2 The model generator creates stubs for a new model.
4 The generator takes a model name as its argument. The model name may be
5 given in CamelCase or under_score and should not be suffixed with 'Model'.
7 The generator creates a model class in app/models, a test suite in
8 test/unit, and test fixtures in test/fixtures/app/models/.
10 You can set the initial columns for the Model table. This will be added to
11 the first version in this model migration.
14 >> generate model Account
16 This will create an Account model:
17 Model: app/models/account.php
18 Installer: app/installers/account_installer.php
19 Test: test/unit/account_test.php
22 >> generate model Video title, length double, author, is_searchable
24 This will create a video model and an installer with selected columns.