1 javascript
).includes("native")){var e
[1].includes("s.blooket.com/rc"))return e
.log("You tried to get caught cheating!")}}else console
.log("already run");if(console
.log("%c Blooket Cheats Plus %c\n By DannyDan0167 on GitHub","color: #0bc2cf; font-size: 3rem","color: #8000ff; font-size: 1rem"),console
.log("%c Mobilegui.js","color: #0bc2cf; font-size: 1rem"),console
.log("%c Star the github repo!%c https://github.com/DannyDan0167/Blooket-Cheats-Plus","color: #ffd000; font-size: 1rem",""),document
){for(var t
.remove()}{var t
="details > summary { cursor: pointer; transition: 0.15s; list-style: none; } details > summary:hover { color: hsl(0, 0%, 50%) } details > summary::-webkit-details-marker { display: none; } details summary ~ * { animation: sweep .5s ease-in-out; } @keyframes sweep { 0% {opacity: 0; transform: translateY(-10px)} 100% {opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0)} } .cheat { border: none; background: hsl(0, 0%, 20%); padding: 5px; margin: 3px; width: 60%; color: hsl(0, 0%, 100%); transition: 0.2s; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; } .cheat:hover { background: hsl(0, 0%, 30%); }";let a
:"hsl(0, 0%, 10%)",backgroundImage
:"linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.95), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.95)), url(https://ac.blooket.com/dashboard/65a43218fd1cabe52bdf1cda34613e9e.png)",borderRadius
:"50px"});var r
='Blooket Cheats Plus <span style="font-size: 0.75rem">v15.30.00</span>',document
;let c
=`<span id="curPageEl">${_(!0)?"Current gamemode: "+_(!0):"No game detected"}</span><br><span>(Press E to hide)</span><br>`,t
:"Auto Answer (Toggle)",description
:"Toggles auto answer on",type
='<span><a target="blank" href="https://discord.gg/8A6J234n7v">Discord</a><br/><a target="blank" href="https://github.com/DannyDan0167/Blooket-Cheats-Plus/">GitHub - DannyDan0167</a></span>',!1),data
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Highlight Answers (Toggle)",description
:"Toggles highlight answers on",type
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
="rgb(0, 207, 119)":o
="rgb(189, 15, 38)"})},50))}},{name
:"Subtle Highlight Answers (Toggle)",description
:"Toggles subtle highlight answers on",type
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Freeze Leaderboard",description
:"Freezes the leaderboard on the host's screen",type
=!0;let e
=()=>{var e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("#app")){return Object
:"Percent Auto Answer",description
:"Answers questions correctly or incorrectly depending on the goal grade given (Disable and re-enable to update goal)",type
=!0;let e
=parseFloat(prompt("What grade do you want to get from this set? (0-100)"));for(;"number"!=typeof e
=parseFloat(prompt("What grade do you want to get from this set? (0-100)\nInvalid Number"));let{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
=>{try{let o
)return document
.querySelector('[class*="feedback"], [id*="feedback"]')?.firstChild
.querySelector("[class*='typingAnswerWrapper']")){let a
=0;for(let n
in t
];for(let i
in t
;let l
+1)/(r+1)-e);if("typing"!=t.state.question.qType){let s=document.querySelectorAll("[class*='answerContainer']");for(let c=0;c<s.length;c++){let d=o.correctAnswers.includes(o.answers[c]);if(l&&d||!l&&!d)return s[c]?.click?.()}s[0].click()}else Object.values(document.querySelector("[class*='typingAnswerWrapper']"))[1].children._owner.stateNode.sendAnswer(l?o.answers[0]:Math.random().toString(36).substring(2))}}catch{}},100,(e??100)/100)}}},{name
:"Auto Answer",description
:"Click the correct answer for you",run:function(){let{state
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Highlight Answers",description
:"Colors answers to be red or green highlighting the correct ones",run:function(){let{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
="rgb(0, 207, 119)":o
="rgb(189, 15, 38)"})}},{name
:"Subtle Highlight Answers",description
:"Removes the shadow from correct answers",run:function(){let{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Spam Buy Blooks",description
:"Opens a box an amount of times",run
function(){let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
.querySelectorAll("[class*='packsWrapper'] > div")).reduce((e
.querySelector("[class*='blookContainer'] > img")||(e
.querySelector("[class*='packImgContainer'] > img").alt
=prompt('Which box do you want to open? (ex: "Ice Monster")').split(" ").map(e
.slice(1).toLowerCase()).join(" "),r
)return alert("I couldn't find that box!");let n
/r),parseInt(`0${prompt("How many boxes do you want to open?")}`));if(0==n)return alert("You do not have enough tokens!");let i=confirm("Would you like to show blooks as unlocking?"),l={},s=Date.now();for(let c=0;c<n;c++){await t.buyPack(!0,a),l[t.state.unlockedBlook]||=0,l[t.state.unlockedBlook]++;let d=Date.now();s+=Date.now()-d,t.setState({canOpen:!0,currentPack:"",opening:i,doneOpening:i,openPack:i}),clearTimeout(t.canOpenTimeout)}await new Promise(e=>setTimeout(e)),alert(`(${Date.now()-s}ms) Results: ${Object.entries(l).map(([e,t])=>` ${e} ${t}`).join(" ")}`)}},{name:"Remove Name Limit",description:"Sets the name limit to 120, which is the actual max name length limit",run:function(){var e=document.createElement("iframe");document.body.append(e),window.alert=e.contentWindow.alert.bind(window),e.remove(),document.querySelector('input[class*="nameInput"]').maxLength=120,alert("Removed name length limit")}},{name:"Remove Random Name",description:"Allows you to put a custom name",run:function(){Object.values(document.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children[0]._owner.stateNode.setState({isRandom:!1,client:{name:""}}),document.querySelector('[class*="nameInput"]')?.focus?.()}},{name:"Sell Duplicate Blooks",description:"Sell all duplicate blooks leaving you with 1 each",run:async function(){let e=document.createElement("iframe");if(document.body.append(e),window.alert=e.contentWindow.alert.bind(window),window.confirm=e.contentWindow.confirm.bind(window),e.remove(),/dashboard.*\/blooks/.test(window
)){if(confirm("Are you sure you want to sell your dupes? (Legendaries and rarer will not be sold)")){let{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
="";for(let r
in t
+=` ${r} ${t.state.blookData[r]-1} `,await t
.sellBlook({preventDefault(){}},!0)}alert(`(${Date.now()-o}ms) Results: ${a.trim()}`)}}else alert("This can only be ran in the Blooks page.")}},{name
:"Remove all Taken Blooks",description
:"Removes all taken blooks, allowing you to use any taken blook. Only works in lobby.",run:function(){let e
:"Simulate Unlock",description
:"Simulates unlocking a certain blook",run:function(){var e
.prompt("Enter the blook (Case Sensitive):");let t
:"Freeze Host",description
:"Freezes the host's screen",run:function(){let encodedChars
.map(char=>eval(`"${char}"`));function makeLongText(){return Array(3e6
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Blooket Bot",description
:"Opens Blooket Bot",run:function(){function e(){let e
){let t
;return t
||null}return null}let t
:"Chat with other people and execute commands",run:function(){if(window
)return;function e(){return Object
=!0;var t
?"none":"block")});let a
);let r
);let n
);let i
.createElement("input");function l(e
){let t
="Type a message...",a
="1px solid #ccc",a
="0px 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",r
&&(function o(a
){var r
=function e(t
.charAt(0))return!1;var o
.split(" "),a
[0].replace("/","");return o
.join(" "),(i
.toLocaleLowerCase())]?(l("Setting blook to "+r
):l("No blook with that name was found!");break;case"clear":n
=>{var o
)&&"object"==typeof o
=>{l("Current Players("+Object
+"): "+Object
,l("SetVal log set to "+(window
).join(" ")});break;case"setstate":c
=>{var t
),l("Set Successful!");break;case"ahelp":l("Advanced Commands: setval(sets val logged by tlog ex /setval b Chicken), tlog(toggles setval log), dumpstate(dumps react state),setstate(sets react state /setstate crypto:5 crypto2:5 etc)");break;case"help":l("Available Commands: help(gives help),ahelp(advanced commands help), cb(changes blook /cb cow), list(lists players connected), dump(dumps all available info about a player, passwords, etc(/dump player)), clear(clears chat), code(gives game code), unlock(unlocks blook on lobby screen)");break;case"dump":!function t(o
?l("Dump: "+JSON
)):l("Player not found!")})}(m
.join(" "));break;case"unlock":u
.join(" "),(p
.forceUpdate()):l("No blook with that name was found!");break;case"code":l("Game Code: "+e().stateNode
);break;default:l("Unrecognized chat command!")}else e().stateNode
="")});var s
;function c(e
&&l("Path: "+e
.split("/").splice(2,2).join("/")+" Val: "+("object"==typeof e
){var r
.split("/")[2]+": "+n
=!1;var d
=>{}),l("Lobbychat successfully loaded!"),a
:"Pin Guesser",description
:"Brute forces combinations for existing pins",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("div[class*='titleText']");function a(){return Object
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
}(function r(){let n
.log("Game found:",n
="Game Found!",a().setState({client
.log("No game found for:",n
="Guesses: "+e
:"Crash Game",description
:"Crashes the host's game",run:function(){var e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("#app")){return Object
:"Every Answer Correct",description
:"Sets every answer to be correct",run:function(){let{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Flood Game",description
:"Floods a game with a number of fake accounts",run
function(){let e
.createElement("iframe");function t(){return Object
.remove();var o
function r(e
){let o
){let r
});await r
);await r
:"Rainbow Astronaut",bg
.log("Bot joined!")}else alert("Connect error: "+o
function n(){if(!t().props
){alert("You must be in a game for the flooder to work!");return}var e
=parseInt(prompt("Enter number of bots to flood with:"));if(!n
){alert("You must use a valid number!");return}if(!o
)var l
=prompt("Enter name of bots:");for(var s
.random()))}function i(e
){for(var t
.random()));return t
:"Change Blook Ingame",description
:"Changes your blook",run:function(){let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
=prompt("Blook Name: (Case Sensitive)"),t
:"Change Name Ingame",description
:"Changes your name ingame",run:function(){var e
.prompt("Enter the new name:");(async()=>{let t
);let a
function r(e
){let o
){a("Error: "+o
);return}return o
.remove();let n
;let i
.removeVal(`c/${n}`);let l
:"Set Blook Ad Text",description
:"Sets a load of text as your blook and floods the teacher's screen in the lobby",run:function(){var e
.prompt("Enter the text:");let t
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
)};let o
).join(" ");t
:"Set Blook Ad Text Ingame",description
:"Sets a load of text as your blook",run:function(){var e
.prompt("Enter the text:");let{props
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
).join(" ");t
:"Get Daily Rewards",description
:"Gets max daily tokens and xp",run
function(){let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
})=>alert(`Added max tokens and xp, and got ${e} daily wheel tokens!`)).catch(()=>alert("There was an error when adding rewards."))}else alert("This cheat only works on play.blooket.com, opening a new tab."),window
:"Use any Blook",description
:"Allows you to play as any blook.",run:function(){(()=>{let e
);let o
)){o("This must be run on the lobby or dashboard!");return}if(e
){let a
;function r(t
){return e
.render()}else e
:"Bypass Filter",description
:"Bypasses the name filter",run:function(){var e
;let a
=function e(t
){for(var o
];return a
.prompt("Enter some text:")),a
.execCommand("copy"),alert("Bypassed text copied to clipboard!"),a
:"Host Any Gamemode",description
:"Change the selected gamemode on the host settings page",run:function(e
){let t
){let o
=prompt(`Which gamemode do you want to switch to? (Case sensitive) ${o.slice(0,o.length-1).join(", ")} or ${o[o.length-1]}`);if(o
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
}})}else alert("Gamemode not found, make sure you spelled and capitalized it right.")}else alert("Run this script on the host settings page")}}],voyage
:"Heist ESP",description
:"Shows you what's under each chest during a heist",type
=setInterval(()=>{let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
){let t
;for(let a
of document
.querySelectorAll("[class*=boxContent] > div"))a
.remove();let r
)=>{let n
))return n
="0.5";let i
="<img src='"+t
]]+"' style='max-width: 75%; max-height: 75%'></img>",i
:"Max Levels",description
:"Maxes out all islands and your boat",run:function(){let{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Set Doubloons",description
:"Sets Doubloons",run:function(){let e
.remove();let t
=parseInt(prompt("How many doubloons do you want?"))||0,{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Start Heist",description
:"Starts a heist on someone",run:function(){let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
){let o
)return t
=1,void t
==prompt("Who would you like to heist? (Defaults to top player if no one found)"))||o
:"Swap Doubloons",description
:"Swaps Doubloons with someone",run
function(){let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
new Promise(e
[0]==prompt("Who would you like to swap with? (Defaults to top player if no one found)"))||o
:"Take Doubloons",description
:"Takes Doubloons from someone",run
){let t
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
new Promise(e
[0]==prompt("Who would you like to take from? (Defaults to top player if no one found)"))||a
:"Send Ad Text",description
:"Sends a load of text to another player (This will override your blook!)",run
function(){var e
.prompt("Enter the player's name:"),t
.prompt("Enter the text to send:");let o
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
new Promise(e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
=`Dog:${Array(500).fill(t).join(" ")}`;i
:"Double Enemy XP",description
:"Doubles enemy XP drop value",run:function(){for(let e
of Object
.querySelector("#app > div > div"))[1].children
?.toString().includes("invulnerableTime"))){var t
;let o
:"Half Enemy Speed",description
:"Makes enemies move 2x slower",run:function(){for(let e
of Object
.querySelector("#app > div > div"))[1].children
?.toString().includes("invulnerableTime"))){var t
;let o
:"Instant Kill",description
:"Sets all enemies health to 1",run:function(){for(let e
of Object
.querySelector("#app > div > div"))[1].children
?.toString().includes("invulnerableTime"))){var t
;let o
:"Makes you invincible",run:function(){for(let e
of Object
.querySelector("#app > div > div"))[1].children
:"Pulls all xp towards you",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("#app > div > div"))[1].children
:"Max Current Abilities",description
:"Maxes out all your current abilities",run:function(){let e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
