Make the tag result list scrollable so long tags can be read
[ajatus.git] / js / languages / pl_PL.js
1 /*
2 * This file is part of
4 * Ajatus - Distributed CRM
5 * @requires jQuery v1.2.1
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2007 Jerry Jalava <>
8 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nemein Oy <>
9 * Website:
10 * Licensed under the GPL license
11 *
15 (function($){
16 $.ajatus = $.ajatus || {};
17 $.ajatus.i10n = $.ajatus.i10n || {};
19 $.ajatus.i10n.currency = {
20 name: 'Euro',
21 symbol: '€'
24 $.ajatus.i10n.datetime = {
25 date: 'MDY/',
26 time: 'HMS:'
29 $.ajatus.i10n.dict = {
30 "pl_PL": "Polski",
32 "distributed crm": "CRM",
33 "loading ajatus": "Ajatus - trwa uruchamianie",
35 "failed": "Nie powiodło się",
36 "ok": "ok",
37 "continue": "Kontynuuj",
38 "type": "Typ",
39 "undo": "Cofnij",
40 "archive": "Archiwum",
41 "archive": "Archiwum",
42 "delete": "Usuń",
43 "deleted": "Usunięty",
44 "undelete": "Odtwórz", /* ??? */
45 "view": "Widok",
46 "view item": "Widok",
47 "edit": "Edytuj",
48 "edit %s": "Edytuj %s",
49 "save": "Zapisz",
50 "cancel": "Cancel",
51 "create": "Utwórz",
52 "create %s": "Utwórz %s",
53 "add field": "Add field",
54 "actions": "Akcje",
56 "title": "Tytuł",
57 "description": "Opis",
58 "date": "Data",
59 "firstname": "Imię",
60 "lastname": "Nazwisko",
61 "email": "Email",
62 "phone": "Teleofon",
63 "hours": "Godziny",
64 "start": "Start", // This is bit misleading currently (Means start date)
65 "end": "End", // This is bit misleading currently (Means end date)
66 "location": "Location",
68 // Field types
69 "wiki": "Wiki",
70 "text": "Text",
71 "boolean": "Yes/no",
72 "integer": "Integer",
73 "selection": "Selection",
75 "global tag": "Tag globalny",
76 "related objects": "Obiekty powiązane",
77 "widget": "Widget",
78 "select one": "Select one",
79 "edit mode": "Edit",
80 "preview mode": "Preview",
82 "empty results": "Pusty wynik",
83 "no %s found": "%s nie znaleziony.",
85 // Installer
86 "installing": "Instaluje",
87 "uninstalling": "Usuwam",
88 "installing application database": "Instaluje baze danych programu",
89 "uninstalling application database": "Usuwam baze danych programu",
90 "preparing application database": "Przygotowanie bazy danych programu",
91 "installing application tags database": "Instaluje tagi bazy danych",
92 "uninstalling application tags database": "Usuwam tagi bazy danych",
93 "installing application content database": "Instaluje baze danych programu",
94 "uninstalling application content database": "Usuwam baze danych programu",
96 // Metadata
97 "creator": "Utzworzył",
98 "created": "Utworzono",
99 "revisor": "Edytował",
100 "revised": "Edytowano",
101 "archiver": "Zarchiwizował",
102 "archived": "Zarchiwizowano",
103 "deleted": "Usunięty",
105 // System views
106 "frontpage": "Strona domowa",
107 "trash": "Kosz",
108 "preferences": "Preferencje",
109 "tags": "Tagi",
111 // Content types
112 "note": "Notatka",
113 "hour report": "Raport godzinowy",
114 "event": "Wydarzenie",
115 "tag": "Tag",
116 "contact": "Kontakt",
117 "expense report": "Expense report",
119 "hour report for": "Hour report for ",
120 "expense report for": "Expense report for ",
122 // Document actions
123 "unknown document action": "Nieznana akcja dla dokumentu",
124 "unknown action %s requested for object %s!": "Nieznana akcja %s dla obiektu %s!",
125 "object deleted": "Obiekt usunięty",
126 "object %s moved to trash.": "Obiekt %s przeniesiony do kosza.",
127 "object %s removed from ajatus.": "Obiekt %s usunięty z Ajatus.",
128 "object restored": "Obiekt odtworzony",
129 "object %s restored succesfully.": "Obiek %s pomyślnie odtworzony.",
130 "emptying action pool": "Usuwam kolejki akcji",
131 "running %s pooled actions.": "Uruchamiam %s akcji z kolejki.",
133 // Add field -widget titles and messages
134 "widget %s doesn't support dynamic creation.": "Widget %s doesn't support dynamic creation.",
135 "widget %s doesn't support dynamic settings.": "Widget %s doesn't support dynamic settings.",
136 "settings": "Settings",
137 "edit field %s": "Edit field %s",
139 // Strings used in testing
140 "test %s": "Testuje %s",
141 "%d comment": "%d komentarz",
142 "%d comment in %d doc": "%d komentarz w %d "
145 $.ajatus.i10n.inflections['pl_PL'] = {
146 plural: [],
147 singular: [],
148 irregular: [],
149 uncountable: []
151 })(jQuery);