sync: add diagnostic for tsort failure
[aurutils.git] / lib / aur-sync
1 #!/bin/bash
2 # aur-sync - download and build AUR packages automatically
3 [[ -v AUR_DEBUG ]] && set -o xtrace
4 set -o errexit
5 argv0=sync
9 XDG_DATA_HOME=${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}
10 AURDEST=${AURDEST:-$XDG_CACHE_HOME/aurutils/$argv0}
13 PS4='+(${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
15 # Avoid CDPATH screwing with cd (#1047)
16 unset -v CDPATH
18 # default arguments
19 build_args=(--syncdeps) build_repo_args=()
20 depends_args=() view_args=() filter_args=() fetch_args=() graph_args=() reparse_args=()
22 # default options
23 build=1 chkver_depth=2 download=1 view=1 provides=1 graph=1 keep_going=1
25 # default options (disabled)
26 rotate=0 update=0 repo_targets=0 columns=0 auto_key_retrieve=0
28 args_csv() {
29 # shellcheck disable=SC2155
30 local str=$(printf '%s,' "$@")
31 printf '%s' "${str%,}"
34 lib32() {
35 awk -v arch="$(uname -m)" '{
36 if(arch == "i686") {
37 gsub(/^lib32-/,"")
38 gsub(/^gcc-multilib$/,"")
40 print
41 }' "$@"
44 select_pkgspec() {
45 awk -F'/' -v needle="$1" '{
46 if (NF == 2 && $1 == needle) {
47 print $2
49 else if (NF == 1) {
50 print $1
52 }' "${@:2}"
55 swap() {
56 awk '{print $2 "\t" $1}' "$@"
59 complement() {
60 # empty set should not return 1
61 grep -Fxvf "$@" || return $(( $? - 1 ))
64 trap_exit() {
65 if [[ ! -v AUR_DEBUG ]]; then
66 rm -rf -- "$tmp"
67 else
68 printf >&2 'AUR_DEBUG: %s: temporary files at %s\n' "$argv0" "$tmp"
72 usage() {
73 printf >&2 'usage: %s [-d repo] [--root path] [-cdfoSu] pkgname...\n' "$argv0"
74 exit 1
77 # Clarify tsort errors (#1039)
78 diag_depcycle() {
79 echo >&2 'Error:'
81 cat <<EOF | pr -to 4 >&2
82 aur-$argv0 encountered a cycle while resolving dependencies. This may be caused
83 by an error in the PKGBUILD or by cyclic checkdepends. For the latter, retry
84 building the package(s) with --no-check.
85 EOF
88 source /usr/share/makepkg/util/
90 if [[ ! -v NO_COLOR ]] && [[ ! -v AUR_DEBUG ]]; then
91 [[ -t 2 ]] && colorize
94 # mollyguard for makepkg
95 if (( UID == 0 )) && [[ ! -v AUR_ASROOT ]]; then
96 printf >&2 'warning: aur-%s is not meant to be run as root.\n' "$argv0"
97 printf >&2 'warning: To proceed anyway, set the %s variable.\n' 'AUR_ASROOT'
98 exit 1
101 # option parsing
102 opt_short='d:D:k:U:ACcfKLnorRSTuv'
103 opt_long=('bind:' 'bind-rw:' 'database:' 'directory:' 'ignore:' 'root:'
104 'makepkg-conf:' 'pacman-conf:' 'chroot' 'continue' 'force' 'ignore-arch'
105 'log' 'no-confirm' 'no-ver' 'no-graph' 'no-sync' 'no-ver-argv' 'no-view'
106 'no-provides' 'no-build' 'rmdeps' 'sign' 'temp' 'upgrades' 'pkgver'
107 'rebuild' 'rebuild-tree' 'rebuild-all' 'ignore-file:' 'remove'
108 'provides-from:' 'new' 'prevent-downgrade' 'verify' 'makepkg-args:'
109 'format:' 'no-check' 'keep-going:' 'user:' 'rebase' 'reset' 'ff' 'exclude:'
110 'columns' 'prefix' 'save:' 'clean' 'cleanbuild' 'auto-key-retrieve')
111 opt_hidden=('dump-options' 'allan' 'ignorearch' 'ignorefile:' 'noconfirm'
112 'nover' 'nograph' 'nosync' 'nover-argv' 'noview' 'noprovides' 'nobuild'
113 'rebuildall' 'rebuildtree' 'rm-deps' 'gpg-sign' 'margs:' 'nocheck'
114 'no-checkdepends' 'nocheckdepends' 'optdepends' 'repo:' 'autokeyretrieve')
116 if opts=$(getopt -o "$opt_short" -l "$(args_csv "${opt_long[@]}" "${opt_hidden[@]}")" -n "$argv0" -- "$@"); then
117 eval set -- "$opts"
118 else
