1 !wrf:model_layer:physics
3 !ckay=KIRAN ALAPATY @ US EPA -- November 01, 2015
5 ! Tim Glotfelty@CNSU; AJ Deng@PSU
6 !modified for use with FASDAS
7 !Flux Adjusting Surface Data Assimilation System to assimilate
8 !surface layer and soil layers temperature and moisture using
10 !Reference: Alapaty et al., 2008: Development of the flux-adjusting surface
11 ! data assimilation system for mesoscale models. JAMC, 47, 2331-2350
15 MODULE module_fdda_psufddagd
19 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
21 SUBROUTINE fddagd(itimestep,dx,dt,xtime, &
22 id,analysis_interval, end_fdda_hour, &
23 if_no_pbl_nudging_uv, if_no_pbl_nudging_t, if_no_pbl_nudging_q, &
24 if_zfac_uv, k_zfac_uv, if_zfac_t, k_zfac_t, if_zfac_q, k_zfac_q, &
25 guv, gt, gq, if_ramping, dtramp_min, &
28 analysis_interval_sfc, end_fdda_hour_sfc, guv_sfc, gt_sfc, gq_sfc, &
34 u_ndg_old,v_ndg_old,t_ndg_old,q_ndg_old,mu_ndg_old, &
35 u_ndg_new,v_ndg_new,t_ndg_new,q_ndg_new,mu_ndg_new, &
36 u10_ndg_old, v10_ndg_old, t2_ndg_old, th2_ndg_old, q2_ndg_old, &
37 rh_ndg_old, psl_ndg_old, ps_ndg_old, tob_ndg_old, odis_ndg_old, &
38 u10_ndg_new, v10_ndg_new, t2_ndg_new, th2_ndg_new, q2_ndg_new, &
39 rh_ndg_new, psl_ndg_new, ps_ndg_new, tob_ndg_new, odis_ndg_new, &
41 fasdas, SDA_HFX, SDA_QFX, & ! fasdas
42 HFX_FDDA,dz8w, & ! fasdas
43 pblh, ht, regime, znt, z, z_at_w, &
44 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
45 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
46 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte )
48 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
50 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
52 ! This code was implemented by Aijun Deng (Penn State). The 3-D analysis nudging was comleted
53 ! and released in December 2006. The surface analysis nudging capability was added and
54 ! released in March 2009 with WRFV3.1.
56 !-- u3d 3d u-velocity staggered on u points
57 !-- v3d 3d v-velocity staggered on v points
58 !-- th3d 3d potential temperature (k)
59 !-- t3d temperature (k)
60 !-- qv3d 3d water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg)
61 !-- p3d 3d pressure (pa)
62 !-- pi3d 3d exner function (dimensionless)
63 !-- rundgdten staggered u tendency due to
64 ! fdda grid nudging (m/s/s)
65 !-- rvndgdten staggered v tendency due to
66 ! fdda grid nudging (m/s/s)
67 !-- rthndgdten theta tendency due to
68 ! fdda grid nudging (K/s)
69 !-- rqvndgdten qv tendency due to
70 ! fdda grid nudging (kg/kg/s)
71 !-- rmundgdten mu tendency due to
72 ! fdda grid nudging (Pa/s)
73 !-- ids start index for i in domain
74 !-- ide end index for i in domain
75 !-- jds start index for j in domain
76 !-- jde end index for j in domain
77 !-- kds start index for k in domain
78 !-- kde end index for k in domain
79 !-- ims start index for i in memory
80 !-- ime end index for i in memory
81 !-- jms start index for j in memory
82 !-- jme end index for j in memory
83 !-- kms start index for k in memory
84 !-- kme end index for k in memory
85 !-- its start index for i in tile
86 !-- ite end index for i in tile
87 !-- jts start index for j in tile
88 !-- jte end index for j in tile
89 !-- kts start index for k in tile
90 !-- kte end index for k in tile
91 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
93 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itimestep, analysis_interval, end_fdda_hour
94 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: analysis_interval_sfc, end_fdda_hour_sfc
95 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: grid_sfdda
97 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: if_no_pbl_nudging_uv, if_no_pbl_nudging_t, &
99 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: if_zfac_uv, if_zfac_t, if_zfac_q
100 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k_zfac_uv, k_zfac_t, k_zfac_q
101 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: if_ramping
103 INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: id
104 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: DT, dx, xtime, dtramp_min
106 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
107 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
108 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
110 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
111 INTENT(IN) :: qv3d, &
119 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
120 INTENT(INOUT) :: rundgdten, &
127 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: fasdas
128 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
131 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
133 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
139 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
140 INTENT(INOUT) :: rmundgdten
142 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
143 INTENT(IN) :: u_ndg_old, &
152 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
153 INTENT(IN) :: u10_ndg_old, &
170 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
171 INTENT(IN) :: tob_ndg_old, &
174 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
175 INTENT(INOUT) :: mu_ndg_old, &
178 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
179 INTENT(IN) :: odis_ndg_old, odis_ndg_new
181 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
185 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN) :: pblh, &
190 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: guv, gt, gq
191 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: guv_sfc, gt_sfc, gq_sfc, rinblw
193 INTEGER :: i, j, k, itsu, jtsv, itf, jtf, ktf, i0, k0, j0
194 REAL :: xtime_old, xtime_new, coef, val_analysis
195 INTEGER :: kpbl, dbg_level
197 REAL :: zpbl, zagl, zagl_bot, zagl_top, tfac, actual_end_fdda_min
199 REAL :: tfac_sfc, actual_end_fdda_min_sfc
201 REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 4 ) :: wpbl ! 1: u, 2: v, 3: t, 4: q
202 REAL, DIMENSION( kts:kte, 4 ) :: wzfac ! 1: u, 2: v, 3: t, 4: q
204 ! TWG 2015 Pseudo Radiative Flux
205 REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte) :: rho_air
208 LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
210 CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: message
214 int4 = 1 ! 1: temporal interpolation. else: target nudging toward *_ndg_new values
216 actual_end_fdda_min = end_fdda_hour*60.0
218 actual_end_fdda_min_sfc = end_fdda_hour*60.0
220 IF( if_ramping == 1 .AND. dtramp_min > 0.0 ) &
221 actual_end_fdda_min = end_fdda_hour*60.0 + ABS(dtramp_min)
223 actual_end_fdda_min_sfc = end_fdda_hour_sfc*60.0 + ABS(dtramp_min)
226 !IF( xtime > actual_end_fdda_min ) THEN
227 IF( ( xtime > actual_end_fdda_min ) .AND. ( xtime > actual_end_fdda_min_sfc ) ) THEN
229 ! If xtime is greater than the end time, no need to calculate tendencies. Just set the tendencies
230 ! to zero to turn off nudging and return.
234 RUNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = 0.0
235 RVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = 0.0
236 RTHNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = 0.0
237 RQVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = 0.0
238 IF( k .EQ. kts ) RMUNDGDTEN(i,j) = 0.
245 IF( analysis_interval <= 0 )CALL wrf_error_fatal('In grid FDDA, gfdda_interval_m must be > 0')
246 xtime_old = FLOOR(xtime/analysis_interval) * analysis_interval * 1.0
247 xtime_new = xtime_old + analysis_interval
249 coef = (xtime-xtime_old)/(xtime_new-xtime_old)
251 coef = 1.0 ! Nudging toward a target value (*_ndg_new values)
254 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor()) THEN
256 CALL get_wrf_debug_level( dbg_level )
258 IF( xtime-xtime_old < 0.5*dt/60.0 ) THEN
260 IF( xtime < end_fdda_hour*60.0 ) THEN
261 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,f10.3,a)') &
262 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging reads new data at time = ', xtime, ' min.'
263 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
264 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,2f8.2,a)') &
265 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging bracketing times = ', xtime_old, xtime_new, ' min.'
266 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
269 actual_end_fdda_min = end_fdda_hour*60.0
270 IF( if_ramping == 1 .AND. dtramp_min > 0.0 ) &
271 actual_end_fdda_min = end_fdda_hour*60.0 + ABS(dtramp_min)
273 IF( dbg_level .GE. 10 .AND. xtime <= actual_end_fdda_min ) THEN
274 ! Find the mid point of the tile and print out the sample values
280 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,3i4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') &
281 ' D0',id,' sample 3-D analysis values at i,k,j=', i0, k, j0, &
282 ' u_ndg_old=', u_ndg_old(i0,k,j0), ' u_ndg_new=', u_ndg_new(i0,k,j0)
283 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
285 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,3i4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') &
286 ' D0',id,' sample 3-D analysis values at i,k,j=', i0, k, j0, &
287 ' mu_ndg_old=', mu_ndg_old(i0,j0), ' mu_ndg_new=', mu_ndg_new(i0,j0)
288 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
290 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,3i4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') &
291 ' D0',id,' sample 3-D analysis values at i,k,j=', i0, k, j0, &
292 ' v_ndg_old=', v_ndg_old(i0,k,j0), ' v_ndg_new=', v_ndg_new(i0,k,j0)
293 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
299 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,3i4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') &
300 ' D0',id,' sample 3-D analysis values at i,k,j=', i0, k, j0, &
301 ' t_ndg_old=', t_ndg_old(i0,k,j0), ' t_ndg_new=', t_ndg_new(i0,k,j0)
302 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
308 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,3i4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') &
309 ' D0',id,' sample 3-D analysis values at i,k,j=', i0, k, j0, &
310 ' q_ndg_old=', q_ndg_old(i0,k,j0), ' q_ndg_new=', q_ndg_new(i0,k,j0)
311 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
316 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a)') ' D0',id, &
317 ' 3-D nudging towards the temporally interpolated analysis'
319 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a)') ' D0',id, &
320 ' 3-D nudging towards the target analysis'
334 ! If the user-defined namelist switches (if_no_pbl_nudging_uv, if_no_pbl_nudging_t,
335 ! if_no_pbl_nudging_q switches) are set to 1, compute the weighting function, wpbl(:,k,:,:),
336 ! based on the PBL depth. wpbl = 1 above the PBL and wpbl = 0 in the PBL. If all
337 ! the switches are set to zero, wpbl = 1 (default value).
341 IF( if_no_pbl_nudging_uv == 1 .OR. grid_sfdda >= 1 ) THEN
347 zpbl = 0.5 * ( pblh(i-1,j) + pblh(i,j) )
349 loop_ku: DO k=kts,ktf
350 ! zagl = 0.5 * ( z(i-1,k,j)-ht(i-1,j) + z(i,k,j)-ht(i,j) )
351 zagl_bot = 0.5 * ( z_at_w(i-1,k, j)-ht(i-1,j) + z_at_w(i,k, j)-ht(i,j) )
352 zagl_top = 0.5 * ( z_at_w(i-1,k+1,j)-ht(i-1,j) + z_at_w(i,k+1,j)-ht(i,j) )
353 IF( zpbl >= zagl_bot .AND. zpbl < zagl_top ) THEN
360 IF( k <= kpbl ) wpbl(i, k, j, 1) = 0.0
361 IF( k == kpbl+1 ) wpbl(i, k, j, 1) = 0.1
362 IF( k > kpbl+1 ) wpbl(i, k, j, 1) = 1.0
372 zpbl = 0.5 * ( pblh(i,j-1) + pblh(i,j) )
374 loop_kv: DO k=kts,ktf
375 ! zagl = 0.5 * ( z(i,k,j-1)-ht(i,j-1) + z(i,k,j)-ht(i,j) )
376 zagl_bot = 0.5 * ( z_at_w(i,k, j-1)-ht(i,j-1) + z_at_w(i,k, j)-ht(i,j) )
377 zagl_top = 0.5 * ( z_at_w(i,k+1,j-1)-ht(i,j-1) + z_at_w(i,k+1,j)-ht(i,j) )
378 IF( zpbl >= zagl_bot .AND. zpbl < zagl_top ) THEN
385 IF( k <= kpbl ) wpbl(i, k, j, 2) = 0.0
386 IF( k == kpbl+1 ) wpbl(i, k, j, 2) = 0.1
387 IF( k > kpbl+1 ) wpbl(i, k, j, 2) = 1.0
395 IF( if_no_pbl_nudging_t == 1 .OR. grid_sfdda >= 1 ) THEN
403 loop_kt: DO k=kts,ktf
404 ! zagl = z(i,k,j)-ht(i,j)
405 zagl_bot = z_at_w(i,k, j)-ht(i,j)
406 zagl_top = z_at_w(i,k+1,j)-ht(i,j)
407 IF( zpbl >= zagl_bot .AND. zpbl < zagl_top ) THEN
414 IF( k <= kpbl ) wpbl(i, k, j, 3) = 0.0
415 IF( k == kpbl+1 ) wpbl(i, k, j, 3) = 0.1
416 IF( k > kpbl+1 ) wpbl(i, k, j, 3) = 1.0
424 IF( if_no_pbl_nudging_q == 1 .OR. grid_sfdda >= 1 ) THEN
432 loop_kq: DO k=kts,ktf
433 ! zagl = z(i,k,j)-ht(i,j)
434 zagl_bot = z_at_w(i,k, j)-ht(i,j)
435 zagl_top = z_at_w(i,k+1,j)-ht(i,j)
436 IF( zpbl >= zagl_bot .AND. zpbl < zagl_top ) THEN
443 IF( k <= kpbl ) wpbl(i, k, j, 4) = 0.0
444 IF( k == kpbl+1 ) wpbl(i, k, j, 4) = 0.1
445 IF( k > kpbl+1 ) wpbl(i, k, j, 4) = 1.0
453 ! If the user-defined namelist switches (if_zfac_uv, if_zfac_t,
454 ! if_zfac_q swithes) are set to 1, compute the weighting function, wzfac(k,:),
455 ! based on the namelist specified k values (k_zfac_uv, k_zfac_t and k_zfac_q) below which analysis
456 ! nudging is turned off (wzfac = 1 above k_zfac_x and = 0 in below k_zfac_x). If all
457 ! the switche are set to zero, wzfac = 1 (default value).