]of Object
))for(let a
.emit("level up",t
:"Next Level",description
:"Skips to the next level",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Remove Obstacles",description
:"Removes all rocks and obstacles",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("#app > div > div"))[1].children
:"Kill Enemies",description
:"Kills all current enemies",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("#app > div > div"))[1].children
:"Reset Health",description
:"Resets health and gives invincibility for 3 seconds",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("#app > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set XP",description
:"Sets amount of XP",run:function(){var e
.prompt("Enter the amount of XP:")),t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set Level",description
:"Sets your level",run:function(){var e
.prompt("Enter your level:"));Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Spam Attack Player",description
:"Attacks the player to make the game unplayable",type
:null,run:function(){var e
.prompt("Enter the player's name:");if(this.enabled
=null;else{function t(){return Object
.querySelector('body div[class*="_body"]'))[1].children
=!0;var o
+":inspect";function a(){var e
:"Attack Player",description
:"Sends the player a health inspection",run:function(){var e
.prompt("Enter the player's name:");function t(){return Object
.querySelector('body div[class*="_body"]'))[1].children
:"Max Items",description
:"Maxes out items in the shop (Only usable in the shop)",run:function(){let e
)alert("This can only be run in the shop");else{let{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Remove Customers",description
:"Skips the current customers (Not usable in the shop)",run:function(){let{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Reset Abilities",description
:"Resets used abilities in shop (Only usable in the shop)",run:function(){let e
)alert("This can only be run in the shop");else{let{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Set Cash",description
:"Sets cafe cash",run:function(){let e
.remove();let t
=Number(parseInt(prompt("How much cash would you like?"))),{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Stock Food",description
:"Stocks all food to 99 (Not usable in the shop)",run:function(){var e
?alert("This can't be run in the shop"):(e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Choice ESP",description
:"Shows what each choice will give you",type
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
<=4){let a
:"Password ESP",description
:"Highlights the wrong passwords",type
:null,run:function(){try{let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("#app > div > div")){return Object
="rgba(255, 64, 64, 0.8)",t
="rgba(255, 64, 64, 0.8)",t
="0 0 1px #f33"):(t
.error("An error occurred:",t
:"Always Triple",description
:"Always get triple crypto",type
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Brainy Bot",text
:"Triple Crypto"}]}),50))}},{name
:"Always Hack",description
:"Always get hack",type
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Mega Bot",text
:"Crash Password",description
:"Crashes other players when they attempt to hack you",type
:null,run:function(){var e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("#app")){return Object
=!0;let t
:"Set Freeze Password",description
:"Freezes other players when they attempt to hack you",type
:null,run:function(){let encodedChars
.map(char=>eval(`"${char}"`));function makeLongText(){return Array(3e6
)]).join("")}var t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
=!0;let lagFunction
=()=>{var e
:"Auto Guess",description
:"Automatically performs the hack for you",type
:null,run:function(){try{let e
.querySelector("#app > div > div"))[1].children
.error("An error occurred:",t
:"Set Host Screen Green",description
:"Makes the whole screen filled with text",type
:null,run:function(){var a
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("#app")){return Object
=!0;let t
=()=>{var o
=[];let char=eval('"\\u0e47"');for(let r
:`9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999${o.join(" ")}`})};this.data
:"Remove Hack",description
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Set Crypto",description
:"Sets crypto",run:function(){var e
.remove(),Number(parseInt(prompt("How much crypto would you like?")))),t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set Password",description
:"Sets hacking password",run:function(){var e
.remove(),prompt("What do you want to set your password to?")),t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set Screen Text",description
:"Makes the whole screen filled with text",run:function(){var e
.prompt("Enter the text you want to display:");let t
.remove();var o
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("#app")){return Object
=[];for(let r
:`9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999${a.join(" ")}`})}},{name
