1 # Maintainer: Tucos <baspape@gmail.com>
2 # Contributor: Hubert Grzeskowiak <arch at nemesis13 de>
6 pkgdesc="A 3D game engine with Python bindings. SDK package. CVS version"
7 url="http://www.panda3d.org"
13 makedepends=('cvs' 'python2')
14 depends=('desktop-file-utils' 'shared-mime-info')
16 # NOTICE: please read http://www.panda3d.org/manual/index.php/Dependencies for more information
17 # optdepends you want your package to support, need to be installed during compiletime!
18 # you don't need to change anything in the pkgbuild to get support; makepanda automatically detects available dependencies
19 optdepends=(# Pretty much required
20 'xorg-server: X11 support'
21 'libgl: OpenGL support for X11'
23 'python2: python bindings'
24 'openssl: Provides some networking and encryption support'
25 'ffmpeg: Required to load and play video textures'
26 'libjpeg: Required to read and write jpeg images'
27 'libpng: Required to read and write png images'
28 'freetype2: Required to use dynamic fonts (such as TTF fonts)'
29 'gtk2: PStats analysis and debugging tool'
30 'libtiff: Required to read and write tiff images'
31 'nvidia-cg-toolkit: shader support'
32 'ode: Support for the physics engine'
33 'openal: OpenAL audio'
34 'libxxf86dga: Relative mouse mode'
36 'bullet: Support for the physics engine'
38 'libxcursor: Custom cursor icons'
39 'libxrandr: Resolution switching'
40 'libsquish: DXT support (AUR)'
41 'artoolkit: library for augmented reality (AUR)'
42 'opencv: alternative to ffmpeg for video texture support'
43 'fftw: Lossy animation compression in bam files (Does not work)'
44 'fcollada: used for dae2egg and for loading dae files directly into Panda (unavailable)'
45 'vrpn: support for virtual reality trackers (unavailable)'
46 # ARM stuff, not really applicable, stated for completeness
47 # NOTE: if you have libgles, you _must_ install libegl for this package to compile
48 'libgles: OpenGL ES support'
49 'libegl: GLX for OpenGL ES'
52 install='panda3d.install'
53 source=('panda3d.install')
54 md5sums=('781da785acb14d547624b505ef01e064')
56 _cvsroot=":pserver:anonymous@panda3d.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/panda3d"
58 # set to true to use a clean, seperate builddir
64 if [ -d $_cvsmod/CVS ]; then
65 msg "Found a dir, updating"
66 (cd $_cvsmod && cvs -q up -AdP)
69 cvs -z3 -d $_cvsroot co -f $_cvsmod
71 msg "CVS checkout done (or server timeout), copying for build"
74 [ -d "${_cvsmod}-build" ] && rm -rf "$_"
75 cp -r "${_cvsmod}" "${_cvsmod}-build"
81 msg "Starting makepanda"
82 python2 makepanda/makepanda.py --everything
87 cd "$srcdir/${_cvsmod}-build"
89 cd "$srcdir/${_cvsmod}"
91 python2 makepanda/installpanda.py --prefix=/usr --destdir="$pkgdir"
92 [ -e "$pkgdir/usr/bin/bin2c" ] && rm "$pkgdir/usr/bin/bin2c" # supposedly conflicts with collada
93 install -D -m644 "$srcdir/$_cvsmod/doc/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/${_cvsmod}-cvs/LICENSE"
95 if [ "$CARCH" == "x86_64" ]; then
96 mv "$pkgdir/usr/lib64/panda3d" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/"
97 rmdir "$pkgdir/usr/lib64"
98 sed -i 's/lib64/lib/' "$pkgdir/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/panda3d.pth"
99 sed -i 's/lib64/lib/' "$pkgdir/etc/ld.so.conf.d/panda3d.conf"