461 IF( if_zfac_uv == 1 ) THEN
466 IF( k <= k_zfac_uv ) wzfac(k, 1:2) = 0.0
467 IF( k == k_zfac_uv+1 ) wzfac(k, 1:2) = 0.1
468 IF( k > k_zfac_uv+1 ) wzfac(k, 1:2) = 1.0
475 IF( if_zfac_t == 1 ) THEN
480 IF( k <= k_zfac_t ) wzfac(k, 3) = 0.0
481 IF( k == k_zfac_t+1 ) wzfac(k, 3) = 0.1
482 IF( k > k_zfac_t+1 ) wzfac(k, 3) = 1.0
489 IF( if_zfac_q == 1 ) THEN
494 IF( k <= k_zfac_q ) wzfac(k, 4) = 0.0
495 IF( k == k_zfac_q+1 ) wzfac(k, 4) = 0.1
496 IF( k > k_zfac_q+1 ) wzfac(k, 4) = 1.0
503 ! If if_ramping and dtramp_min are defined by user, compute a time weighting function, tfac,
504 ! for analysis nudging so that at the end of the nudging period (which has to be at a
505 ! analysis time) we ramp down the nudging coefficient, based on the use-defined sign of dtramp_min.
507 ! When dtramp_min is negative, ramping ends at end_fdda_hour and starts at
508 ! end_fdda_hour-ABS(dtramp_min).
510 ! When dtramp_min is positive, ramping starts at end_fdda_hour and ends at
511 ! end_fdda_hour+ABS(dtramp_min).
513 ! In this case, during the rampdown we nudge towards the most recent past analysis and ignore
514 ! the future analysis (implemented by setting coef = 0.0)
516 ! In this case, the obs values are extrapolated using
517 ! the obs tendency saved from the previous FDDA window. More specifically for extrapolation,
518 ! coef (see codes below) is recalculated to reflect extrapolation during the ramping period.
527 IF( if_ramping == 1 .AND. ABS(dtramp_min) > 0.0 ) THEN
529 IF( dtramp_min <= 0.0 ) THEN
530 actual_end_fdda_min = end_fdda_hour*60.0
532 actual_end_fdda_min = end_fdda_hour*60.0 + dtramp_min
535 IF( xtime < actual_end_fdda_min-ABS(dtramp_min) )THEN
537 ELSEIF( xtime >= actual_end_fdda_min-ABS(dtramp_min) .AND. xtime <= actual_end_fdda_min )THEN
538 tfac = ( actual_end_fdda_min - xtime ) / ABS(dtramp_min)
540 !The original method assumed that to be here in the code with dtramp_min>0
541 !meant that we were after the valid time of *_ndg_new and so used the
542 !values *_ndg_old and *_ndg_new to extrapolate a current analysis value.
543 !HOWEVER, in practice once we get to the valid time of *_ndg_new WRF will
544 !read in the next pair of *_ndg_old and *_ndg_new values, even if we are
545 !at the beginning of the rampdown period. Since the *_ndg_new values have
546 !a valid time after the beginning of the rampdown period we do not want
547 !to use them as we would be using analyses valid after the supposed end
548 !time of the analysis nudging.
549 !IF( dtramp_min > 0.0 ) coef = (xtime-xtime_old+analysis_interval)/(analysis_interval*1.0)
550 !Use only the *_ndg_old values
551 IF( dtramp_min > 0.0 ) coef = 0.0
558 !Now calculate the same quantities for surface analysis nudging
559 !Add actual_end_fdda_min_sfc, tfac_sfc
560 IF( dtramp_min <= 0.0 ) THEN
561 actual_end_fdda_min_sfc = end_fdda_hour_sfc*60.0
563 actual_end_fdda_min_sfc = end_fdda_hour_sfc*60.0 + dtramp_min
566 IF( xtime < actual_end_fdda_min_sfc-ABS(dtramp_min) )THEN
568 ELSEIF( xtime >= actual_end_fdda_min_sfc-ABS(dtramp_min) .AND. xtime <= actual_end_fdda_min_sfc )THEN
569 tfac_sfc = ( actual_end_fdda_min_sfc - xtime ) / ABS(dtramp_min)
578 ! Surface Analysis Nudging
580 IF( grid_sfdda >= 1 ) THEN
581 CALL SFDDAGD(itimestep,dx,dt,xtime, id, &
582 analysis_interval_sfc, end_fdda_hour_sfc, guv_sfc, gt_sfc, gq_sfc, &
587 u10_ndg_old, v10_ndg_old, t2_ndg_old, th2_ndg_old, q2_ndg_old, &
588 rh_ndg_old, psl_ndg_old, ps_ndg_old, tob_ndg_old, odis_ndg_old, &
589 u10_ndg_new, v10_ndg_new, t2_ndg_new, th2_ndg_new, q2_ndg_new, &
590 rh_ndg_new, psl_ndg_new, ps_ndg_new, tob_ndg_new, odis_ndg_new, &
592 pblh, ht, regime, znt, z, z_at_w, &
593 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
594 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
595 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, wpbl, wzfac, if_ramping, dtramp_min, &
597 ! actual_end_fdda_min, tfac &
598 actual_end_fdda_min_sfc, tfac_sfc &
603 ,fasdas, SDA_HFX, SDA_QFX &
610 ! Compute 3-D nudging tendencies for u, v, t and q
615 val_analysis = u_ndg_old(i,k,j) *( 1.0 - coef ) + u_ndg_new(i,k,j) * coef
616 RUNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = RUNDGDTEN(i,k,j) + guv * wpbl(i,k,j,1) * wzfac(k,1) * tfac * &
617 ( val_analysis - u3d(i,k,j) )
625 val_analysis = v_ndg_old(i,k,j) *( 1.0 - coef ) + v_ndg_new(i,k,j) * coef
626 RVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = RVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) + guv * wpbl(i,k,j,2) * wzfac(k,2) * tfac * &
627 ( val_analysis - v3d(i,k,j) )
637 val_analysis = t_ndg_old(i,k,j) *( 1.0 - coef ) + t_ndg_new(i,k,j) * coef
638 RTHNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = RTHNDGDTEN(i,k,j) + gt * wpbl(i,k,j,3) * wzfac(k,3) * tfac * &
639 ( val_analysis - th3d(i,k,j) + 300.0 )
643 !TWG 2015 Pseudo Radiative Flux
645 rho_air(i,k,j) = p3d(i,k,j)/(287.0*th3d(i,k,j))
646 HFX_FDDA(i,k,j) = rho_air(i,k,j)*1004.0*RTHNDGDTEN(i,k,j)*dz8w(i,k,j)
652 val_analysis = q_ndg_old(i,k,j) *( 1.0 - coef ) + q_ndg_new(i,k,j) * coef
