1 Patch by Harris Landgarten.
3 The patch was submitted on bug 448236, following the announcement on
4 https://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/2012-August/msg00005.html
5 --- libgdome/gdomecore/gdome-xml-documentt.c.orig 2003-07-13 06:47:54.000000000 -0400
6 +++ libgdome/gdomecore/gdome-xml-documentt.c 2012-12-23 08:57:23.000000000 -0500
9 xmlNodeDumpOutput (out_buff, NULL, (xmlNode *)is, 0, 0, NULL);
10 xmlOutputBufferFlush(out_buff);
11 +#if LIBXML_VERSION < 20900
12 ret = g_strndup (out_buff->buffer->content, out_buff->buffer->use);
14 + ret = g_strndup (xmlBufContent(out_buff->buffer), xmlBufUse(out_buff->buffer));
16 (void)xmlOutputBufferClose(out_buff);
18 return gdome_xml_str_mkref_own (ret);