Add new fields XLAT_C and XLONG_C
These two new fields are produced for ARW grids and provide the latitude
and longitude at grid cell corners. As part of these changes, a new staggering,
'CORNER', was introduced to the llxy module.
These new fields were requested by the ESMF group to support conservative
remapping of WRF output.
M geogrid/src/misc_definitions_module.F
M geogrid/src/llxy_module.F
M geogrid/src/process_tile_module.F
M geogrid/src/output_module.F
M metgrid/src/input_module.F
M metgrid/src/storage_module.F
M metgrid/src/process_domain_module.F
git-svn-id: 86b71a92-4018-0410-97f8-d555beccfc3a