPageLink because of $class
68 $link = ScriptLink($matches[0], $day, 'local exact' . $class);
70 $link = ScriptLink('action=collect;match=' . UrlEncode($re), $day, 'local collection' . $class);
74 $cal =~ s{(\S+) (\d\d\d\d)}{{
75 my ($month_text, $year_text) = ($1, $2);
76 my $date = sprintf("%d-%02d", $year, $mon);
78 $q->span({-class=>'title'}, ScriptLink('action=collect;match=%5e' . $date,
79 "$month_text $year_text", 'local collection month'));
81 $q->span({-class=>'title'}, ScriptLink('action=collect;match=%5e' . $date,
82 $month_text, 'local collection month') . ' '
83 . ScriptLink('action=calendar;year=' . $year,
84 $year_text, 'local collection year'));
87 return "<div class=\"cal month\"><pre>$cal</pre></div>";
90 $Action{collect} = \&DoCollect;
95 my $match = GetParam('match', '');
96 my $search = GetParam('search', '');
97 ReportError(T('The match parameter is missing.')) unless $match or $search;
98 print GetHeader('', Ts('Page Collection for %s', $match||$search), '');
99 my @pages = (grep(/$match/, $search
100 ? SearchTitleAndBody($search)
102 if (!$CollectingJournal) {
103 $CollectingJournal = 1;
104 # Now save information required for saving the cache of the current page.
105 local (%Page, $OpenPageName);
106 print $q->start_div({-class=>'content journal collection'});
107 PrintAllPages(1, 1, undef, @pages);
110 $CollectingJournal = 0;
114 push(@MyRules, \&CalendarRule);
117 if (/\G(calendar:(\d\d\d\d))/gc) {
119 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments());
121 PrintYearCalendar($2);
123 return AddHtmlEnvironment('p');
124 } elsif (/\G(month:(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d))/gc) {
126 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments());
130 return AddHtmlEnvironment('p');
131 } elsif (/\G(month:([+-]\d\d?))/gc
132 or /\G(\[\[month:([+-]\d\d?) $FreeLinkPattern\]\])/gc) {
134 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments());
138 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime($Now);
141 while ($mon < 1) { $year -= 1; $mon += 12; };
142 while ($mon > 12) { $year += 1; $mon -= 12; };
143 print Cal($year, $mon, undef, $id);
145 return AddHtmlEnvironment('p');
150 sub PrintYearCalendar {
152 print $q->p({-class=>nav},
153 ScriptLink('action=calendar;year=' . ($year-1), T('Previous')),
155 ScriptLink('action=calendar;year=' . ($year+1), T('Next')));
159 print '<td>'.Cal($year, $mon, 1).'</td>';
160 if (($mon==3) or ($mon==6) or ($mon==9)) {
164 print '</tr></table>';
167 print Cal($year, $mon, 1);
172 $Action{calendar} = \&DoYearCalendar;
175 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime($Now);
177 $year = GetParam('year', $year);
179 print GetHeader('', Ts('Calendar %s', $year), '');
180 print $q->start_div({-class=>'content cal year'});
181 PrintYearCalendar($year);
189 my @weekday = (T('Su'), T('Mo'), T('Tu'), T('We'),
190 T('Th'), T('Fr'), T('Sa'));
191 my ($day, $col, $monthdays, $monthplus, $mod);
192 my $weekday = zeller(1,$month,$year);
193 # select the starting day for the week
194 if ($CalStartMonday){
195 push @weekday, shift @weekday;
197 $weekday = $weekday -1;
202 my $start = 1 - $weekday;
203 my $space_count = int((21 - length(month_name($month).' '.sprintf("%04u",$year)))/2 + 0.5);
204 # the Cal()-sub needs a 4 digit year working right
205 my $output = (' ' x $space_count).month_name($month).' '.sprintf("%04u",$year)."\n";
207 $monthdays = &month_days($month,&leap_year($year));
208 if ((($monthdays-$start) < 42) and (($monthdays-$start) > 35)) {
209 $monthplus=41 - ($monthdays-$start);
210 } elsif ((($monthdays-$start)<35) and (($monthdays-$start)>28)) {
211 $monthplus=34 - ($monthdays-$start);
215 $output .= join('', map {" ".$_} @weekday);
217 for ($day=$start;$day<=$monthdays+$monthplus;$day++) {
219 if (($day < 1) or ($day>$monthdays)) {
222 $output .= sprintf("%3d", $day);
224 $mod=($col/7)-int($col/7);
228 if ($year==1582 and $month==10 and $day==4) {
232 $output .= "\n" x (8 - ($output =~ tr/\n//)); # every month has to have 8 lines as output
236 # formula of Zeller (Julius Christian Johannes Zeller * 1822, + 1899) for countig the day of week
237 # only works for all years greater then 0 and can handle 1582 the year Pope Gregor has changed the
238 # calculation of times from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar
257 if (($year > 0) and ($year < 1582)) {
258 $w = $t + int((2.61 * $m) - 0.2) + $j + int($j/4) + 5 - $h;
259 } elsif ($year==1582) {
261 $w = $t + int((2.61 * $m) - 0.2) + $j + int($j/4) + 5 - $h;
263 if ($t>=1 and $t<=4) {
264 $w = $t + int((2.61 * $m) - 0.2) + $j + int($j/4) + 5 - $h;
266 $w = $t + int((2.61 * $m) - 0.2) + $j + int($j/4) + int($h/4) - (2*$h);
269 $w = $t + int((2.61 * $m) - 0.2) + $j + int($j/4) + int($h/4) - (2*$h);
271 } elsif ($year > 1582) {
272 $w = $t + int((2.61 * $m) - 0.2) + $j + int($j/4) + int($h/4) - (2*$h);
277 $w = 7 - (-1 * ($w % 7));
285 if ((($year % 4)==0) and !((($year % 100)==0) and (($year % 400) != 0))) {
294 my $leap_year = shift;
295 my @month_days = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
296 if (($month == 2) and $leap_year) {
297 return $month_days[$month - 1] + 1;
299 return $month_days[$month - 1];
305 my @month_name = (T('January'), T('February'), T('March'), T('April'),
306 T('May'), T('June'), T('July'), T('August'),
307 T('September'), T('October'), T('November'),
309 return $month_name[$month-1];