119 usage
122 unset pkg pkg_i repo repo_p ignore_file stdout_file
123 while true; do
124 case "$1" in
125 # sync options
126 --allan)
127 rotate=1 ;;
128 --continue)
129 download=0 ;;
130 --ignore)
131 shift; IFS=, read -a pkg -r <<< "$1"
132 pkg_i+=("${pkg[@]}") ;;
133 --ignorefile|--ignore-file)
134 shift; ignore_file=$1 ;;
135 -k|--keep-going)
136 shift; keep_going=$1 ;;
137 -o|--nobuild|--no-build)
138 build=0 ;;
139 --columns)
140 build=0; columns=1 ;;
141 --save)
142 shift; stdout_file=$1 ;;
143 --optdepends)
144 depends_args+=(--optdepends)
145 graph_args+=(-v OPTDEPENDS=1) ;;
146 --nocheck|--no-check|--nocheckdepends|--no-checkdepends)
147 depends_args+=(--no-checkdepends)
148 build_args+=(--no-check)
149 graph_args+=(-v CHECKDEPENDS=0) ;;
150 --nograph|--no-graph)
151 graph=0 ;;
152 --nosync|--no-sync)
153 build_args+=(--no-sync) ;;
154 --nover|--no-ver)
155 chkver_depth=0 ;;
156 --nover-argv|--no-ver-argv)
157 chkver_depth=1 ;;
158 --noview|--no-view)
159 view=0 ;;
160 --noprovides|--no-provides)
161 provides=0 ;;
162 -K|--auto-key-retrieve|--autokeyretrieve)
163 auto_key_retrieve=1 ;;
164 --provides-from)
165 shift; IFS=, read -a repo -r <<< "$1"
166 repo_p+=("${repo[@]}")
167 provides=1 ;;
168 --rebuild)
169 # Command-line targets are excluded from `repo-filter`
170 build_args+=(-f); chkver_depth=1 ;;
171 --rebuildtree|--rebuild-tree)
172 # Dependencies may be removed by `repo-filter` (#1066)
173 build_args+=(-f); chkver_depth=0; provides=0 ;;
174 --rebuildall|--rebuild-all)
175 build_args+=(-f); chkver_depth=0; repo_targets=1 ;;
176 -u|--upgrades)
177 update=1 ;;
178 # database options
179 -d|--database|--repo)
180 shift; build_repo_args+=(-d "$1") ;;
181 --root)
182 shift; build_repo_args+=(--root "$1") ;;
183 # fetch options
184 --ff)
185 fetch_args+=(--ff) ;;
186 --rebase)
187 fetch_args+=(--rebase) ;;
188 --reset)
189 fetch_args+=(--reset) ;;
190 # view options
191 --format)
192 shift; view_args+=(--format "$1") ;;
193 --exclude)
194 shift; view_args+=(--exclude "$1") ;;
195 --prefix)
196 view_args+=(--prefix) ;; # experimental
197 # build options
198 -c|--chroot)
199 build_args+=(--chroot) ;;
200 -f|--force)
201 build_args+=(--force) ;;
202 -C|--clean)
203 build_args+=(--clean) ;;
204 --cleanbuild)
205 build_args+=(--cleanbuild) ;;
206 --makepkg-args|--margs)
207 shift; build_args+=(--margs "$1") ;;
208 --makepkg-conf)
209 shift; build_args+=(--makepkg-conf "$1") ;;
210 --pacman-conf)
211 shift; build_args+=(--pacman-conf "$1")
212 filter_args+=(--config "$1") ;;
213 --pkgver)
214 build_args+=(--pkgver) ;;
215 -S|--sign|--gpg-sign)
216 build_args+=(--sign) ;;
217 -U|--user)
218 shift; build_args+=(--user "$1") ;;
219 # build options (devtools)
220 -D|--directory)
221 shift; build_args+=(--directory "$1") ;;
222 --bind)
223 shift; build_args+=(--bind "$1") ;;
224 --bind-rw)
225 shift; build_args+=(--bind-rw "$1") ;;
226 -T|--temp)
227 build_args+=(-T) ;;
228 # build options (makepkg)
229 -A|--ignorearch|--ignore-arch)
230 build_args+=(--ignorearch) ;;
231 -L|--log)
232 build_args+=(--log) ;;
233 -n|--noconfirm|--no-confirm)
234 build_args+=(--noconfirm) ;;
235 -r|--rmdeps|--rm-deps)
236 build_args+=(--rmdeps) ;;
237 # build options (repo-add)
238 -R|--remove)
239 build_args+=(--remove) ;;
240 -v|--verify)
241 build_args+=(--verify) ;;
242 --prevent-downgrade)
243 build_args+=(--prevent-downgrade) ;;
244 --new)
