8 This application provide as many baskets as you wish, and you
9 can drag and drop various objects (text, URLs, images, sounds...)
11 Objects can be edited, copied, dragged... So, you can arrange them as
13 It's a DropDrawers clone
14 (http://www.sigsoftware.com/dropdrawers/index.html) for KDE 3.
16 If you want to contact me, please mail me at slaout@linux62.org
17 (I'm a french guy, if you prefer to speak french to me).
22 Visit the BasKet Note Pads website at :
23 http://basket.kde.org/
24 You can find screenshots of it at :
25 http://basket.kde.org/screenshots.php
26 For project status, please see the TODO file of this project at :
27 http://basket.kde.org/todo.php
28 You also can see the project roadmap for near versions planned
30 http://basket.kde.org/roadmap.php
32 http://basket.kde.org/changelog.php
33 And finaly, new versions will be announced here :
34 http://basket.kde.org/news.php
35 If you want to be noticed of new versions, subscribe to the RSS feed,
36 available with explanations here:
37 http://basket.kde.org/rss.php
42 Please see the INSTALL file.