1 Font license information
3 * This font is free for personal and commercial use
4 * The font file/software may be modified to suit design of system
5 requirements, but strictly for your own (personal or commercial)
6 use. You may not sell or distribute it
7 * Embedding (in PDF's, Flash files and programs) is allowed
8 * You may use this font for Font-Face embedding, but only if you put
9 a link to www.exljbris.nl on your page and/or put this notice /* A
10 font by Jos Buivenga (exljbris) -> www.exljbris.nl */ in your CSS
11 file as near as possible to the piece of code that declares the
12 Font-Face embedding of this font.
13 * This font may not be distributed or sold -not online nor on any
14 media- without my permission
15 * This font is and remains (even when modified) the intellectual
16 property of Jos Buivenga
17 * Exljbris (Jos Buivenga) is not liable for any damage resulting
18 from the use of this font