245 build_args+=(--new) ;;
246 # other options
247 --dump-options)
248 printf -- '--%s\n' "${opt_long[@]}" ${AUR_DEBUG+"${opt_hidden[@]}"}
249 printf -- '%s' "${opt_short}" | sed 's/.:\?/-&\n/g'
250 exit ;;
251 --) shift; break ;;
252 esac
253 shift
254 done
256 # shellcheck disable=SC2174
257 mkdir -pm 0700 -- "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/aurutils-$UID"
258 tmp=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir "aurutils-$UID/$argv0.XXXXXXXX")
259 trap 'trap_exit' EXIT
261 if (( rotate )); then
262 if { hash caesar && target=$(aur pkglist | shuf -n 1); } 2>/dev/null; then
263 exec bash -c "{ aur \"$argv0\" -c \"$target\" && repo-elephant | caesar 13; } 2>&1 | caesar 13"
264 else
265 echo '?'; exit 16 # EBUSY
268 mkdir -p -- "$AURDEST"
270 if (( $# + update + repo_targets == 0 )); then
271 printf >&2 '%s: no targets specified\n' "$argv0"
272 exit 1
275 # Write --no-build / --columns results to a file (#1077)
276 if [[ -v stdout_file ]]; then
277 stdout_file=$(realpath -- "$stdout_file")
280 # Retrieve path to local repo (#448, #700, #1135)
281 { IFS=: read -r _ db_name
282 IFS=: read -r _ db_root
283 IFS=: read -r _ db_path
284 IFS=: read -r _ _
285 IFS=: read -r _ _
286 } < <(aur build "${build_args[@]}" "${build_repo_args[@]}" --status)
288 # Print an error if `build --status` fails (#1151)
289 if ! wait "$!"; then
290 printf '%s: error: failed to read build configuration\n' "$argv0"
291 exit 1
294 msg >&2 'Using [%s] repository' "$db_name"
296 # Ignores file can be the result of process substitution (#880)
297 : "${ignore_file=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/aurutils/sync/ignore}"
299 if [[ -r $ignore_file ]] && [[ ! -d $ignore_file ]]; then
300 # Append file ignores to command-line ignores
301 while read -r i; do pkg_i+=("$i"); done < <(select_pkgspec "$db_name" "$ignore_file")
304 # Diagnostic on which packages are ignored
305 if (( ${#pkg_i[@]} )); then
306 # Do not include command-line arguments as ignores (#952)
307 mapfile -t pkg_i < <(complement <(printf '%s\n' "$@") <(printf '%s\n' "${pkg_i[@]}"))
308 printf '%s: packages ignored: %s\n' "$argv0" "${pkg_i[*]}"
310 # Ignore local repository targets (#1146)
311 reparse_args+=(--ignore "$(args_csv "${pkg_i[@]}")")
312 fi >&2
314 # Retrieve list of local repository packages ($1 pkgname $2 pkgver)
315 aur repo-parse "${reparse_args[@]}" -p "$db_path" --list >"$tmp"/db_info
317 # Build list of AUR targets
318 { if (( $# )); then
319 # append command-line arguments
320 printf '%s\n' "$@"
323 if (( repo_targets )); then
324 # append repository packages (all)
325 cut -f1 <"$tmp"/db_info
327 elif (( update )); then
328 # append repository packages (updated)
329 aur vercmp --quiet <"$tmp"/db_info
331 } >"$tmp"/argv
333 # Build AUR dependency graph
334 if [[ -s $tmp/argv ]]; then
335 # shellcheck disable=SC2094
336 aur depends --jsonl "${depends_args[@]}" - <"$tmp"/argv >"$tmp"/depends.jsonl
337 else
338 printf >&2 '%s: there is nothing to do\n' "$argv0"
339 exit
342 # pkginfo: $1 pkgname $2 pkgbase $3 pkgver
343 aur format -f '%n\t%b\t%v\n' "$tmp"/depends.jsonl | sort -u >"$tmp"/pkginfo
345 { if (( ${#pkg_i[@]} )); then
346 printf '%s\n' "${pkg_i[@]}" # Ignored packages
349 # Packages with equal or newer versions are taken as complement
350 # for the queue. If chkver_argv is enabled, packages on the
351 # command-line are excluded from this complement.
