1 # Contributor: Bart Verhoeven <nepherte at archlinux dot us>
5 pkgdesc="Implementation of RTSP - Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RFC2326) and RTP/RTCP - Real-Time Transport Protocol/RTP Control Protocol (RFC3550) supporting the RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control (RFC3551)."
7 url="http://www.lscube.org/projects/libnemesi"
9 depends=('netembryo-git')
10 makedepends=('git' 'libtool' 'autoconf' 'automake')
11 provides=('libnemesi=$pkgver')
12 conflicts=('libnemesi')
16 _gitroot="git://git.lscube.org/libnemesi.git"
21 msg "Connecting to the GIT server...."
23 if [[ -d $srcdir/$_gitname ]] ; then
26 msg "The local files are updated."
31 msg "GIT checkout done"
32 msg "Starting make..."
34 rm -rf $srcdir/$_gitname-build
35 git clone $srcdir/$_gitname $srcdir/$_gitname-build
37 cd $srcdir/$_gitname-build
41 ./configure || return 1
43 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install || return 1