2 .
3 ulimit -c unlimited
# The maximum size of core files created.
4 ulimit -d unlimited
# The maximum size of a process's data segment.
5 ulimit -f unlimited
# The maximum size of files created by the shell (default option)
6 ulimit -i unlimited
# The maximum number of pending signals
7 ulimit -n 999999 # The maximum number of open file descriptors.
8 ulimit -q unlimited
# The maximum POSIX message queue size
9 ulimit -u unlimited
# The maximum number of processes available to a single user.
10 ulimit -v unlimited
# The maximum amount of virtual memory available to the process.
11 ulimit -x unlimited
# ???
12 ulimit -l unlimited
# The maximum size that may be locked into memory.
13 ulimit -s 240 # The maximum stack size
14 ulimit -a # All current limits are reported.
15 echo "Starting Freeswitch with ${FREESWITCH_OPTS}"
16 exec chpst
-u freeswitch
-u freeswitch
-g daemon
-nf -nc ${FREESWITCH_OPTS} 2>&1