1 # Perturb boundary condition option
4 state real field_u_tend_perturb i{stoclev}j dyn_em 1 X rhdf=(p2c) "field_u_tend_perturb" "field used to perturb u in the boundaries" ""
5 state real field_v_tend_perturb i{stoclev}j dyn_em 1 Y rhdf=(p2c) "field_v_tend_perturb" "field used to perturb v in the boundaries" ""
6 state real field_t_tend_perturb i{stoclev}j dyn_em 1 - rhdf=(p2c) "field_t_tend_perturb" "field used to perturb t in the boundaries" ""
9 rconfig integer perturb_bdy namelist,stoch 1 0 - "perturb lateral boundaries of fields U,V,T: 0=off, 1=on with SKEBS pattern, 2=on with user provided pattern"
10 rconfig integer perturb_chem_bdy namelist,stoch 1 0 - "perturb lateral boundaries of chemical tracers: 0=off, 1=on with RAND_PERTURB patter"
12 # Package declarations
13 package no_perturb_bdy perturb_bdy==0 - -
14 package perturb_bdy_with_skebs perturb_bdy==1 - -
15 package perturb_bdy_user_patrn perturb_bdy==2 - state:field_u_tend_perturb,field_v_tend_perturb,field_t_tend_perturb
17 package perturb_chem_bdy_with_rand perturb_chem_bdy==1 - -