352 if (( chkver_depth )); then
353 # note: AUR cannot be queried by pkgbase (FS#57230)
354 cut -f1,3 "$tmp"/pkginfo | aur vercmp -p "$tmp"/db_info -c >"$tmp"/current
356 # shellcheck disable=SC2002
357 case $chkver_depth in
358 1) cat "$tmp"/current | complement "$tmp"/argv ;;
359 2) cat "$tmp"/current ;;
360 esac
363 if (( provides )); then
364 if (( ${#repo_p[@]} )); then
365 filter_args+=("${repo_p[@]/#/--repo=}")
366 else
367 filter_args+=(--sync)
370 # Note: this uses pacman's copy of the repo (as used by makepkg -s)
371 cut -f1 "$tmp"/pkginfo | aur repo-filter "${filter_args[@]}" | complement "$tmp"/argv
373 } >"$tmp"/filter
375 # Filter out targets determined in the steps above recursively (#1136, #1140)
376 aur sync--filter -p "$tmp"/depends.jsonl -f "$tmp"/filter >"$tmp"/graph
378 # XXX: a flat file is needed for aur-{graph,fetch,view}. `ninja` requires the
379 # build files to be present before dependency resolution (with `ninja -n`) can
380 # occur, and `ninja -t targets` sorts in alphabetical order. This implies
381 # that dependency cycles cannot be resolved before retrieving files with
382 # aur-fetch with `ninja` alone. `tsort` could either be used in this case (with
383 # a less nice diagnostic on cycles), or fetches done in an arbitrary order
384 # (e.g. sort -u) with checks for cycles done at build-time.
385 if ! tsort <"$tmp"/graph >"$tmp"/queue; then
386 diag_depcycle
387 exit 22
390 if [[ -s $tmp/queue ]]; then
391 cd -- "$AURDEST"
392 else
393 printf >&2 '%s: there is nothing to do\n' "$argv0"
394 exit
397 if (( download )); then
398 msg >&2 "Retrieving package files"
399 aur fetch -S "${fetch_args[@]}" --discard - < "$tmp"/queue >&2
400 else
401 xargs -a "$tmp"/queue stat >/dev/null || exit 2 # ensure all directories are available
404 if (( auto_key_retrieve )); then
405 # shellcheck disable=SC2174
406 mkdir -pm 0700 -- "$AUR_SYNC_GNUPGHOME"
407 declare -A keys_uniq
409 # Retrieve unique set of gpg keys to be imported
410 while IFS= read -r path; do
411 if [[ -f $path/.SRCINFO ]]; then
412 mapfile -t keys < <(pacini "$path"/.SRCINFO 'validpgpkeys')
414 for key in "${keys[@]}"; do
415 keys_uniq[$key]=1
416 done
418 done < "$tmp"/queue
420 if (( ${#keys_uniq[@]} )); then
421 printf >&2 '%s: importing key %s\n' "${!keys_uniq[@]}"
422 GNUPGHOME="$AUR_SYNC_GNUPGHOME" gpg --recv-keys "${!keys_uniq[@]}" >&2
425 # Pass on verified keys to makepkg
426 build_args+=(--makepkg-gnupghome="$AUR_SYNC_GNUPGHOME")
429 # Verify dependency tree (#20)
430 if (( graph )); then
431 if ! { while read -r pkg; do
432 [[ $pkg ]] && printf '%s\0' "$pkg/.SRCINFO"
433 done
434 } | xargs -0 cat -- | aur graph "${graph_args[@]}" REVERSE=1