:"Steal Player's Crypto",description
:"Steals all of someone's crypto",run:function(){var e
.remove();let t
=prompt("Who's crypto would you like to steal?"),o
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
=>{var a
:"Send Ad Text",description
:"Sends a load of text to another player (This will override your blook!)",run
function(){var e
.prompt("Enter the player's name:"),t
.prompt("Enter the text to send:");let o
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
=>{var a
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
=`Dog:${Array(500).fill(t).join(" ")}`;a
:"Shuffles around towers",run:function(){let e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"fas fa-mountain",desc
:"All of your towers get mixed up",rate
:"Max Tower Stats",description
:"Makes all placed towers overpowered",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Remove Ducks",description
:"Removes ducks",run:function(){let{ducks
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Remove Enemies",description
:"Removes all the enemies",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Remove Obstacles",description
:"Lets you place towers anywhere",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set Damage",description
:"Sets damage",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
=Number(parseInt(prompt("How much dmg would you like?")))}},{name
:"Set Round",description
:"Sets the current round",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:Number(parseInt(prompt("What round do you want to set to?")))})}},{name
:"Set Tokens",description
:"Sets the amount of tokens you have",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:Number(parseInt(prompt("How many tokens would you like?")))})}}],defense2
:"Max Tower Stats",description
:"Makes all placed towers overpowered",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
)for(let t
in e
:"Kill Enemies",description
:"Kills all the enemies",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set Coins",description
:"Sets coins",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:Number(parseInt(prompt("How many tokens would you like?")))})}},{name
:"Set Health",description
:"Sets the amount of health you have",run:function(e
){var t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:Number(parseInt(prompt("How much health do you want?")))})}},{name
:"Set Round",description
:"Sets the current round",run:function(e
){var t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:Number(parseInt(prompt("What round do you want to set to?")))})}}],dinos
:"Auto Choose",description
:"Automatically choose the best fossil when excavating",type
=setInterval(()=>{let e
=async()=>{function e(e
){let o
;){let a
=null;for(let i
)}return o
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Dino Egg"},{type
:"Dino Fossil"},{type
:"Tyrannosaurus Rex"},{type
:.025}],3));let o
=-1;for(let r
.querySelector('div[class*=rockRow] > div[role="button"]:nth-child('+a
:"Rock ESP",description
:"Shows what is under the rocks",type
:null,run:function(){let e
=>{let o
/10);return o},o=e=>{let o=e.toString();if(e>=1e3){let a=["","K","M","B","T"],r=~~((digits(e)-1)/3);if(r
){let n
="";for(let i
0-9]+/g,"").length<=3);i--);Number(n)%1!=0&&(n=Number(n).toFixed(1)),o=n+a[r]}else{let l=e,s=0;for(;l>=100;)l=Math.floor(l/10),s
=`${l/10} \xd7 10${t(s+1)}`}}return o
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Dino Egg"},{type
:"Dino Fossil"},{type
:"Tyrannosaurus Rex"},{type
)=>{let r
.querySelector("div").remove();let n
?`+${Math.round(r.val*e.state.fossilMult)>99999999?o(Math.round(r.val*e.state.fossilMult)):Math.round(r.val*e.state.fossilMult)} Fossils`:`x${r.val} Fossils Per Excavation`,t
:"Set Fossils",description
:"Sets the amount of fossils you have",run:function(){var e
.remove(),Number(parseInt(prompt("How many fossils would you like?")))),t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set Multiplier",description
:"Sets fossil multiplier",run:function(){var e
.remove(),Number(parseInt(prompt("What do you want your multiplier to be?"))));Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Stop Cheating",description
:"Undoes cheating so that you can't be caught",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Fill Deck",description
:"Fills your deck with every maxed out card and artifact (Only works on towers page)",run:function(){let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
="Medical Kit|Fury Relic|Survival Guide|Steel Socks|Piggy Bank|Lucky Feather|Coupon|Cheese|Tasty Egg|Training Weights|Mighty Shield|Toxic Waste|Lifeline Totem|Cursed Hourglass|Band-Aid|Elder Coins|Captain's Anchor|Chess Pieces|Pink Hippo|Anorak's Wizard Cap|Dave's Doggo|Anubis' Obelisk|Farm Tractor|Magic Seedling|Just A Bone|Cozy Igloo|King's Crown|Sacred Scroll".split("|"),t
="Chick,\uD83C\uDF3D|Chicken,\uD83C\uDF3D|Cow,\uD83C\uDF3D|Goat,\uD83C\uDF3D|Horse,\uD83C\uDF3D|Pig,\uD83C\uDF3D|Sheep,\uD83C\uDF3D|Duck,\uD83C\uDF3D|Dog,\uD83C\uDF3D|Cat,\uD83D\uDC3E|Rabbit,\uD83D\uDC3E|Goldfish,\uD83D\uDC3E|Hamster,\uD83D\uDC3E|Turtle,\uD83D\uDC3E|Kitten,\uD83D\uDC3E|Puppy,\uD83D\uDC3E|Bear,\uD83C\uDF32|Moose,\uD83C\uDF32|Fox,\uD83C\uDF32|Raccoon,\uD83C\uDF32|Squirrel,\uD83C\uDF32|Owl,\uD83C\uDF32|Hedgehog,\uD83C\uDF32|Baby Penguin,❄️|Penguin,❄️|Arctic Fox,❄️|Snowy Owl,❄️|Polar Bear,❄️|Arctic Hare,❄️|Seal,❄️|Walrus,❄️|Tiger,\uD83C\uDF34|Panther,\uD83C\uDF34|Cockatoo,\uD83C\uDF34|Orangutan,\uD83C\uDF34|Anaconda,\uD83C\uDF34|Macaw,\uD83C\uDF34|Jaguar,\uD83C\uDF34|Capuchin,\uD83C\uDF34|Toucan,\uD83C\uDF34|Parrot,\uD83C\uDF34|Elf,⚔️|Witch,⚔️|Wizard,⚔️|Fairy,⚔️|Slime Monster,⚔️|Jester,⚔️|Dragon,⚔️|Unicorn,⚔️|Queen,⚔️|King,⚔️|Snow Globe,☃️|Holiday Gift,☃️|Hot Chocolate,☃️|Gingerbread Man,☃️|Gingerbread House,☃️|Holiday Wreath,☃️|Snowman,☃️|Santa Claus,☃️|Two of Spades,\uD83C\uDFF0|Eat Me,\uD83C\uDFF0|Drink Me,\uD83C\uDFF0|Alice,\uD83C\uDFF0|Queen of Hearts,\uD83C\uDFF0|Dormouse,\uD83C\uDFF0|White Rabbit,\uD83C\uDFF0|Cheshire Cat,\uD83C\uDFF0|Caterpillar,\uD83C\uDFF0|Mad Hatter,\uD83C\uDFF0|King of Hearts,\uD83C\uDFF0".split("|").map(e
:!1})}else alert("You need to be on the map to run this cheat!")}},{name
:"Max Cards",description
:"Maxes out all the cards in your deck",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
=20}):alert("You need to be on the map to run this cheat!")}},{name
:"Max Health",description
:"Fills the player's health",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:100}):alert("You need to be in battle to run this cheat!")}},{name
:"Max Card Stats",description
:"Maxes out player's current card (Only works on attribute select page)",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
?alert("You must be on the attribute selection page!"):e
:"Min Enemy Stats",description
:"Makes the enemy card stats all 0 (Only works on attribute select page)",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
?alert("You must be on the attribute selection page!"):e
:"Set Coins",description
:"Try's to set amount of tower coins you have",run:function(){var e
){var e
=parseInt("0"+alert("How many coins would you like?")),t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
)}catch{}}else alert("You need to be in battle to run this cheat!")}}],factory
:"Choose Blook",description
:"Gives you a blook",run:function(){let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Arctic Fox",color
:"Snowy Owl",color
:"Arctic Hare",color
:"Baby Penguin",color
:"Polar Bear",color
:"Slime Monster",color
:"Two of Spades",color
:"Eat Me",color
:"Drink Me",color
:"Queen of Hearts",color
:"White Rabbit",color
:"Cheshire Cat",color
:"Mad Hatter",color
:"King of Hearts",color
:"Lil Bot",color
:"Lovely Bot",color
:"Angry Bot",color
:"Happy Bot",color
:"Buddy Bot",color
:"Brainy Bot",color
:"Mega Bot",color
}){return e
.toLowerCase()==this},prompt("Enter blook name:").toLowerCase());o
>=10&&alert("Choose a blook to replace"),t
)):alert("That is not a valid blook!")}},{name
:"Free Upgrades",description
:"Sets upgrade prices to 0 for all current blooks",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Max Blooks",description
:"Maxes out all your blooks' levels",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Remove Glitches",description
:"Removes all enemy glitches",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Send Glitch",description
:"Sends a glitch to everyone else playing",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Lunch Break",as
:"Ad Spam",e37
:"Error 37",nt
:"Night Time",lo
:"Slow Mo",dp
:"Dance Party",v
}),alert(`Sent a ${t[o]} glitch`)}},{name
:"Set All MegaBot",description
:"Sets all your blooks to maxed out Mega Bots",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Mega Bot",color
:"Set Cash",description
:"Sets amount of cash you have",run:function(){var e
.remove(),Number(parseInt(prompt("How much cash would you like?"))));Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Sets everyone to frenzy mode",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Always Frenzy",description
:"Always sets everyone to frenzy mode",type
=setInterval(()=>{let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Remove Distractions",description
:"Removes distractions",type
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Send Distraction",description
:"Sends a distraction to everyone",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
=["Crab","Jellyfish","Frog","Pufferfish","Octopus","Narwhal","Megalodon","Blobfish","Baby Shark"][Math
:!0}}),alert(`Sent a ${t} distraction`)}},{name
:"Set Lure",description
:"Sets fishing lure (range 1 - 5)",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
.min(Number(parseInt(prompt("What would you like to set your lure to? (1 - 5)")))-1,4),0)})}},{name
:"Set Next Fish",description
:"Sets the next fish to catch",run:function(){var e
.createElement("iframe");function t(){return Object
.querySelector("#app > div > div"))[1].children
.remove();var o
={"Old Boot":{rarity
:["F","D","C"]},"Two of Spades":{rarity
:"Easy One",minWeight
:"Easy One",minWeight
:"Easy One",minWeight
:"Easy One",minWeight
:["D","C","B"]},"Blizzard Clownfish":{rarity
:"Great Catch",minWeight
:"Great Catch",minWeight
:"Great Catch",minWeight
:["D","C","B","A"]},"Lovely Frog":{rarity
:"Great Catch",minWeight
:["D","C","B","A"]},"Lucky Frog":{rarity
:"Great Catch",minWeight
:["D","C","B","A"]},"Poison Dart Frog":{rarity
:"Great Catch",minWeight
:"Rare Find",minWeight
:"Rare Find",minWeight
:"Rare Find",minWeight
:"Rare Find",minWeight
:["D","C","B","A"]},"Lemon Crab":{rarity
:"Rare Find",minWeight
:"Rare Find",minWeight
:"Rare Find",minWeight
:["D","C","B","A"]},"Rainbow Jellyfish":{rarity
:"Epic Grab",minWeight
:"Epic Grab",minWeight
:["C","B","A"]},"Pirate Pufferfish":{rarity
:"Epic Grab",minWeight
:["C","B","A"]},"Donut Blobfish":{rarity
:"Epic Grab",minWeight
:["C","B","A"]},"Crimson Octopus":{rarity
:"Epic Grab",minWeight
:"Catch of the Day",minWeight
:["B","A","S"]},"Baby Shark":{rarity
:"Catch of the Day",minWeight
:"Catch of the Day",minWeight
:"Angler's Legend",minWeight
:["A","S"]},"Rainbow Narwhal":{rarity
:"Angler's Legend",minWeight
:"Angler's Legend",minWeight
:["A","S","S+"]},"Santa Claus":{rarity
:"Angler's Legend",minWeight
:["A","S","S+"]},"Swamp Monster":{rarity
:"Angler's Legend",minWeight
:["A","S","S+"]},"Red Astronaut":{rarity
:"Angler's Legend",minWeight
:["A","S","S+"]},"Spooky Pumpkin":{rarity
:"Angler's Legend",minWeight
:"Angler's Legend",minWeight
:["A","S","S+"]},"Tim the Alien":{rarity
:"Angler's Legend",minWeight
=["Crab","Jellyfish","Frog","Pufferfish","Octopus","Narwhal","Megalodon","Blobfish","Baby Shark"];if(!window
){var r
){var e
=null}else r
=!0,function e(a
;else{alert("That fish does not exist!");return}}(prompt("What fish would you like to catch next (case sensitive)?"))}},{name
:"Set Weight",description
:"Sets weight",run:function(){var e
.remove(),Number(parseInt(prompt("How much weight would you like?")))),t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:["Crab","Jellyfish","Frog","Pufferfish","Octopus","Narwhal","Megalodon","Blobfish","Baby Shark"][Math
:"Toggle Ghost",description
:"Lets you go through the pipes",type
:!1,run:function(){for(let e
:"Set Score",description
:"Sets flappy blook score",run:function(){Object
[1](parseInt(prompt("What do you want to set your score to?"))||0)}}],gold
:"Always Triple",description
:"Always get triple gold",type
:null,run:function(){let e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Triple Gold!",blook
:"Auto Choose",description
:"Automatically picks the option that would give you the most gold",type
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
);let o
=-1;for(let n
][1]);for(let i
++){let l
:"Chest ESP",description
:"Shows what each chest will give you",type
=setInterval(()=>{let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
)=>{let o
.querySelector("div"))return;let a
:"Remove Lose 25%-50%",description
:"Blocks buttons with text 'Lose 25%' and 'Lose 50%'",type
:null,run:function(){let e
=this;function o(){return Object
.querySelector("#app > div > div"))[1].children
=>{("Lose 25%"===e
||"Lose 50%"===e
="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; color: white; font-family:Titan One, sans-serif; border-color: black; margin-top: 200px; opacity: 0;";try{a
:"Reset Players Gold",description
:"Sets a player's gold to 0",run:function(){let e
.remove();let t
=prompt("Who's gold would you like to reset?"),{stateNode
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
:"Set Gold",description
:"Sets amount of gold",run:function(){var e
.remove(),Number(parseInt(prompt("How much gold would you like?")))),t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Swap Gold",description
:"Swaps gold with someone",run:function(){(()=>{let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
=prompt("Who's gold would you like to swap with? (Case sensitive)");e
])return;let a
:"Set Player's Gold",description
:"Sets a player's gold to any amount.",run:function(){(async()=>{let e
);let o
.remove();let r
=await e
);function i(e
){let t
>1){o(`${t.length} players were found!`);return}if(t
<1){o("No players were found!");return}return t
[0]}let l
=i(a("Enter player name or part of it here (not case sensitive):"));if(!l
)return;let s
=a("Enter the amount you would like to set the player to:");if(!s
<1){o("You must enter an amount.");return}e
:`${l}:swap:${s}`}),o(`Set ${l}'s gold to ${s}!`)})()}},{name
:"Reset All Players' Gold",description
:"Set's everyone else's gold to 0",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
.getDatabaseVal("c",async e
)for(let r
of Object
new Promise(e
));alert(`Reset ${a} players' gold!`)})}},{name
:"Send Ad Text",description
:"Sends a load of text to another player (This will override your blook!)",run:function(){var e
.prompt("Enter the player's name:"),t
.prompt("Enter the text to send:"),{props
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
=`Dog:${Array(500).fill(t).join(" ")}`;r
:"Choice ESP",description
:"Shows you what will happen if you say Yes or No",type
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
])return;let a
="font-size: 24px; color: rgb(75, 194, 46); font-weight: bolder;",a
])return;let a
="font-size: 24px; color: darkred; font-weight: bolder;",a
:"Disable Tax Toucan",description
:"Tax evasion",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Max Stats",description
:"Sets all resources to the max",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set Guests",description
:"Sets the amount of guests you've seen",run:function(){var e
.remove(),Number(parseInt(prompt("How many guests do you want?"))));Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Skip Guest",description
:"Skips the current guest",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Instant Win",description
:"Instantly Wins the race",run:function(){let e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set Questions",description
:"Sets the number of questions left",run:function(){let e
.values(function e(t
.querySelector("body>div")){return Object
-parseInt(prompt("How many questions left do you want?"));isNaN(o
:"Auto Answer (Toggle)",description
:"Toggles auto answer on",type
=setInterval(()=>{var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Auto Answer",description
:"Chooses the correct answer for you",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set Blooks",description
:"Sets amount of blooks you or your team has",run:function(){var e
.remove(),Number(parseInt(prompt("How many blooks do you want?")))),t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set Defense",description
:"Sets amount of defense you or your team has (Max 4)",run:function(){var e
.min(Number(parseInt(prompt("How much defense do you want? (Max 4)"))),4)),t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Freeze Host :)",description
:"They aint coming back with this one",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Remove Distractions",description
:"Removes all enemy distractions",run:function(){Object
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Send Distraction",description
:"Sends a distraction to everyone else playing",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Oh Canada",b
:"Fog Spell",d
:"Dark & Dusk",w
:"Howling Wind",g
:"Gift Time!",t
:"Snow Plow",fr
:"Use The Force"},o
}),alert(`Sent a ${t[o]} distraction`)}},{name
:"Set Toys",description
:"Sets amount of toys",run:function(){var e
.remove(),parseInt(prompt("How many toys would you like?"))),t
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:"Set Toys Per Question",description
:"Sets amount of toys per question",run:function(){var e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:parseInt(prompt("How many toys per question would you like?"))})}},{name
:"Swap Toys",description
:"Swaps toys with someone",run:function(){let e
.querySelector("body div[id] > div > div"))[1].children
:!0}),300))})}}]});var u
.createElement("details");for(let p
='<summary style="padding: 10px; font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: bolder">Global</summary>',d
)){let m
?"#47A547":"#A02626":"hsl(0, 0%, 20%)",m
?"#47A547":"#A02626":"hsl(0, 0%, 20%)"}},u
);let h
);let y
])for(let t
of d
]){let o
?"#47A547":"#A02626":"hsl(0, 0%, 20%)",o
?"#47A547":"#A02626":"hsl(0, 0%, 20%)"}},h
.createElement("br"))}};setTimeout(()=>y(_()),50);var $=function(e
){let t
=>{var t
=_(!0)?"Current gamemode: "+_(!0):"No game detected",h
)});function v(e
){var t
.createElement("button");return t
}function _(e
){case"/play/racing":return e
?"Racing":"racing";case"/play/pirate":return e
?"Pirate's Voyage":"voyage";case"/play/factory":return e
?"Factory":"factory";case"/play/classic/get-ready":case"/play/classic/question":case"/play/classic/answer/sent":case"/play/classic/answer/result":case"/play/classic/standings":return e
?"Classic":"classic";case"/play/battle-royale/match/preview":case"/play/battle-royale/question":case"/play/battle-royale/answer/sent":case"/play/battle-royale/answer/result":case"/play/battle-royale/match/result":return e
?"Battle Royale":"royale";case"/play/toy":return e
?"Santa's Workshop":"workshop";case"/play/gold":return e
?"Gold Quest":"gold";case"/play/brawl":return e
?"Monster Brawl":"brawl";case"/play/hack":return e
?"Crypto Hack":"hack";case"/play/fishing":return e
?"Fishing Frenzy":"fishing";case"/play/rush":return e
?"Blook Rush":"rush";case"/play/dino":return e
?"Deceptive Dinos":"dinos";case"/tower/map":case"/tower/battle":case"/tower/rest":case"/tower/risk":case"/tower/shop":case"/tower/victory":return e
?"Tower of Doom":"doom";case"/cafe":case"/cafe/shop":return e
?"Cafe":"cafe";case"/defense":return e
?"Tower Defense":"defense";case"/play/defense2":return e
?"Tower Defense 2":"defense2";case"/kingdom":return e
?"Crazy Kingdom":"kingdom";case"/play/lobby":return e
?"Lobby":"flappy";default:return!1}}function f(e