4 add_entry cdb (key val)
7 else if the file has set p[0] > 2048
8 set p[0..255] to 2048 zero bytes
15 if the file has set p[0] > 2048
17 set p[0..255] to 2048 zero bytes
20 walk all records – from 2048 to eof
21 feed a map with key -> pos
23 or maybe a map of maps: hash%256 -> key -> pos
26 write pos and count to p[n]
27 sort acc ((hash / 256) % count), hash, key
32 http://cr.yp.to/cdb/cdb.txt
33 https://packages.debian.org/buster/tinycdb
34 https://github.com/dustin/snippets/blob/master/ocaml/lib/cdb.ml