1 --- src/trooper.h~ 2009-11-05 17:03:01.000000000 +0500
2 +++ src/trooper.h 2009-11-05 17:05:36.690781726 +0500
6 bool four_troopers(trooper* landed_troopers[]);
7 -int drops_on_trooper(SDL_Surface *screen, trooper* trooper, trooper* landed_troopers[]);
8 +int drops_on_trooper(SDL_Surface *screen, trooper* _trooper, trooper* landed_troopers[]);
9 void concatenate(int index, trooper* landed_troopers[]);
10 int move_troopers(linkedList2 &troopLList, SDL_Surface *screen, trooper* landed_troopers[]);
12 --- src/trooper.cpp~ 2009-11-05 17:05:40.000000000 +0500
13 +++ src/trooper.cpp 2009-11-05 17:06:20.824109375 +0500
17 // checks if the trooper "trooper" falls on top of a landed trooper and handles the changes it requires if so
18 -int drops_on_trooper(SDL_Surface *screen, trooper* trooper, trooper* landed_troopers[])
19 +int drops_on_trooper(SDL_Surface *screen, trooper* _trooper, trooper* landed_troopers[])
22 - int trooper_x = (trooper->getDst2Rect()).x;
23 - int trooper2_x = trooper_x + (trooper->getDst2Rect()).w;
24 + int trooper_x = (_trooper->getDst2Rect()).x;
25 + int trooper2_x = trooper_x + (_trooper->getDst2Rect()).w;
26 for (int i=0;i<20 && landed_troopers[i] != NULL;i++)
28 if (((trooper_x >= ((landed_troopers[i])->getDst2Rect()).x) && (trooper_x <= ((landed_troopers[i])->getDst2Rect()).x + ((landed_troopers[i])->getDst2Rect()).w))
29 || ((trooper2_x >= ((landed_troopers[i])->getDst2Rect()).x) && (trooper2_x <= ((landed_troopers[i])->getDst2Rect()).x + ((landed_troopers[i])->getDst2Rect()).w)))
31 - points += trooper->getPoints();
32 + points += _trooper->getPoints();
33 SDL_Rect black1 = (landed_troopers[i])->getBlack(), black2 = (landed_troopers[i])->getBlack2();;
34 //SDL_FillRect(screen, &black1, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
35 //SDL_FillRect(screen, &black2, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));