653 RQVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = RQVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) + gq * wpbl(i,k,j,4) * wzfac(k,4) * tfac * &
654 ( val_analysis - qv3d(i,k,j) )
662 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor()) THEN
663 IF( dbg_level .GE. 10 ) THEN
667 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,f7.2,a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f7.2,a,f4.2,a,f7.2,a,f4.2,a,f4.2 )') &
668 ' D0',id,' At xtime=',xtime,' FDDA sample pot. temp. analysis (i=',i0,', j=',j0,' k=', &
669 k0,') = (t_ndg_old=', t_ndg_old(i0,k0,j0),') * ',1.0-coef,' + (t_ndg_new=', &
670 t_ndg_new(i0,k0,j0),') * ',coef, ' where tfac=',tfac
671 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
672 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,f7.2,a,i4,a,f7.2,a,f7.2)') &
673 ' D0',id,' xtime_old=',xtime_old,' analysis_interval=',analysis_interval,' actual_end_fdda_min=', &
674 actual_end_fdda_min,' dtramp_min=',dtramp_min
675 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
682 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
683 SUBROUTINE sfddagd(itimestep,dx,dt,xtime, &
684 id, analysis_interval_sfc, end_fdda_hour_sfc, &
685 guv_sfc, gt_sfc, gq_sfc, rinblw, &
689 u10_ndg_old, v10_ndg_old, t2_ndg_old, th2_ndg_old, q2_ndg_old, &
690 rh_ndg_old, psl_ndg_old, ps_ndg_old, tob_ndg_old, odis_ndg_old, &
691 u10_ndg_new, v10_ndg_new, t2_ndg_new, th2_ndg_new, q2_ndg_new, &
692 rh_ndg_new, psl_ndg_new, ps_ndg_new, tob_ndg_new, odis_ndg_new, &
694 pblh, ht, regime, znt, z, z_at_w, &
695 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
696 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
697 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, wpbl, wzfac, if_ramping, dtramp_min, &
699 ! actual_end_fdda_min, tfac &
700 actual_end_fdda_min_sfc, tfac_sfc &
705 ,fasdas, SDA_HFX, SDA_QFX &
710 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
711 USE module_model_constants
715 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
717 ! This code was implemented by Aijun Deng (Penn State). The 3-D analysis nudging was comleted
718 ! and released in December 2006. The surface analysis nudging capability was added and
719 ! released in March 2009 with WRFV3.1.
721 !-- u3d 3d u-velocity staggered on u points
722 !-- v3d 3d v-velocity staggered on v points
723 !-- th3d 3d potential temperature (k)
724 !-- t3d temperature (k)
725 !-- qv3d 3d water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg)
726 !-- p3d 3d pressure (pa)
727 !-- pi3d 3d exner function (dimensionless)
728 !-- rundgdten staggered u tendency due to
729 ! fdda grid nudging (m/s/s)
730 !-- rvndgdten staggered v tendency due to
731 ! fdda grid nudging (m/s/s)
732 !-- rthndgdten theta tendency due to
733 ! fdda grid nudging (K/s)
734 !-- rqvndgdten qv tendency due to
735 ! fdda grid nudging (kg/kg/s)
736 !-- rmundgdten mu tendency due to
737 ! fdda grid nudging (Pa/s)
738 !-- ids start index for i in domain
739 !-- ide end index for i in domain
740 !-- jds start index for j in domain
741 !-- jde end index for j in domain
742 !-- kds start index for k in domain
743 !-- kde end index for k in domain
744 !-- ims start index for i in memory
745 !-- ime end index for i in memory
746 !-- jms start index for j in memory
747 !-- jme end index for j in memory
748 !-- kms start index for k in memory
749 !-- kme end index for k in memory
750 !-- its start index for i in tile
751 !-- ite end index for i in tile
752 !-- jts start index for j in tile
753 !-- jte end index for j in tile
754 !-- kts start index for k in tile
755 !-- kte end index for k in tile
756 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
758 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itimestep, analysis_interval_sfc, end_fdda_hour_sfc
760 INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: id
761 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dx,DT, xtime
763 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
764 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
765 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
767 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
768 INTENT(IN) :: qv3d, &
776 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
777 INTENT(INOUT) :: rundgdten, &
782 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
783 INTENT(INOUT) :: rmundgdten
785 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
786 INTENT(IN) :: u10_ndg_old, &
803 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
804 INTENT(IN) :: tob_ndg_old, &
807 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), &
811 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
812 INTENT(IN) :: odis_ndg_old, odis_ndg_new
814 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN) :: pblh, &
819 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: guv_sfc, gt_sfc, gq_sfc, rinblw
821 INTEGER :: i, j, k, itsu, jtsv, itf, jtf, ktf, i0, j0
822 REAL :: xtime_old_sfc, xtime_new_sfc, coef, val_analysis, es
823 INTEGER :: kpbl, dbg_level
825 REAL :: zpbl, zagl, zagl_bot, zagl_top, tfac_sfc, actual_end_fdda_min_sfc
827 REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 4 ), &
828 INTENT(INout) :: wpbl ! 1: u, 2: v, 3: t, 4: q
829 REAL, DIMENSION( kts:kte, 4 ), &
830 INTENT(IN) :: wzfac ! 1: u, 2: v, 3: t, 4: q
831 REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, jts:jte) :: wndcor_u, wndcor_v
832 REAL, DIMENSION( its-2:ite+2, jts-2:jte+2) :: blw_old, blw_new
833 REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte) :: qsat
835 REAL :: m, b=1.8, blw, rindx, x
837 REAL :: difz, wr14, wr1z, wr24, wr2z, wndfac, reg, znt0
838 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: if_ramping
839 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtramp_min
841 LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
843 CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: message
844 INTEGER :: iwinds, idd, iqsat, int4
848 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: fasdas
849 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), &
850 INTENT( OUT) :: SDA_HFX, &
852 REAL :: stabFac, exf, DiffTN
853 REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte ) :: wpblfasdas
857 iwinds = 1 ! 1: Scale the surface wind analysis to the lowest model level,
858 ! if the first model half-layer is greater than 10 meters
859 ! and we are in the free convection regime (REGIME=4.0). else: no
860 idd = 1 ! 1: Obs data density correction is applied. else: no
861 iqsat = 1 ! 1: Remove super saturation. eles: no
862 int4 = 1 ! 1: temporal ionterpolation. else: target nudging toward *_ndg_new values
864 IF( analysis_interval_sfc <= 0 )CALL wrf_error_fatal('In grid sfc FDDA, sgfdda_interval_m must be > 0')
865 xtime_old_sfc = FLOOR(xtime/analysis_interval_sfc) * analysis_interval_sfc * 1.0
866 xtime_new_sfc = xtime_old_sfc + analysis_interval_sfc
868 coef = (xtime-xtime_old_sfc)/(xtime_new_sfc-xtime_old_sfc) ! Temporal interpolation
870 coef = 1.0 ! Nudging toward a target value (*_ndg_new values)
873 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor()) THEN
875 CALL get_wrf_debug_level( dbg_level )
877 IF( xtime-xtime_old_sfc < 0.5*dt/60.0 ) THEN
879 IF( xtime < end_fdda_hour_sfc*60.0 ) THEN
880 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,f10.3,a)') &
881 'D0',id,' surface analysis nudging reads new data at time = ', xtime, ' min.'
882 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
883 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,2f8.2,a)') &
884 'D0',id,' surface analysis nudging bracketing times = ', xtime_old_sfc, xtime_new_sfc, ' min.'
885 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
888 IF( dbg_level .GE. 10 .AND. xtime <= actual_end_fdda_min_sfc ) THEN
889 ! Find the mid point of the tile and print out the sample values
893 IF( guv_sfc > 0.0 ) THEN
894 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,2i4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') &
895 ' D0',id,' sample surface analysis values at i,j=', i0, j0, &
896 ' u10_ndg_old=', u10_ndg_old(i0,j0), ' u10_ndg_new=', u10_ndg_new(i0,j0)
897 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
898 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,2i4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') &
899 ' D0',id,' sample surface analysis values at i,j=', i0, j0, &
900 ' v10_ndg_old=', v10_ndg_old(i0,j0), ' v10_ndg_new=', v10_ndg_new(i0,j0)
901 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
904 IF( gt_sfc > 0.0 ) THEN
905 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,2i4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') &
906 ' D0',id,' sample surface analysis values at i,j=', i0, j0, &
907 ' th2_ndg_old=', th2_ndg_old(i0,j0), ' th2_ndg_new=', th2_ndg_new(i0,j0)
908 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
911 IF( gq_sfc > 0.0 ) THEN
912 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,2i4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') &
913 ' D0',id,' sample surface analysis values at i,j=', i0, j0, &
914 ' q2_ndg_old=', q2_ndg_old(i0,j0), ' q2_ndg_new=', q2_ndg_new(i0,j0)
915 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
919 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a)') ' D0',id, &
920 ' surface wind analysis s scaled to the lowest model level, if dz1 > 10m and REGIME=4.'
923 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a)') ' D0',id, &
924 ' obs data density is used for additional weighting function'
927 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a)') ' D0',id, &
928 ' super saturation is not allowed for q analysis'
931 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a)') ' D0',id, &
932 ' surface nudging towards the temporally interpolated analysis'
934 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a)') ' D0',id, &
935 ' surface nudging towards the target analysis'
951 ! Compute the vertical weighting function to scale the surface wind analysis to
952 ! the lowest model level, if the first model half-layer is greater
953 ! than 10 meters and we are in the free convection regime (REGIME=4.0).
