3 => Be sure to restart Nautilus for RabbitCVS to get loaded.
4 => Restart nautilus with the following commands:
6 => $ pgrep -f service.py | xargs kill
7 => $ nohup nautilus > /dev/null &
13 => Be sure to restart Nautilus for RabbitCVS to get reloaded.
14 => Restart nautilus with the following commands:
15 => $ pgrep -f service.py | xargs kill
17 => $ nohup nautilus > /dev/null &
23 => Be sure to restart Nautilus for RabbitCVS to get unloaded.
24 => Restart nautilus with the following commands:
25 => $ pgrep -f service.py | xargs kill
27 => $ nohup nautilus > /dev/null &