1 # Contributor: Joao Cordeiro <jlcordeiro at gmail dot com>
2 pkgname=brainparty-trunk
5 pkgdesc="Brain Party is a puzzle game made up of 36 minigames designed to push your brain to its limits by testing memory, logic, mathematics, reaction time and more"
7 url="http://www.tuxradar.com/brainparty"
9 depends=(sdl_gfx sdl_ttf sdl_mixer sdl_image)
10 source=(http://launchpad.net/brainparty/trunk/0.61/+download/brainparty0.61.tar.gz
12 md5sums=('d6bcdf6261697d206dbbda3362632002'
13 'cde30caf4a27e0776d710d5387149e7c')
17 cd "$srcdir/brainparty"
21 mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/local/games/brainparty-trunk/Content" || return 1
22 install -D -m 644 Content/* "$pkgdir/usr/local/games/brainparty-trunk/Content/"
23 install -D -m 755 brainparty "$pkgdir/usr/local/games/brainparty-trunk/"
25 install -T -D -m 755 "$srcdir/brainparty.sh" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/brainparty-trunk"
28 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: