1 # $Id: PKGBUILD 59534 2011-11-27 21:17:58Z ebelanger $
2 # Maintainer: Angel 'angvp' Velasquez <angvp[at]archlinux.com.ve>
3 # Contributor: Corrado Primier <bardo@aur.archlinux.org>
4 # Contributor: Rubin Simons <rubin@xs4all.nl>
10 pkgdesc="EMF and XSD frameworks for the Eclipse platform"
12 url="http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/"
15 source=(http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/emf/downloads/drops/2.7.x/R${_reldate}/emf-xsd-SDK-${pkgver}.zip)
16 md5sums=('a97cf4c3a6086e478877c08d687d04df')
19 _dest="${pkgdir}"/usr/share/eclipse/dropins/${pkgname/eclipse-}/eclipse
21 cd "${srcdir}/eclipse"
24 find features -type f | while read _feature ; do
25 if [[ ${_feature} =~ (.*\.jar$) ]] ; then
26 install -dm755 "${_dest}"/${_feature%*.jar}
27 cd "${_dest}"/${_feature/.jar}
28 jar xf "${srcdir}/${_feature}"
30 install -Dm644 ${_feature} "${_dest}/${_feature}"
35 find plugins -type f | while read _plugin ; do
36 install -Dm644 ${_plugin} "${_dest}/${_plugin}"