955 IF( iwinds == 1 ) THEN
959 reg = 0.5 * ( regime(i-1, j) + regime(i, j) )
960 difz = 0.5 * ( z(i-1,1,j) - ht(i-1,j) &
961 + z(i, 1,j) - ht(i, j) )
962 IF( reg > 3.5 .AND. difz > 10.0 ) THEN
963 znt0 = 0.5 * ( znt(i-1, j) + znt(i, j) )
964 IF( znt0 <= 0.2) THEN
965 wndcor_u(i,j) = 1.0+0.320*znt0**0.2
967 wndcor_u(i,j) = 1.169+0.315*znt0
970 wr14 = log(40.0/0.05)
971 wr1z = log(difz/0.05)
974 wndfac = 0.5*(WR1Z/WR14+WR2Z/WR24)
975 wndcor_u(i,j) = wndfac*wndcor_u(i,j)
980 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor()) THEN
981 IF( xtime-xtime_old_sfc < 0.5*dt/60.0 ) THEN
982 IF( dbg_level .GE. 10 .AND. xtime <= actual_end_fdda_min_sfc ) THEN
985 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,2i4,a,f10.4)') &
986 ' D0',id,' sample wndcor_u values at i,j=', i0, j0, &
987 ' wndcor_u=', wndcor_u(i0,j0)
988 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
996 IF( iwinds == 1 ) THEN
1000 reg = 0.5 * ( regime(i, j-1) + regime(i, j) )
1001 difz = 0.5 * ( z(i,1,j-1) - ht(i,j-1) &
1002 + z(i,1,j ) - ht(i,j ) )
1003 IF( reg > 3.5 .AND. difz > 10.0 ) THEN
1004 znt0 = 0.5 * ( znt(i, j-1) + znt(i, j) )
1005 IF( znt0 <= 0.2) THEN
1006 wndcor_v(i,j) = 1.0+0.320*znt0**0.2
1008 wndcor_v(i,j) = 1.169+0.315*znt0
1011 wr14 = log(40.0/0.05)
1012 wr1z = log(difz/0.05)
1013 wr24 = log(40.0/1.0)
1014 wr2z = log(difz/1.0)
1015 wndfac = 0.5*(WR1Z/WR14+WR2Z/WR24)
1016 wndcor_v(i,j) = wndfac*wndcor_v(i,j)
1020 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor()) THEN
1021 IF( xtime-xtime_old_sfc < 0.5*dt/60.0 ) THEN
1022 IF( dbg_level .GE. 10 .AND. xtime <= actual_end_fdda_min_sfc ) THEN
1023 i0 = (ite-its)/2+its
1024 j0 = (jte-jts)/2+jts
1025 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,2i4,a,f10.4)') &
1026 ' D0',id,' sample wndcor_v values at i,j=', i0, j0, &
1027 ' wndcor_v=', wndcor_v(i0,j0)
1028 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
1036 ! Compute saturation mixing ratio so that nudging to a super-saturated state
1039 IF( iqsat == 1 ) THEN
1043 es = SVP1*EXP(SVP2*(t3d(i,k,j)-SVPT0)/(t3d(i,k,j)-SVP3)) * 10.0 ! mb
1044 qsat(i,k,j) = EP_2*es/(p3d(i,k,j)/100.0-es)
1049 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor()) THEN
1050 IF( xtime-xtime_old_sfc < 0.5*dt/60.0 ) THEN
1051 IF( dbg_level .GE. 10 .AND. xtime <= actual_end_fdda_min_sfc ) THEN
1052 i0 = (ite-its)/2+its
1053 j0 = (jte-jts)/2+jts
1055 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,3i4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)') &
1056 ' D0',id,' sample moisture values (g/kg) at i,k,j=', i0, k, j0, &
1057 ' qv3d=', qv3d(i0,k,j0)*1000.0, ' qsat=', qsat(i0,k,j0)*1000.0
1058 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
1065 ! Obs data density weighting.
1069 IF( rinblw < 0.001 ) THEN
1070 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor()) THEN
1071 WRITE(message,'(a)') 'Error in rinblw, please specify a reasonable value ***'
1072 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
1074 CALL wrf_error_fatal('In grid FDDA')
1077 rindx = rinblw*1000.0/dx
1080 DO j=MAX(jts-2,jds),MIN(jte+2,jde-1)
1081 DO i=MAX(its-2,ids),MIN(ite+2,ide-1)
1082 IF( odis_ndg_old(i,j) < 0.5*rinblw ) THEN
1085 x = min( odis_ndg_old(i,j)*1000./dx, rindx )
1086 blw_old(i,j) = m * x + b
1089 IF( odis_ndg_new(i,j) < 0.5*rinblw ) THEN
1092 x = min( odis_ndg_new(i,j)*1000./dx, rindx )
1093 blw_new(i,j) = m * x + b
1098 ! Smoother applies one point outside the tile, but one point in from boundaries
1099 CALL smther(blw_old, its-2,ite+2, jts-2,jte+2, 1, &
1100 MAX(its-1,ids+1), MIN(ite+1,ide-2), MAX(jts-1,jds+1), MIN(jte+1,jde-2))
1101 CALL smther(blw_new, its-2,ite+2, jts-2,jte+2, 1, &
1102 MAX(its-1,ids+1), MIN(ite+1,ide-2), MAX(jts-1,jds+1), MIN(jte+1,jde-2))
1104 WHERE ( blw_old > 1.0)
1107 WHERE ( blw_new > 1.0)
1110 WHERE ( blw_old < 0.0)
1113 WHERE ( blw_new < 0.0)
1117 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor()) THEN
1118 IF( xtime-xtime_old_sfc < 0.5*dt/60.0 ) THEN
1119 IF( dbg_level .GE. 10 .AND. xtime <= actual_end_fdda_min_sfc ) THEN
1120 i0 = (ite-its)/2+its
1121 j0 = (jte-jts)/2+jts
1122 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,2i4,4(a,f10.4))') &
1123 ' D0',id,' sample blw values at i,j=', i0, j0, &
1124 ' odis_ndg_old=', odis_ndg_old(i0,j0), ' km odis_ndg_new=', odis_ndg_new(i0,j0), &
1125 ' km blw_old=', blw_old(i0,j0), ' blw_new=', blw_new(i0,j0)
1126 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
1133 ! tfac_sfc for surface analysis nudging
1135 IF( xtime >= actual_end_fdda_min_sfc-ABS(dtramp_min) .AND. xtime <= actual_end_fdda_min_sfc &
1136 .AND. dtramp_min > 0.0 .AND. if_ramping == 1 ) &
1139 !The original method assumed that to be here in the code with dtramp_min>0
1140 !meant that we were after the valid time of *_ndg_new and so used the
1141 !values *_ndg_old and *_ndg_new to extrapolate a current analysis value.
1142 !HOWEVER, in practice once we get to the valid time of *_ndg_new WRF will
1143 !read in the next pair of *_ndg_old and *_ndg_new values, even if we are
1144 !at the beginning of the rampdown period. Since the *_ndg_new values have
1145 !a valid time after the beginning of the rampdown period we do not want
1146 !to use them as we would be using analyses valid after the supposed end
1147 !time of the analysis nudging.
1148 !coef = (xtime-xtime_old_sfc+analysis_interval_sfc)/(analysis_interval_sfc*1.0)
1149 !Use only the *_ndg_old values
1153 ! print*, 'coef =', xtime_old_sfc, xtime, xtime_new_sfc, coef
1155 ! Compute surface analysis nudging tendencies for u, v, t and q
1159 IF( fasdas == 1 ) THEN
1161 !Edit TWG2015 Add new variable wpblfasdas to avoid altering global wpbl
1162 !field when using the FASDAS option
1169 wpblfasdas(i, k, j) = 0.0
1171 wpblfasdas(i, k, j) = 1.0
1185 blw = 0.5* (blw_old(i-1,j)+blw_old(i,j)) * ( 1.0 - coef ) &
1186 + 0.5* (blw_new(i-1,j)+blw_new(i,j)) * coef
1190 val_analysis = u10_ndg_old(i,j) *( 1.0 - coef ) + u10_ndg_new(i,j) * coef
1191 val_analysis = val_analysis * wndcor_u(i,j)
1192 RUNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = guv_sfc * (1.0-wpbl(i,k,j,1)) * wzfac(k,1) * tfac_sfc * blw * &
1193 ( val_analysis - u3d(i,1,j) )
1203 blw = 0.5* (blw_old(i,j-1)+blw_old(i,j)) * ( 1.0 - coef ) &
1204 + 0.5* (blw_new(i,j-1)+blw_new(i,j)) * coef
1208 val_analysis = v10_ndg_old(i,j) *( 1.0 - coef ) + v10_ndg_new(i,j) * coef
1209 val_analysis = val_analysis * wndcor_v(i,j)
1210 RVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = guv_sfc * (1.0-wpbl(i,k,j,2)) * wzfac(k,2) * tfac_sfc * blw * &
1211 ( val_analysis - v3d(i,1,j) )
1220 blw = blw_old(i,j) * ( 1.0 - coef ) + blw_new(i,j) * coef
1225 !ckay2015 and TWG2015 add stability factor for stable regime, ensure
1226 !consistency between Direct and Indirect nudging, and Convert potential
1227 !temperature tendency to temperature tendency
1231 IF( fasdas == 1 ) THEN
1232 if(regime(i,j).le.1.1) then
1238 val_analysis = th2_ndg_old(i,j) *( 1.0 - coef ) + th2_ndg_new(i,j) * coef
1240 !RTHNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = stabFac*gt_sfc * (1.0-wpblfasdas(i,k,j)) * wzfac(k,3) * tfac * blw * &
1241 RTHNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = stabFac*gt_sfc * (1.0-wpblfasdas(i,k,j)) * wzfac(k,3) * tfac_sfc * blw * &
1243 ( val_analysis - th3d(i,1,j))
1245 DiffTN = val_analysis - th3d(i,1,j)
1247 exf = (1.0E05/p3d(i,k,j))**(287./1004.)
1248 SDA_HFX(i,j) = RTHNDGDTEN(i,k,j)/exf !TWG 2015
1250 RTHNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = 0.0
1253 val_analysis = q2_ndg_old(i,j) *( 1.0 - coef ) + q2_ndg_new(i,j) * coef
1254 IF( iqsat == 1 .AND. val_analysis > qsat(i,k,j) ) val_analysis = qsat(i,k,j)
1256 !RQVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = stabFac*gq_sfc * (1.0-wpblfasdas(i,k,j)) * wzfac(k,4) * tfac * blw * &
1257 RQVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = stabFac*gq_sfc * (1.0-wpblfasdas(i,k,j)) * wzfac(k,4) * tfac_sfc * blw * &
1259 ( val_analysis - qv3d(i,k,j) )
1261 SDA_QFX(i,j) = RQVNDGDTEN(i,k,j)
1263 RQVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = 0.0
1268 val_analysis = th2_ndg_old(i,j) *( 1.0 - coef ) + th2_ndg_new(i,j) * coef
1270 !RTHNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = gt_sfc * (1.0-wpbl(i,k,j,3)) * wzfac(k,3) * tfac * blw * &
1271 RTHNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = gt_sfc * (1.0-wpbl(i,k,j,3)) * wzfac(k,3) * tfac_sfc * blw * &
1273 ( val_analysis - th3d(i,1,j))
1275 val_analysis = q2_ndg_old(i,j) *( 1.0 - coef ) + q2_ndg_new(i,j) * coef
1276 IF( iqsat == 1 .AND. val_analysis > qsat(i,k,j) ) val_analysis = qsat(i,k,j)
1278 !RQVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = gq_sfc * (1.0-wpbl(i,k,j,4)) * wzfac(k,4) * tfac * blw * &
1279 RQVNDGDTEN(i,k,j) = gq_sfc * (1.0-wpbl(i,k,j,4)) * wzfac(k,4) * tfac_sfc * blw * &
1281 ( val_analysis - qv3d(i,k,j) )
1293 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor()) THEN
1294 IF( dbg_level .GE. 10 ) THEN
1295 i0 = (ite-its)/2+its
1296 j0 = (jte-jts)/2+jts
1297 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,f7.2,a,i4,a,i4,a,f7.2,a,f4.2,a,f7.2,a,f4.2,a,f4.2 )') &
1298 ' D0',id,' At xtime=',xtime,' SFC FDDA sample TH2 analysis (i=',i0,', j=',j0,') = (th2_ndg_old=', &
1299 th2_ndg_old(i0,j0),') * ',1.0-coef,' + (th2_ndg_new=',th2_ndg_new(i0,j0),') * ',coef, &
1300 ' where tfac_sfc=',tfac_sfc
1301 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
1302 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,f7.2,a,i4,a,f7.2,a,f7.2)') &
1303 ' D0',id,' xtime_old_sfc=',xtime_old_sfc,' analysis_interval_sfc=',analysis_interval_sfc, &
1304 ' actual_end_fdda_min_sfc=', actual_end_fdda_min_sfc,' dtramp_min=',dtramp_min
1305 CALL wrf_message( TRIM(message) )
1310 END SUBROUTINE sfddagd
1312 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1314 SUBROUTINE fddagdinit(id,rundgdten,rvndgdten,rthndgdten,rqvndgdten,rmundgdten,&
1315 SDA_HFX, SDA_QFX, QNORM, HFX_BOTH, QFX_BOTH, fasdas,& !fasdas
1318 if_no_pbl_nudging_uv, if_no_pbl_nudging_t, if_no_pbl_nudging_q, &
1319 if_zfac_uv, k_zfac_uv, if_zfac_t, k_zfac_t, if_zfac_q, k_zfac_q, &
1320 guv, gt, gq, if_ramping, dtramp_min, end_fdda_hour, &
1321 grid_sfdda, guv_sfc, gt_sfc, gq_sfc, &
1322 restart, allowed_to_read, &
1323 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
1324 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
1325 its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte )
1326 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1328 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1330 INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: id
1331 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: restart, allowed_to_read
1332 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
1333 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
1334 its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte
1335 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT) :: &
1343 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT) :: &
1347 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: fasdas
1348 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT) :: &
1353 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: run_hours
1354 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: if_no_pbl_nudging_uv, if_no_pbl_nudging_t, &
1355 if_no_pbl_nudging_q, end_fdda_hour
1356 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: if_zfac_uv, if_zfac_t, if_zfac_q
1357 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k_zfac_uv, k_zfac_t, k_zfac_q
1358 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: if_ramping, grid_sfdda
1359 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtramp_min
1360 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: guv, gt, gq
1361 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: guv_sfc, gt_sfc, gq_sfc
1362 REAL :: actual_end_fdda_min
1364 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), INTENT(OUT) :: rmundgdten
1367 LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
1369 CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: message
1371 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
1373 IF( guv > 0.0 ) THEN
1374 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1375 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for wind is applied and Guv= ', guv
1376 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1377 ELSE IF( guv < 0.0 ) THEN
1378 CALL wrf_error_fatal('In grid FDDA, Guv must be positive.')
1380 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1381 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for wind is not applied and Guv= ', guv
1382 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1386 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1387 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for temperature is applied and Gt= ', gt
1388 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1389 ELSE IF( gt < 0.0 ) THEN
1390 CALL wrf_error_fatal('In grid FDDA, Gt must be positive.')
1392 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1393 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for temperature is not applied and Gt= ', gt
1394 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1398 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1399 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for water vapor mixing ratio is applied and Gq= ', gq
1400 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1401 ELSE IF( gq < 0.0 ) THEN
1402 CALL wrf_error_fatal('In grid FDDA, Gq must be positive.')
1404 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1405 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for water vapor mixing ratio is not applied and Gq= ', gq
1406 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1409 IF( guv > 0.0 .AND. if_no_pbl_nudging_uv == 1 ) THEN
1410 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a)') &
1411 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for wind is turned off within the PBL.'
1412 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1415 IF( gt > 0.0 .AND. if_no_pbl_nudging_t == 1 ) THEN
1416 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a)') &
1417 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for temperature is turned off within the PBL.'
1418 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1421 IF( gq > 0.0 .AND. if_no_pbl_nudging_q == 1 ) THEN
1422 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a)') &
1423 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for water vapor mixing ratio is turned off within the PBL.'
1424 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1427 IF( guv > 0.0 .AND. if_zfac_uv == 1 ) THEN
1428 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,i3)') &
1429 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for wind is turned off below layer', k_zfac_uv
1430 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1433 IF( gt > 0.0 .AND. if_zfac_t == 1 ) THEN
1434 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,i3)') &
1435 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for temperature is turned off below layer', k_zfac_t
1436 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1439 IF( gq > 0.0 .AND. if_zfac_q == 1 ) THEN
1440 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,i3)') &
1441 'D0',id,' 3-D analysis nudging for water vapor mixing ratio is turned off below layer', &
1443 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1446 IF( grid_sfdda >=1 ) THEN
1447 IF( guv_sfc > 0.0 ) THEN
1448 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1449 'D0',id,' surface analysis nudging for wind is applied and Guv_sfc= ', guv_sfc
1450 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1451 ELSE IF( guv_sfc < 0.0 ) THEN
1452 CALL wrf_error_fatal('In grid FDDA, Guv_sfc must be positive.')
1454 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1455 'D0',id,' surface analysis nudging for wind is not applied and Guv_sfc= ', guv_sfc
1456 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1459 IF( gt_sfc > 0.0 ) THEN
1460 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1461 'D0',id,' surface analysis nudging for temperature is applied and Gt_sfc= ', gt_sfc
1462 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1463 ELSE IF( gt_sfc < 0.0 ) THEN
1464 CALL wrf_error_fatal('In grid FDDA, Gt_sfc must be positive.')
1466 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1467 'D0',id,' surafce analysis nudging for temperature is not applied and Gt_sfc= ', gt_sfc
1468 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1471 IF( gq_sfc > 0.0 ) THEN
1472 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1473 'D0',id,' surface analysis nudging for water vapor mixing ratio is applied and Gq_sfc= ', gq_sfc
1474 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1475 ELSE IF( gq_sfc < 0.0 ) THEN
1476 CALL wrf_error_fatal('In grid FDDA, Gq_sfc must be positive.')
1478 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a,e12.4)') &
1479 'D0',id,' surface analysis nudging for water vapor mixing ratio is not applied and Gq_sfc= ', gq_sfc
1480 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1485 IF( if_ramping == 1 .AND. ABS(dtramp_min) > 0.0 ) THEN
1486 IF( dtramp_min <= 0.0 ) THEN
1487 actual_end_fdda_min = end_fdda_hour*60.0
1489 actual_end_fdda_min = end_fdda_hour*60.0 + ABS(dtramp_min)
1492 IF( actual_end_fdda_min <= run_hours*60. ) THEN
1493 WRITE(message,'(a,i1,a)') &
1494 'D0',id,' analysis nudging is ramped down near the end of the nudging period,'
1495 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1497 WRITE(message,'(a,f6.2,a,f6.2,a)') &
1498 ' starting at ', (actual_end_fdda_min - ABS(dtramp_min))/60.0, &
1499 'h, ending at ', actual_end_fdda_min/60.0,'h.'
1500 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(message))
1506 IF(.not.restart) THEN
1510 rundgdten(i,k,j) = 0.
1511 rvndgdten(i,k,j) = 0.
1512 rthndgdten(i,k,j) = 0.
1513 rqvndgdten(i,k,j) = 0.
1514 ! TWG 2015 Psuedo radiative flux
1515 HFX_FDDA(i,k,j) = 0.
1517 if(k.eq.kts) rmundgdten(i,j) = 0.
1524 IF( fasdas == 1 ) THEN
1540 END SUBROUTINE fddagdinit
1542 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1543 SUBROUTINE smther(slab, idimst, idimnd, jdimst, jdimnd, npass, ist, ind, jst, jnd)
1548 ! Implemented based on the same smoothing subroutine used in MM5, with modifications to
1549 ! remove the extra loop that causes unneccessary desmoothing. Aijun Deng (Penn State),
1554 INTEGER :: idimst, idimnd, jdimst, jdimnd, npass, ist, ind, jst, jnd
1555 INTEGER :: i, j, k, kk
1557 REAL, DIMENSION(idimst:idimnd, jdimst:jdimnd) :: SLAB
1558 REAL, DIMENSION(idimst:idimnd, jdimst:jdimnd) :: SLAB_ORIG
1575 AVG = ( SLAB_ORIG(I+1,J ) + &
1576 SLAB_ORIG(I-1,J ) + &
1577 SLAB_ORIG(I ,J+1) + &
1578 SLAB_ORIG(I ,J-1) ) * 0.25
1585 END SUBROUTINE smther
1587 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1588 END MODULE module_fdda_psufddagd