1 # Maintainer: György Balló <ballogy@freestart.hu>
5 pkgdesc="Reads the new emails from POP3 and IMAP email servers and notifies about the number, subject, sender and time of new emails in the indicator applet and via a notification bubble"
7 url="https://launchpad.net/popper"
9 depends=('python-gnomekeyring' 'python-notify' 'libindicate')
10 true && depends=('python-gnomekeyring' 'python-notify' 'libindicate-gtk2')
11 source=(https://launchpad.net/~ralf.hersel/+archive/rhersel-ppa/+files/${pkgname}_$pkgver.orig.tar.gz)
12 md5sums=('ec49c58bd7d9b96994e43cd96d28d776')
15 cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}_$pkgver"
16 sed -i 's@#!.*python@#!/usr/bin/python2@' popper/popper{,_config,_list}.py
17 sed -i 's@python @python2 @' popper/popper{,_config}.sh
21 cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}_$pkgver"
23 mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/share"
24 cp -r popper locale applications "$pkgdir/usr/share"