1 # Maintainer: Jed Brown <jedbrown>
2 pkgname=ptscotch-mpich2
7 pkgdesc="SCOTCH is a software package and libraries for graph, mesh and hypergraph partitioning, static mapping, and sparse matrix block ordering. This is the Parallel version using MPI."
8 url="http://www.labri.fr/perso/pelegrin/scotch/"
9 license="custom: CeCILL-C free/libre software license"
10 depends=('mpich2' 'numactl')
15 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
16 source=("http://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/28977/scotch_${pkgver}.tar.gz")
17 md5sums=('5d912599c2521b1ecbcd8d12b68eef9c')
20 cd "${srcdir}/scotch_${_pkgver}"
23 sed "s,-O3,$CFLAGS,g" Make.inc/Makefile.inc.x86-64_pc_linux2 > Makefile.inc
24 sed -i "s,= mpicc,= ${_prefix}/bin/mpicc,g" Makefile.inc
28 cd "${srcdir}/scotch_${_pkgver}"
29 install -d "${pkgdir}/${_prefix}"/{bin,lib,include/scotch}
30 install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/${_prefix}"/include/scotch include/*.h
31 install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/${_prefix}"/lib lib/lib*.a
32 install -m 755 -t "${pkgdir}/${_prefix}"/bin bin/*
33 install -m 644 -D "${srcdir}/scotch_${_pkgver}/doc/CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"