1 # Maintainer: Diego Jose <diegotorre1094@hotmail.com>
6 pkgdesc="XInvaders 3D is a vector-graphics Space Invaders clone
7 for the X Window System."
9 url="http://xinvaders3d.sourceforge.net/"
11 makedepends=('gcc' 'fakeroot')
12 source=("http://download.sourceforge.net/$pkgname/$pkgname-$pkgver.src.tar.gz" )
13 md5sums=('59fc645f21cf1859b6792131c07caa96')
16 tar -xvf "$pkgname-$pkgver.src.tar.gz"
20 install -d m 755 $pkgdir/usr/bin/ || return 1
24 #cd "$srcdir/$pkgname"
26 #We move the binary to somewhere it can be executed
27 mv $srcdir/$pkgname/$pkgbin $pkgdir/usr/bin/ || return 1