435 then
436 printf >&2 '%s: failed to verify dependency graph\n' "$argv0"
437 exit 1
438 fi <"$tmp"/queue >"$tmp"/graph
440 # Recompute dependencies to include `provides` (#837)
441 if ! tsort < "$tmp"/graph >"$tmp"/queue; then
442 diag_depcycle
443 exit 22
447 { # Sort dependencies (`aur-sync--ninja`, `--columns`)
448 swap "$tmp"/graph | sort -k1b,1 -k1 -u >"$tmp"/
450 # Resolve absolute paths (`--no-build`)
451 while read -r pkg; do
452 [[ $pkg ]] && printf '%s\n' "$AURDEST/$pkg"
453 done <"$tmp"/queue >"$tmp"/queue.realpath
456 # Inspect package files
457 if (( view )); then
458 aur view -a "$tmp"/queue "${view_args[@]}"
461 # `--columns` / `--no-build` output
462 if (( columns )) && [[ -v stdout_file ]]; then
463 cat "$tmp"/ >"$stdout_file"
465 elif (( columns )); then
466 cat "$tmp"/
468 elif ! (( build )) && [[ -v stdout_file ]]; then
469 cat "$tmp"/queue.realpath >"$stdout_file"
471 elif ! (( build )); then
472 cat "$tmp"/queue.realpath
474 # Build dependency tree with ninja (#908)
475 elif (( AUR_SYNC_USE_NINJA )); then
476 # Apply `--save` (#1091)
477 if [[ -v stdout_file ]]; then
478 cat "$tmp"/ >"$stdout_file"
481 # Directory for stamp files (concurrent aur-sync processes)
482 mkdir -p -- "$XDG_STATE_HOME"/aurutils/$argv0
483 ninja_dir=$XDG_STATE_HOME/aurutils/$argv0/ninja-$USER-$$
484 mkdir -- "$ninja_dir"
486 # Generate
487 # input: $AURDEST/pkgbase/PKGBUILD
488 # output: $ninja_dir/pkgbase.stamp
489 aur sync--ninja "$AURDEST" <"$tmp"/ >"$ninja_dir"/ \
490 -- aur build "${build_args[@]}" -d "$db_name" --root "$db_root"
492 if NINJA_STATUS='[%s/%t] ' ninja -C "$ninja_dir" -k "$keep_going"; then
493 # Remove ninja directory on successful build
494 rm -rf "$ninja_dir"
495 else
496 # Print all targets in dependency order
497 NINJA_STATUS='[%s/%t] ' ninja -nC /var/empty -f "$ninja_dir"/ | \
498 # [\w@\.\-\+]: valid characters for pkgname
499 # alternative: [^\s]+ from rule `env -C ... > pkgbase.stamp`
500 pcregrep -o1 -o3 '(\[\d+/\d+\] )(.+?)([\w@\.\-\+]+)(\.stamp)' | while read -r status pkg
502 if [[ -f $ninja_dir/$pkg.stamp ]]; then
503 printf "${BOLD}${BLUE}%s${ALL_OFF} %s\t${BOLD}${GREEN}[OK]${ALL_OFF}\n" "$status" "$pkg"
504 else
505 printf "${BOLD}${BLUE}%s${ALL_OFF} %s\t${BOLD}${RED}[FAIL]${ALL_OFF}\n" "$status" "$pkg"
507 done | column -t
509 # Preserve ninja directory
510 printf '%s: build files at %s\n' "$argv0" "$ninja_dir"
512 else
513 # Apply `--save` (#1091)
514 if [[ -v stdout_file ]]; then
515 cat "$tmp"/queue.realpath >"$stdout_file"
517 aur build "${build_args[@]}" -a "$tmp"/queue.realpath -d "$db_name" --root "$db_root"
520 # vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 ft=sh: