Add entries to the GEOGRID.TBL.ARW from Robert Gilliam (EPA) for the following
new fields and resolutions:
(new res for LANDUSEF) : 9s 2006 NLCD
(new res for LANDUSEF) : 9s 2011 NLCD
(new field) : impervious surfaces, IMPERV
(new field) : tree canopy fraction, CANFRA
To maintain backward compatibility, the 30s 2006 NLCD may be selected by specifying
either of the resolutions 'nlcd2006' or 'nlcd2006_30s' ('nlcd2006_30s' was suggested
by Robert as the means for choosing that dataset).
The entries for IMPERV and CANFRA are commented out.
git-svn-id: 86b71a92-4018-0410-97f8-d555beccfc3a