1 # Contributor: Brice Méalier <mealier_brice@yahoo.fr>
5 pkgdesc="OpenFlower is an open source CFD software written in C++ mainly devoted to the resolution of the turbulent unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations."
6 url="http://openflower.sourceforge.net/index2.html"
15 source=(http://dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/openflower/$pkgname-v$pkgver.tar.gz)
16 md5sums=(12fcd0d171cf88129492ebed4982ee64)
19 cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-v$pkgver
20 sed '/<fstream>/ a\#include <math.h>' < src/Geometry/Mesh.cpp > Mesh.cpp
21 mv Mesh.cpp src/Geometry/Mesh.cpp
22 sed '/<iostream>/ a\#include <math.h>' < src/Maths/OpConvection.cpp > OpConvection.cpp
23 mv OpConvection.cpp src/Maths/OpConvection.cpp
25 ./configure --prefix=/usr
27 make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install