3 echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
4 echo 'Make a start script in ${HOME}/bin/ and name it wc3.sh and put the following in it:'
5 echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
8 echo '/opt/wine-wc3/usr/bin//wine ${HOME}/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Warcraft\ III/war3.exe -opengl' # Path to war3.exe may be different.
10 echo 'renice -1 -p `ps ax | grep war3.exe | grep -v grep | cut -c1-5`'
11 echo 'renice -1 -p `ps ax | grep wineserver | grep -v grep | cut -c1-5`'
13 echo '-----------------------------'
14 echo 'Make the script executable'
15 echo '-----------------------------'
17 echo 'chmod +x ${HOME}/bin/wc3.sh'